Templates and AI assistantPRO


Mockoon templates are pieces of JSON, often with templating helpers, that can be used in Mockoon to quickly prototype your mock APIs. They can be used in your HTTP route's body or as data bucket content to create realistic and dynamic data.

Two types of templates are available: pre-generated and AI-generated.

 Use the pre-generated templates

The pre-generated templates can be found in the desktop application.

To use a template in your routes, click on the "From template" entry in the route creation menu to open the templates dialog:

modal with templates list

Then, select the template you want to use and either copy-paste its content manually or click on one of the two buttons to create a new GET endpoint or a CRUD endpoint with a data bucket.

create get route from template

The "GET route" button will create a new HTTP GET route and copy the template content as the body. The "CRUD + data" button will create a new CRUD endpoint with a linked data bucket and copy the template content as the data bucket content.

 Use the AI assistant to generate realistic data

You can also use our AI assistant to generate realistic mock data for your various endpoints by providing a custom prompt. This feature is available in the desktop application and is part of the Mockoon Pro plans.

To generate a new template, click the "From template" button in the route creation menu (see above), and select the "Generate" tab:

AI assistant generate tab

Then, write a prompt (e.g. "list of users") and click the "Generate" button.

AI assistant generate button click

Finally, you can copy-paste the generated template manually or click on one of the two buttons to create a new GET endpoint or a CRUD endpoint with a data bucket.

create get route from template

 Writing prompts

Mockoon AI assistant wraps your prompt with various instructions to help you generate the most relevant template for your needs. It has been optimized for the JSON format but can also generate templates in XML, CSV, etc. Several options are available to fine-tune the generated templates:

  • JSON: the generated template will be a valid JSON object.
  • array: the generated template root level will be a JSON array (usually used with the JSON option).
  • templating: the generated template will contain Handlebars templating helpers (e.g. {{faker 'person.firstName'}}). Please note that disabling this option usually results in longer templates.

prompt options buttons

You will obtain best results with shorter prompts: "list of users", "JSON configuration for library X", etc.

If you want more freedom when generating templates (using a different data format, etc.), you can disable the various options. Our system will still manage your prompt to increase the relevance of the generated template.

 AI assistant quota

Each use of the AI assistant will count as one credit towards your monthly quota. You can check your quota in your account page.