Mock sample for your project: Amazon CloudWatch Events API

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Amazon CloudWatch Events

Version: 2015-10-07

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Speed up your application development by using "Amazon CloudWatch Events API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
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Amazon EventBridge helps you to respond to state changes in your Amazon Web Services resources. When your resources change state, they automatically send events to an event stream. You can create rules that match selected events in the stream and route them to targets to take action. You can also use rules to take action on a predetermined schedule. For example, you can configure rules to: Automatically invoke an Lambda function to update DNS entries when an event notifies you that Amazon EC2 instance enters the running state. Direct specific API records from CloudTrail to an Amazon Kinesis data stream for detailed analysis of potential security or availability risks. Periodically invoke a built-in target to create a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume. For more information about the features of Amazon EventBridge, see the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

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AWS CodeCommit

AWS CodeCommit This is the AWS CodeCommit API Reference. This reference provides descriptions of the operations and data types for AWS CodeCommit API along with usage examples. You can use the AWS CodeCommit API to work with the following objects: Repositories, by calling the following: BatchGetRepositories, which returns information about one or more repositories associated with your AWS account. CreateRepository, which creates an AWS CodeCommit repository. DeleteRepository, which deletes an AWS CodeCommit repository. GetRepository, which returns information about a specified repository. ListRepositories, which lists all AWS CodeCommit repositories associated with your AWS account. UpdateRepositoryDescription, which sets or updates the description of the repository. UpdateRepositoryName, which changes the name of the repository. If you change the name of a repository, no other users of that repository can access it until you send them the new HTTPS or SSH URL to use. Branches, by calling the following: CreateBranch, which creates a branch in a specified repository. DeleteBranch, which deletes the specified branch in a repository unless it is the default branch. GetBranch, which returns information about a specified branch. ListBranches, which lists all branches for a specified repository. UpdateDefaultBranch, which changes the default branch for a repository. Files, by calling the following: DeleteFile, which deletes the content of a specified file from a specified branch. GetBlob, which returns the base-64 encoded content of an individual Git blob object in a repository. GetFile, which returns the base-64 encoded content of a specified file. GetFolder, which returns the contents of a specified folder or directory. PutFile, which adds or modifies a single file in a specified repository and branch. Commits, by calling the following: BatchGetCommits, which returns information about one or more commits in a repository. CreateCommit, which creates a commit for changes to a repository. GetCommit, which returns information about a commit, including commit messages and author and committer information. GetDifferences, which returns information about the differences in a valid commit specifier (such as a branch, tag, HEAD, commit ID, or other fully qualified reference). Merges, by calling the following: BatchDescribeMergeConflicts, which returns information about conflicts in a merge between commits in a repository. CreateUnreferencedMergeCommit, which creates an unreferenced commit between two branches or commits for the purpose of comparing them and identifying any potential conflicts. DescribeMergeConflicts, which returns information about merge conflicts between the base, source, and destination versions of a file in a potential merge. GetMergeCommit, which returns information about the merge between a source and destination commit. GetMergeConflicts, which returns information about merge conflicts between the source and destination branch in a pull request. GetMergeOptions, which returns information about the available merge options between two branches or commit specifiers. MergeBranchesByFastForward, which merges two branches using the fast-forward merge option. MergeBranchesBySquash, which merges two branches using the squash merge option. MergeBranchesByThreeWay, which merges two branches using the three-way merge option. Pull requests, by calling the following: CreatePullRequest, which creates a pull request in a specified repository. CreatePullRequestApprovalRule, which creates an approval rule for a specified pull request. DeletePullRequestApprovalRule, which deletes an approval rule for a specified pull request. DescribePullRequestEvents, which returns information about one or more pull request events. EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRules, which evaluates whether a pull request has met all the conditions specified in its associated approval rules. GetCommentsForPullRequest, which returns information about comments on a specified pull request. GetPullRequest, which returns information about a specified pull request. GetPullRequestApprovalStates, which returns information about the approval states for a specified pull request. GetPullRequestOverrideState, which returns information about whether approval rules have been set aside (overriden) for a pull request, and if so, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or identity that overrode the rules and their requirements for the pull request. ListPullRequests, which lists all pull requests for a repository. MergePullRequestByFastForward, which merges the source destination branch of a pull request into the specified destination branch for that pull request using the fast-forward merge option. MergePullRequestBySquash, which merges the source destination branch of a pull request into the specified destination branch for that pull request using the squash merge option. MergePullRequestByThreeWay. which merges the source destination branch of a pull request into the specified destination branch for that pull request using the three-way merge option. OverridePullRequestApprovalRules, which sets aside all approval rule requirements for a pull request. PostCommentForPullRequest, which posts a comment to a pull request at the specified line, file, or request. UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContent, which updates the structure of an approval rule for a pull request. UpdatePullRequestApprovalState, which updates the state of an approval on a pull request. UpdatePullRequestDescription, which updates the description of a pull request. UpdatePullRequestStatus, which updates the status of a pull request. UpdatePullRequestTitle, which updates the title of a pull request. Approval rule templates, by calling the following: AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepository, which associates a template with a specified repository. After the template is associated with a repository, AWS CodeCommit creates approval rules that match the template conditions on every pull request created in the specified repository. BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories, which associates a template with one or more specified repositories. After the template is associated with a repository, AWS CodeCommit creates approval rules that match the template conditions on every pull request created in the specified repositories. BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories, which removes the association between a template and specified repositories so that approval rules based on the template are not automatically created when pull requests are created in those repositories. CreateApprovalRuleTemplate, which creates a template for approval rules that can then be associated with one or more repositories in your AWS account. DeleteApprovalRuleTemplate, which deletes the specified template. It does not remove approval rules on pull requests already created with the template. DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepository, which removes the association between a template and a repository so that approval rules based on the template are not automatically created when pull requests are created in the specified repository. GetApprovalRuleTemplate, which returns information about an approval rule template. ListApprovalRuleTemplates, which lists all approval rule templates in the AWS Region in your AWS account. ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepository, which lists all approval rule templates that are associated with a specified repository. ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplate, which lists all repositories associated with the specified approval rule template. UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescription, which updates the description of an approval rule template. UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateName, which updates the name of an approval rule template. UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContent, which updates the content of an approval rule template. Comments in a repository, by calling the following: DeleteCommentContent, which deletes the content of a comment on a commit in a repository. GetComment, which returns information about a comment on a commit. GetCommentReactions, which returns information about emoji reactions to comments. GetCommentsForComparedCommit, which returns information about comments on the comparison between two commit specifiers in a repository. PostCommentForComparedCommit, which creates a comment on the comparison between two commit specifiers in a repository. PostCommentReply, which creates a reply to a comment. PutCommentReaction, which creates or updates an emoji reaction to a comment. UpdateComment, which updates the content of a comment on a commit in a repository. Tags used to tag resources in AWS CodeCommit (not Git tags), by calling the following: ListTagsForResource, which gets information about AWS tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in AWS CodeCommit. TagResource, which adds or updates tags for a resource in AWS CodeCommit. UntagResource, which removes tags for a resource in AWS CodeCommit. Triggers, by calling the following: GetRepositoryTriggers, which returns information about triggers configured for a repository. PutRepositoryTriggers, which replaces all triggers for a repository and can be used to create or delete triggers. TestRepositoryTriggers, which tests the functionality of a repository trigger by sending data to the trigger target. For information about how to use AWS CodeCommit, see the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

