📃 Mockoon pre-generated templates

Make API development a breeze with our comprehensive library of JSON templates, designed to help you prototype and learn faster in Mockoon.

List of articles

[ {{#repeat 10}} { "id": "{{faker 'string.uuid'}}", "title": "{{faker 'lorem.sentence'}}", "author": "{{faker 'person.fullName'}}", "date": "{{faker 'date.past'}}", "content": "{{faker 'lorem.paragraph'}}", "views": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}, "isPublished": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}} } {{/repeat}} ]

Designed to generate random articles with properties such as title, author, date, content, views, and publication status, this template serves as a valuable resource for blogs and news platforms. Whether populating mock databases or serving as sample data for content management systems, it offers developers essential article information for testing and analysis. These data are perfect to prototype or serve as sample data for applications like blogs, news platforms, and content management systems.