Mock sample for your project: Azure Media Services API

Integrate with "Azure Media Services API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Azure Media Services

Version: 2018-07-01

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Azure Media Services API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


This Swagger was generated by the API Framework.

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Security Center
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Azure resources can be linked together to form logical relationships. You can establish links between resources belonging to different resource groups. However, all the linked resources must belong to the same subscription. Each resource can be linked to 50 other resources. If any of the linked resources are deleted or moved, the link owner must clean up the remaining link.

The Microsoft Azure Network management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Microsoft Azure Networks service to manage your network resources. The API has entities that capture the relationship between an end user and the Microsoft Azure Networks service.

Role based access control provides you a way to apply granular level policy administration down to individual resources or resource groups. These calls handle provider operations.

Use these REST APIs for performing retrieving a collection of policy snippets available in Azure API Management deployment.

Azure Application Insights client for web test locations.

Client that can be used to query an index and upload, merge, or delete documents.

Security Center
API spec for Microsoft.Security (Azure Security Center) resource provider

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on Backend entity in Azure API Management deployment. The Backend entity in API Management represents a backend service that is configured to skip certification chain validation when using a self-signed certificate to test mutual certificate authentication.

Azure Addons Resource Provider
The service for managing third party addons.

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Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

The Amazon Braket API Reference provides information about the operations and structures supported in Amazon Braket.

Amazon Kinesis Analytics

Amazon Kinesis Analytics Overview This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation. This is the Amazon Kinesis Analytics v1 API Reference. The Amazon Kinesis Analytics Developer Guide provides additional information.

Deployment Admin Client.

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Amazon Lookout for Vision

This is the Amazon Lookout for Vision API Reference. It provides descriptions of actions, data types, common parameters, and common errors. Amazon Lookout for Vision enables you to find visual defects in industrial products, accurately and at scale. It uses computer vision to identify missing components in an industrial product, damage to vehicles or structures, irregularities in production lines, and even minuscule defects in silicon wafers — or any other physical item where quality is important such as a missing capacitor on printed circuit boards.

FinSpace User Environment Management service

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Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing A load balancer can distribute incoming traffic across your EC2 instances. This enables you to increase the availability of your application. The load balancer also monitors the health of its registered instances and ensures that it routes traffic only to healthy instances. You configure your load balancer to accept incoming traffic by specifying one or more listeners, which are configured with a protocol and port number for connections from clients to the load balancer and a protocol and port number for connections from the load balancer to the instances. Elastic Load Balancing supports three types of load balancers: Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, and Classic Load Balancers. You can select a load balancer based on your application needs. For more information, see the Elastic Load Balancing User Guide. This reference covers the 2012-06-01 API, which supports Classic Load Balancers. The 2015-12-01 API supports Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers. To get started, create a load balancer with one or more listeners using CreateLoadBalancer. Register your instances with the load balancer using RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer. All Elastic Load Balancing operations are idempotent, which means that they complete at most one time. If you repeat an operation, it succeeds with a 200 OK response code.

AWS EC2 Instance Connect

Amazon EC2 Instance Connect enables system administrators to publish one-time use SSH public keys to EC2, providing users a simple and secure way to connect to their instances.