📃 Mockoon pre-generated templates

Make API development a breeze with our comprehensive library of JSON templates, designed to help you prototype and learn faster in Mockoon.

List of certificates

[ {{#repeat 10}} { "id": "{{faker 'string.uuid'}}", "name": "{{faker 'company.name'}}", "issuer": "{{faker 'company.name'}}", "date": "{{faker 'date.past'}}", "expiration": "{{faker 'date.future'}}", "verified": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}} } {{/repeat}} ]

This template facilitates the generation of random certificates, including properties such as name, issuer, date, and expiration date. Its primary utility lies in populating mock databases for certification platforms and e-learning apps. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for testing certification-related functionalities, ensuring accuracy and reliability within applications. These data are perfect to prototype or serve as sample data for applications like certification platforms, e-learning apps, and training portals.