Amazon CloudHSM

AWS CloudHSM Service This is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic. For more information, see AWS CloudHSM Classic FAQs, the AWS CloudHSM Classic User Guide, and the AWS CloudHSM Classic API Reference. For information about the current version of AWS CloudHSM, see AWS CloudHSM, the AWS CloudHSM User Guide, and the AWS CloudHSM API Reference.

AWS Budgets

The AWS Budgets API enables you to use AWS Budgets to plan your service usage, service costs, and instance reservations. The API reference provides descriptions, syntax, and usage examples for each of the actions and data types for AWS Budgets. Budgets provide you with a way to see the following information: How close your plan is to your budgeted amount or to the free tier limits Your usage-to-date, including how much you've used of your Reserved Instances (RIs) Your current estimated charges from AWS, and how much your predicted usage will accrue in charges by the end of the month How much of your budget has been used AWS updates your budget status several times a day. Budgets track your unblended costs, subscriptions, refunds, and RIs. You can create the following types of budgets: Cost budgets - Plan how much you want to spend on a service. Usage budgets - Plan how much you want to use one or more services. RI utilization budgets - Define a utilization threshold, and receive alerts when your RI usage falls below that threshold. This lets you see if your RIs are unused or under-utilized. RI coverage budgets - Define a coverage threshold, and receive alerts when the number of your instance hours that are covered by RIs fall below that threshold. This lets you see how much of your instance usage is covered by a reservation. Service Endpoint The AWS Budgets API provides the following endpoint: For information about costs that are associated with the AWS Budgets API, see AWS Cost Management Pricing.

Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

This section provides documentation for the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler API operations. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler collects runtime performance data from your live applications, and provides recommendations that can help you fine-tune your application performance. Using machine learning algorithms, CodeGuru Profiler can help you find your most expensive lines of code and suggest ways you can improve efficiency and remove CPU bottlenecks. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler provides different visualizations of profiling data to help you identify what code is running on the CPU, see how much time is consumed, and suggest ways to reduce CPU utilization. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler currently supports applications written in all Java virtual machine (JVM) languages and Python. While CodeGuru Profiler supports both visualizations and recommendations for applications written in Java, it can also generate visualizations and a subset of recommendations for applications written in other JVM languages and Python. For more information, see What is Amazon CodeGuru Profiler in the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler User Guide.

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Amazon Lex Build-Time Actions Amazon Lex is an AWS service for building conversational voice and text interfaces. Use these actions to create, update, and delete conversational bots for new and existing client applications.

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Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift Overview This is an interface reference for Amazon Redshift. It contains documentation for one of the programming or command line interfaces you can use to manage Amazon Redshift clusters. Note that Amazon Redshift is asynchronous, which means that some interfaces may require techniques, such as polling or asynchronous callback handlers, to determine when a command has been applied. In this reference, the parameter descriptions indicate whether a change is applied immediately, on the next instance reboot, or during the next maintenance window. For a summary of the Amazon Redshift cluster management interfaces, go to Using the Amazon Redshift Management Interfaces. Amazon Redshift manages all the work of setting up, operating, and scaling a data warehouse: provisioning capacity, monitoring and backing up the cluster, and applying patches and upgrades to the Amazon Redshift engine. You can focus on using your data to acquire new insights for your business and customers. If you are a first-time user of Amazon Redshift, we recommend that you begin by reading the Amazon Redshift Getting Started Guide. If you are a database developer, the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide explains how to design, build, query, and maintain the databases that make up your data warehouse.

AWS Certificate Manager

Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager You can use Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager (ACM) to manage SSL/TLS certificates for your Amazon Web Services-based websites and applications. For more information about using ACM, see the Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager User Guide.

AWS Savings Plans

Savings Plans are a pricing model that offer significant savings on AWS usage (for example, on Amazon EC2 instances). You commit to a consistent amount of usage, in USD per hour, for a term of 1 or 3 years, and receive a lower price for that usage. For more information, see the AWS Savings Plans User Guide.

Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail is the easiest way to get started with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for developers who need to build websites or web applications. It includes everything you need to launch your project quickly - instances (virtual private servers), container services, storage buckets, managed databases, SSD-based block storage, static IP addresses, load balancers, content delivery network (CDN) distributions, DNS management of registered domains, and resource snapshots (backups) - for a low, predictable monthly price. You can manage your Lightsail resources using the Lightsail console, Lightsail API, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or SDKs. For more information about Lightsail concepts and tasks, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide. This API Reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the Lightsail service. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas of the Lightsail service, see Amazon Lightsail Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.

AWS Cost and Usage Report Service

The AWS Cost and Usage Report API enables you to programmatically create, query, and delete AWS Cost and Usage report definitions. AWS Cost and Usage reports track the monthly AWS costs and usage associated with your AWS account. The report contains line items for each unique combination of AWS product, usage type, and operation that your AWS account uses. You can configure the AWS Cost and Usage report to show only the data that you want, using the AWS Cost and Usage API. Service Endpoint The AWS Cost and Usage Report API provides the following endpoint:

AWS IoT Greengrass V2

IoT Greengrass brings local compute, messaging, data management, sync, and ML inference capabilities to edge devices. This enables devices to collect and analyze data closer to the source of information, react autonomously to local events, and communicate securely with each other on local networks. Local devices can also communicate securely with Amazon Web Services IoT Core and export IoT data to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. IoT Greengrass developers can use Lambda functions and components to create and deploy applications to fleets of edge devices for local operation. IoT Greengrass Version 2 provides a new major version of the IoT Greengrass Core software, new APIs, and a new console. Use this API reference to learn how to use the IoT Greengrass V2 API operations to manage components, manage deployments, and core devices. For more information, see What is IoT Greengrass? in the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.

