Learn with Mockoon's tutorials

Learn how to get started with Mockoon and create mock APIs for your favorite languages and frameworks

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Create your first mock API with Mockoon

Learn how to create your first mock REST API with Mockoon in less than 5 minutes

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Create multiple route responses with dynamic rules

Learn how to create multiple responses for an API endpoint and serve them using dynamic rules

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Run your mock REST APIs anywhere with Mockoon CLI

Learn how to create mock REST APIs and run them anywhere with the CLI

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Create a partial mock API with Mockoon's proxy mode

Learn how to create partial mocks of existing APIs with Mockoon's proxy mode in three easy steps

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Record API requests and HTTP traffic and auto-mock endpoints

Learn how to record entering API requests and HTTP traffic and auto-mock your endpoints with Mockoon

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Generate dynamic mock data with Mockoon templating system

Learn how to generate dynamic JSON, CSV or XML realistic mock data with Mockoon powerful templating system and helpers

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Use persisting data buckets to share data across routes

Learn how to use Mockoon's data bucket feature to share data across routes and create more advanced scenarios with configuration endpoints

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Create full mock REST APIs in seconds using Mockoon's CRUD routes

Learn how to use Mockoon's CRUD routes to create a full mock REST API and manipulate resources with GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests.

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Create global rules for your routes

Learn how to create global rules to protect all your routes at once.

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Use global variables to save the state between requests

Use global variables to save the state between requests and simulate complex workflows and scenarios in your mock API.

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Access environment variables in your templates

Learn how to access environment variables in your mock server templates to avoid exposing your API keys.

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Serve static files with a custom mock endpoint

Learn how to create an endpoint to serve static files (images, fonts, etc.) in your mock API server using Mockoon

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Easily call a mock REST API from a Node.js application

Learn how to call a third-party REST API and to mock it with Mockoon when working on your Node.js backend application

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Call a mock API from your Angular application

Learn how to call a REST API from your Angular application service and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock API from your Next.js application

Learn how to call a REST API from your Next.js application service and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock REST API from your React application

Learn how to call a REST API from your React application service and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock REST API from your Nuxt project

Learn how to call a REST API server from your Nuxt project and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock REST API from your Vue.js application

Learn how to call a REST API from your Vue.js application service and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock API from your JavaScript application

Learn how to call a REST API endpoint from your JavaScript application and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Call a mock API from your Ionic mobile application

Learn how to call a REST API from your Ionic mobile application and mock it using Mockoon API mocking tools

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Create your first API with Express (or mock it using Mockoon!)

Learn how to create your first REST API and endpoints with the Node.js Express framework or mock it using Mockoon to accelerate your application development

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Create your first API with Flask (or mock it using Mockoon!)

Learn how to create your first REST API and endpoints with Python's Flask microframework or mock it using Mockoon to accelerate your application development

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Create your first Java Spring API (or mock it using Mockoon!)

Learn how to create your first REST API and endpoints with java Spring framework or mock it using Mockoon to accelerate your application development

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Create your first API with PHP Laravel (or mock it using Mockoon!)

Learn how to create your first REST API and endpoints with the PHP Laravel framework or mock it using Mockoon to accelerate your application development

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Create your first API with the Golang Gin (or mock it using Mockoon!)

Learn how to create your first REST API and endpoints with the Golang Gin framework or mock it using Mockoon to accelerate your application development

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