Callbacks overview

 What are callbacks?

Callbacks are a way to make one or more HTTP calls after an entering request reaches your route. This is useful to call other APIs or micro-services or to trigger a webhook.

Callbacks are fully configurable and are created at the environment level, like the data buckets.

 Create a callback

To create a new callback, open the Callbacks options by clicking on the tab at the top of the window:

click on the callbacks tab at the top

Add a new callback by clicking on the "plus" button:

Add a new callback by clicking on the plus button

 Configure a callback

The callback configuration interface is very similar to the route response interface. You can configure the callback's name, description, method, URL, body, and headers:

  • URL: the URL to call. Supports templating helpers.
  • Method: the HTTP method to use for the call. Only some methods support a body (POST, PUT, and PATCH).
  • Body: the body to send with the call. You can serve an inline body, a file, or the content of a data bucket. They support templating too. Please refer to the response body documentation for more details.
  • Headers: the headers to send with the call. They support our templating helpers.