Mock sample for your project: U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Effluent Charting and Reporting API

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U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Effluent Charting and Reporting

Version: 2019.10.15

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Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use.
ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
EFF Rest Services provides the data for ECHO's Effluent Charts, a set of dynamic charts and tables of permitted effluent limits, releases, and violations over time for Clean Water Act (CWA) wastewater discharge permits issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
See Effluent Charts Help ( for additional information.
The are 3 service end points for Effluent Charts: getsummarychart, geteffluentchart, and downloadeffluentchart.
1) Use getsummarychart to retrieve a summary matrix of effluent parameters by effluent outfall and an overall violation status for a provided NPDES Permit and date range.
2) Use geteffluentchart to retrieve detailed Discharge Limit, DMR and NPDES Violation information for a provided NPDES Permit, date range, effluent parameter, or outfall.
3) Use downloadeffluentchart to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of the detailed data provided with get_effluent chart, for a provided NPDES Permit, date range, effluent parameter, or outfall.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

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U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Clean Water Act (CWA) Rest Services

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
CWA Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on facilities regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and managed under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's ICIS-NPDES database.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
RCRA Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on hazardous waste handlers/facilities regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's RCRAInfo database.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Safe Drinking Water Act

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
SDW Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on public water systems regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's Federal Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) database.
The getsystems, getqid, and get_download end points are meant to be used together.
The recommended use scenario for getsystems, getqid, and get_downoad is:
1) Use getsystems to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of water system results.
3) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of water system information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Enforcement Case Search
Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
CASE Rest Services provide multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on civil cases entered into the
Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) and criminal cases entered into the Summary of Criminal Prosecutions database.
See Enforcement Case Search Help ( for additional information on searching civil and criminal cases.
The getcases, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getcaseinfo end point is self contained..
The recommended use scenario for getcases, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getcases to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of case results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates, related to the returned cases, that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
In addition to the service endpoints listed above there are two detailed case report services, one for civil cases (getcasereport) and one for criminal cases (getcrcasereport).
See the Civil Enforcement Case Report Help ( and the Criminal Case Report Help ( for additional information
on then data returned from these two services.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Clean Air Act

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
Air Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA). The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's ICIS-Air database.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - All Data

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
ECHO Rest Services provide multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on facilities regulated as Clean Air Act (CAA) stationary sources, Clean Water Act (CWA) dischargers, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste generators/handlers, and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) public water systems. Data of interest from other EPA sources, such as the Toxics Release Inventory, is also supplied for context.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Detailed Facility Report (DFR)
Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
DFR Rest Services provide multiple service endpoints, to retrieve detailed facility location, enforcement, compliance monitoring, and pollutant information for any single facility. See the Detailed Facility Report (DFR) Help Page ( for additional information on the DFR. Additionally, a Data Dictionary ( is also available.
There is one primary service end point, get_dfr, that provides all available DFR data. All other service end points that are exposed, will return data on a single section of the DFR.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

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Definition of API

The Socrata OpenDataNetwork (ODN) REST API exposes public data, often continuosly updated and enhanced, from many thousands of public
government and non profit agencies.
Much of this data originating from independent sources is fused together to create new, and often
powerful, entity level data. The API, in addition to search and autosuggest capabilities for finding datasets,
enables data based comparisons across geographical regions such as states, counties, metropolitan areas,
cities and zip codes using highly vetted data providers such as US Census, BEA, HUD and others. Comparison data
is preformatted for easy and efficient display on a chart, graph or interactive map.
The API also exposes data organized by narrative style questions a human might ask. The questions can
be rapidly found using an autosuggest style index, and then used to directly access all data needed to
thoroughly and authoritatively answer the question. Retrieved data includes time series (temporally aligned),
tabular, map heavy (includes spatial boundaries), and auto generated unstructured descriptive text.
The ODN API does not duplicate API endpoints or services provided by public sector agencies, but rather,
returns context relevant pre-populated REST URLs, when appropriate, so the caller can access data
directly from the source.
The open source API powers, an open source
site; the site highlights myriad uses and provides API badges with contextually relevant API example
REST endpoints and documentation pointers.
Finally, we continuously add new dat sources which appear automatically in the API, so if your favorite data
source is not available, check back soon. You can also join us HERE
and receive updates or let us know which data sources you are most interested in.
App Tokens
Registering for and including a Socrata application token
is required for the ODN API. They can be passed either using the app_token parameter
or the X-App-Token HTTP header.

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Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

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Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya
Transfer Certificates issued by JNRM can be downloaded in citizen's DigiLocker account.

Transport Department, Lakshadweep
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

BC Laws

BC Laws is an electronic library providing free public access to the laws of British Columbia. BC Laws is hosted by the Queen's Printer of British Columbia and published in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.BC Laws contains a comprehensive collection of BC legislation and related materials. It is available on the internet in two forms:First: The library is available as a web site in which users can browse and search the laws of British Columbia.Second: The library is available as a portal to legislation in raw XML data format, accessible via the BC Laws API2. This direct access to raw data is intended to enable third parties to build or add their own custom applications based on the structure of the data and all the associated search functionality inherent in that structure. The BC Laws website itself is an example of one such application.
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CISCE ( is issuing marksheets, passing certificates, migration certificates through DigiLocker. These can be pulled by students into their DigiLocker accounts. Currently available - 2014-2019 (marksheets, passing certificates of ICSE & ISC and migration certificates of ISC).