Frequently asked questions

What is API mocking?

To learn more about APIs and API mocking in general, you can read our API and API mocking guides.

How does Mockoon mock API creation work?

Unlike many other mocking tools, Mockoon is a desktop application using a local Node.js server to avoid latency and the hassle of deploying through a remote service. You can read our getting started tutorial for an overview of how Mockoon works.

Does Mockoon need elevated rights to run?

No, Mockoon can be run in most environments by regular non-privileged users.

Does Mockoon work behind a company firewall?

Mockoon creates a local mock server running on Node.js and does not require internet access. The server is then made available on all local network adapters (localhost,, 192.168.x.x, etc.) on the port you define. If the machine on which Mockoon is running has open ports on the local network, other users will be able to access it.

Does Mockoon require an active internet connection?

No, you don't need an internet connection to use Mockoon. Everything runs locally.
However, an internet connection is required to use our cloud services.

Do you need an account to create mock APIs?

No, you don't need to sign up or create an account to use Mockoon.

Does Mockoon offer a CLI?

Yes, Mockoon has an official CLI that allows you to run all your mock APIs in any headless or automated environment: servers, CI, GitHub Actions, Docker containers, etc. A Docker image is available on Mockoon's Docker Hub as well as a GitHub Action.

Is Mockoon compatible with cloud functions and serverless environments?

Yes, Mockoon has an official NPM package that allows you to run all your mock API servers in cloud functions and serverless environments: AWS Lambda, GCP Functions, Firebase Functions, etc.

Is Mockoon compatible with OpenAPI?

Yes, Mockoon supports most of the OpenAPI specifications (v2 and v3) both for import and export. You can learn more on Mockoon's OpenAPI documentation page.

Is Mockoon free and/or open source?

Mockoon is 100% free AND open source (MIT license). We also have a Cloud version that offers additional features (see below).

Do you offer a Cloud version?

Yes, we have Cloud plans that offers additional features like AI-powered API mocks generation, data synchronization and real-time collaboration, cloud deployments, enterprise-grade support, and more!

Do you offer enterprise-grade support?

Yes, you can get enterprise-grade support with our Cloud plans. We can also provide priority support separately. Contact us for more information.

Do you use my data or content for AI training?

No. We do not use your mock API data or content for AI training.

Where are my data stored?

Mockoon application data and settings are stored in your operating system user data folder:

  • Windows: c:/Users/xxx/AppData/Roaming/mockoon/storage
  • Linux: ~/.config/mockoon/storage
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/mockoon/storage

If you use the Windows portable version, your data will be stored next to the executable in a ./mockoon-data/storage folder. The ./mockoon-data folder also contains all the files necessary to run the application.

Mockoon's storage folder contains mainly two files: a settings.json file with your application settings and preferences and an environments.json file containing all your API mocks data. Starting with v1.16.0, your mock APIs are stored in separated files and can reside anywhere on your hard drive. After the migration to v1.16.0, the storage folder will contain as many environment-x.json files as you had mock APIs created in Mockoon. You can then move them elsewhere.

Learn more about Mockoon's data storage

Is the application collecting usage data?

Yes. Since version 1.15.0, the desktop application uses a custom telemetry system collecting anonymous and basic usage data like session duration, country, operating system, application version, and number of environments. You can opt out of this telemetry system in the application settings. Starting with version 1.19.0, the desktop application is not using Google Analytics anymore.

None of your mock API data like route names, headers, bodies are collected.

No data or telemetry is collected when using the CLI.