Requests logging

 Accessing the logs

For easier debugging, Mockoon records all entering requests and all the corresponding outgoing responses for each of your mock API. To access an environment's log, click on the "Logs" tab at the top of the window:

click the logs tab

 Logs content

The list shows all intercepted requests and how Mockoon answered to them. Please note that all requests are intercepted, even the /favicon request made by the browser. Each record contains the entering request and the outgoing response information. This includes the complete list of headers, route params, query params, and body in raw format.

view the request

view the response

 Logs metadata

You can also easily see if a request has been caught by Mockoon (record shows a green tick) or has been passed to another URL if the proxy mode is activated (record shows a shield icon):

view logs metadata

 File logging

Mockoon records all transactions in the logs file in JSON format:

{ "app": "mockoon-server", "level": "info", "message": "Transaction recorded", "timestamp": "2023-06-29T09:40:01.772Z" "environmentName": "Demo API", "environmentUUID": "6a5ccd5b-fd28-471a-bbdc-cbbd7ea54157", "requestMethod": "GET", "requestPath": "/test", "requestProxied": false, "responseStatus": 200, }

You can also enable full transaction logging in the application settings by checking the "Log the full transactions" checkbox in the settings dialog.

When using this option, logs will contain the full transaction (request and response) with the same information you can see in the desktop application "Logs" tab:

{ "app": "mockoon-server", "level": "info", "message": "Transaction recorded", "timestamp": "2023-06-29T09:02:09.801Z", "environmentName": "Demo API", "environmentUUID": "d682bfab-52aa-4ec5-a3a5-853e6d3950cc", "requestMethod": "GET", "requestPath": "/test", "requestProxied": false, "responseStatus": 200, "transaction": { "proxied": false, "request": { "body": "{}", "headers": [{ "key": "accept", "value": "*/*" }], "method": "GET", "params": [], "query": "", "queryParams": {}, "route": "/test", "urlPath": "/test" }, "response": { "body": "{}", "headers": [{ "key": "content-type", "value": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }], "statusCode": 200, "statusMessage": "OK" }, "routeResponseUUID": "173e37f8-7edd-4ca4-9244-32ca14eeb158", "routeUUID": "03a3f8de-7a4e-4dd1-a008-719e6165207c" } }