Admin API: events

This endpoint allows you to subscribe to real-time events from your mock server. It uses the Server-sent events (SSE) protocol to send the events in real-time.

 Subscribe to the events

To subscribe to the events, call the following endpoint:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /mockoon-admin/events

Example request:

GET /mockoon-admin/events


The events are sent in the JSON format:

data: {"event":"{EVENT_NAME}","{DATA_PROPERTY}":...}

The event names and poperties are following the same structure as the MockoonServer events. Currently, the following events are sent:

  • transaction-complete: sent when a transaction is completed. Contains the transaction data in a transaction property.
  • data-bucket-processed: sent when the data buckets are processed when launching the server. Contains the data buckets statuses in a dataBuckets property.

 Log event

Example of a log event:

{ "event": "transaction-complete", "transaction": { "request": { "method": "get", "urlPath": "/test", "route": "/test", "params": [], "query": "", "queryParams": {}, "body": "", "headers": [ { "key": "accept", "value": "*/*" }, { "key": "accept-encoding", "value": "gzip, br, deflate" } ] }, "response": { "statusCode": 200, "statusMessage": "OK", "headers": [{ "key": "content-type", "value": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }], "body": "" }, "routeResponseUUID": "24571b2f-25ce-4107-9bc7-e24913d21fc4", "routeUUID": "1803af89-c34c-45ac-a019-e856f137e3b2", "proxied": false, "timestampMs": 1741706443013 } }

The data in the transaction property is following the Transaction model similar to the one used in the /mockoon-admin/logs endpoint.

 Data buckets processed event

This event is triggered when the data buckets are processed during the server launch. It contains details about the statuses of the data buckets in a dataBuckets property:

{ "event": "data-bucket-processed", "dataBuckets": [ { "uuid": "3b95903c-4291-4cee-bcf3-824e6793b8a7", "id": "jb18", "name": "data 1", "parsed": true, "validJson": true }, { "uuid": "7b5ad631-1936-4b37-9334-2bad9fb97c88", "id": "fhcj", "name": "data 2", "parsed": true, "validJson": true } ] }

This event is also re-emitted every time a new client subscribes to the events.