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AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions AWS Step Functions is a service that lets you coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. You can use Step Functions to build applications from individual components, each of which performs a discrete function, or task, allowing you to scale and change applications quickly. Step Functions provides a console that helps visualize the components of your application as a series of steps. Step Functions automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries steps when there are errors, so your application executes predictably and in the right order every time. Step Functions logs the state of each step, so you can quickly diagnose and debug any issues. Step Functions manages operations and underlying infrastructure to ensure your application is available at any scale. You can run tasks on AWS, your own servers, or any system that has access to AWS. You can access and use Step Functions using the console, the AWS SDKs, or an HTTP API. For more information about Step Functions, see the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide .

Amazon Cognito Sync

Amazon Cognito Sync Amazon Cognito Sync provides an AWS service and client library that enable cross-device syncing of application-related user data. High-level client libraries are available for both iOS and Android. You can use these libraries to persist data locally so that it's available even if the device is offline. Developer credentials don't need to be stored on the mobile device to access the service. You can use Amazon Cognito to obtain a normalized user ID and credentials. User data is persisted in a dataset that can store up to 1 MB of key-value pairs, and you can have up to 20 datasets per user identity. With Amazon Cognito Sync, the data stored for each identity is accessible only to credentials assigned to that identity. In order to use the Cognito Sync service, you need to make API calls using credentials retrieved with Amazon Cognito Identity service. If you want to use Cognito Sync in an Android or iOS application, you will probably want to make API calls via the AWS Mobile SDK. To learn more, see the Developer Guide for Android and the Developer Guide for iOS.

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AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation CloudFormation allows you to create and manage Amazon Web Services infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly. You can use CloudFormation to leverage Amazon Web Services products, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Simple Notification Service, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling to build highly-reliable, highly scalable, cost-effective applications without creating or configuring the underlying Amazon Web Services infrastructure. With CloudFormation, you declare all of your resources and dependencies in a template file. The template defines a collection of resources as a single unit called a stack. CloudFormation creates and deletes all member resources of the stack together and manages all dependencies between the resources for you. For more information about CloudFormation, see the CloudFormation Product Page. CloudFormation makes use of other Amazon Web Services products. If you need additional technical information about a specific Amazon Web Services product, you can find the product's technical documentation at .

Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that lets you use standard SQL to analyze data directly in Amazon S3. You can point Athena at your data in Amazon S3 and run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to set up or manage. You pay only for the queries you run. Athena scales automatically—executing queries in parallel—so results are fast, even with large datasets and complex queries. For more information, see What is Amazon Athena in the Amazon Athena User Guide. If you connect to Athena using the JDBC driver, use version 1.1.0 of the driver or later with the Amazon Athena API. Earlier version drivers do not support the API. For more information and to download the driver, see Accessing Amazon Athena with JDBC. For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.

AWS IoT Analytics

IoT Analytics allows you to collect large amounts of device data, process messages, and store them. You can then query the data and run sophisticated analytics on it. IoT Analytics enables advanced data exploration through integration with Jupyter Notebooks and data visualization through integration with Amazon QuickSight. Traditional analytics and business intelligence tools are designed to process structured data. IoT data often comes from devices that record noisy processes (such as temperature, motion, or sound). As a result the data from these devices can have significant gaps, corrupted messages, and false readings that must be cleaned up before analysis can occur. Also, IoT data is often only meaningful in the context of other data from external sources. IoT Analytics automates the steps required to analyze data from IoT devices. IoT Analytics filters, transforms, and enriches IoT data before storing it in a time-series data store for analysis. You can set up the service to collect only the data you need from your devices, apply mathematical transforms to process the data, and enrich the data with device-specific metadata such as device type and location before storing it. Then, you can analyze your data by running queries using the built-in SQL query engine, or perform more complex analytics and machine learning inference. IoT Analytics includes pre-built models for common IoT use cases so you can answer questions like which devices are about to fail or which customers are at risk of abandoning their wearable devices.

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Role based access control provides you a way to apply granular level policy administration down to individual resources or resource groups. These operations enable you to manage role definitions and role assignments. A role definition describes the set of actions that can be performed on resources. A role assignment grants access to Azure Active Directory users.