Mock sample for your project: AWS License Manager API

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AWS License Manager

Version: 2018-08-01

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Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "AWS License Manager API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


AWS License Manager AWS License Manager makes it easier to manage licenses from software vendors across multiple AWS accounts and on-premises servers.

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AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation CloudFormation allows you to create and manage Amazon Web Services infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly. You can use CloudFormation to leverage Amazon Web Services products, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Simple Notification Service, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling to build highly-reliable, highly scalable, cost-effective applications without creating or configuring the underlying Amazon Web Services infrastructure. With CloudFormation, you declare all of your resources and dependencies in a template file. The template defines a collection of resources as a single unit called a stack. CloudFormation creates and deletes all member resources of the stack together and manages all dependencies between the resources for you. For more information about CloudFormation, see the CloudFormation Product Page. CloudFormation makes use of other Amazon Web Services products. If you need additional technical information about a specific Amazon Web Services product, you can find the product's technical documentation at .

Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a distributed cache in the cloud. With ElastiCache, customers get all of the benefits of a high-performance, in-memory cache with less of the administrative burden involved in launching and managing a distributed cache. The service makes setup, scaling, and cluster failure handling much simpler than in a self-managed cache deployment. In addition, through integration with Amazon CloudWatch, customers get enhanced visibility into the key performance statistics associated with their cache and can receive alarms if a part of their cache runs hot.

Amazon Pinpoint Email Service

Amazon Pinpoint Email Service Welcome to the Amazon Pinpoint Email API Reference. This guide provides information about the Amazon Pinpoint Email API (version 1.0), including supported operations, data types, parameters, and schemas. Amazon Pinpoint is an AWS service that you can use to engage with your customers across multiple messaging channels. You can use Amazon Pinpoint to send email, SMS text messages, voice messages, and push notifications. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API provides programmatic access to options that are unique to the email channel and supplement the options provided by the Amazon Pinpoint API. If you're new to Amazon Pinpoint, you might find it helpful to also review the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide. The Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide provides tutorials, code samples, and procedures that demonstrate how to use Amazon Pinpoint features programmatically and how to integrate Amazon Pinpoint functionality into mobile apps and other types of applications. The guide also provides information about key topics such as Amazon Pinpoint integration with other AWS services and the limits that apply to using the service. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API is available in several AWS Regions and it provides an endpoint for each of these Regions. For a list of all the Regions and endpoints where the API is currently available, see AWS Service Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. To learn more about AWS Regions, see Managing AWS Regions in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. In each Region, AWS maintains multiple Availability Zones. These Availability Zones are physically isolated from each other, but are united by private, low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant network connections. These Availability Zones enable us to provide very high levels of availability and redundancy, while also minimizing latency. To learn more about the number of Availability Zones that are available in each Region, see AWS Global Infrastructure.

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The AWS Migration Hub API methods help to obtain server and application migration status and integrate your resource-specific migration tool by providing a programmatic interface to Migration Hub. Remember that you must set your AWS Migration Hub home region before you call any of these APIs, or a HomeRegionNotSetException error will be returned. Also, you must make the API calls while in your home region.
This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide. For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use. This is the AWS WAF Classic API Reference for using AWS WAF Classic with Amazon CloudFront. The AWS WAF Classic actions and data types listed in the reference are available for protecting Amazon CloudFront distributions. You can use these actions and data types via the endpoint This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the AWS WAF Classic API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF Classic features and an overview of how to use the AWS WAF Classic API, see the AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

Amazon Personalize

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AWS Resource Groups

AWS Resource Groups AWS Resource Groups lets you organize AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon Relational Database Service databases, and Amazon S3 buckets into groups using criteria that you define as tags. A resource group is a collection of resources that match the resource types specified in a query, and share one or more tags or portions of tags. You can create a group of resources based on their roles in your cloud infrastructure, lifecycle stages, regions, application layers, or virtually any criteria. Resource Groups enable you to automate management tasks, such as those in AWS Systems Manager Automation documents, on tag-related resources in AWS Systems Manager. Groups of tagged resources also let you quickly view a custom console in AWS Systems Manager that shows AWS Config compliance and other monitoring data about member resources. To create a resource group, build a resource query, and specify tags that identify the criteria that members of the group have in common. Tags are key-value pairs. For more information about Resource Groups, see the AWS Resource Groups User Guide. AWS Resource Groups uses a REST-compliant API that you can use to perform the following types of operations. Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on resource groups and resource query entities Applying, editing, and removing tags from resource groups Resolving resource group member ARNs so they can be returned as search results Getting data about resources that are members of a group Searching AWS resources based on a resource query

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AWS AppSync

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AWS Audit Manager

Welcome to the Audit Manager API reference. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the Audit Manager API operations, data types, and errors. Audit Manager is a service that provides automated evidence collection so that you can continuously audit your Amazon Web Services usage, and assess the effectiveness of your controls to better manage risk and simplify compliance. Audit Manager provides pre-built frameworks that structure and automate assessments for a given compliance standard. Frameworks include a pre-built collection of controls with descriptions and testing procedures, which are grouped according to the requirements of the specified compliance standard or regulation. You can also customize frameworks and controls to support internal audits with unique requirements. Use the following links to get started with the Audit Manager API: Actions : An alphabetical list of all Audit Manager API operations. Data types : An alphabetical list of all Audit Manager data types. Common parameters : Parameters that all Query operations can use. Common errors : Client and server errors that all operations can return. If you're new to Audit Manager, we recommend that you review the Audit Manager User Guide.

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The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

The APIs listed in this specification can be used to manage Deployment Scripts resource through the Azure Resource Manager.

To manage and control access to your resources, you can define customized policies and assign them at a scope.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

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The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

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The Local Search client lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results that include local businesses such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, or other local businesses. The query can specify the name of the local business or it can ask for a list (for example, restaurants near me).

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.