📃 Mockoon pre-generated templates

Make API development a breeze with our comprehensive library of JSON templates, designed to help you prototype and learn faster in Mockoon.

List of contacts

[ {{#repeat 10}} { "id": "{{faker 'string.uuid'}}", "name": "{{faker 'person.firstName'}} {{faker 'person.lastName'}}", "email": "{{faker 'internet.email'}}", "phone": "{{faker 'phone.number'}}", "address": { "street": "{{faker 'location.streetAddress'}}", "city": "{{faker 'location.city'}}", "state": "{{faker 'location.state'}}", "zip": "{{faker 'location.zipCode'}}" }, "age": {{faker 'number.int' min=5 max=140}} } {{/repeat}} ]

With the capability to generate randomized contacts, including names, ages, emails, phone numbers, and complete addresses, this template serves as a valuable resource for generating contact lists for prototype applications or testing contact-related functionalities within applications. Its utility extends beyond testing purposes, offering the flexibility to simulate a comprehensive database of contacts. By providing diverse entries, it enables developers to assess application performance across various contact scenarios with ease, ensuring reliability and effectiveness. These data are perfect to prototype or serve as sample data for applications like CRM systems, contact management tools, and address book applications.