📃 Mockoon pre-generated templates

Make API development a breeze with our comprehensive library of JSON templates, designed to help you prototype and learn faster in Mockoon.

List of flights

[ {{#repeat 10}} { "id": "{{faker 'string.uuid'}}", "flightNumber": "{{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}", "airline": "{{faker 'company.name'}}", "departureAirport": "{{faker 'location.city'}}", "arrivalAirport": "{{faker 'location.city'}}", "departureTime": "{{faker 'date.recent'}}", "arrivalTime": "{{faker 'date.future'}}", "price": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}, "isDirect": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}} } {{/repeat}} ]

This template facilitates the generation of random flights, complete with properties such as flight number, airline, departure/arrival airports, departure/arrival times, prices, and direct flight indicators. Its primary utility lies in prototyping travel applications and booking platforms. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for testing flight-related functionalities, ensuring accuracy and reliability within applications. These data are perfect to prototype or serve as sample data for applications like travel booking platforms, flight search engines, and airline reservation systems.