Mock sample for your project: GlobalWineScore API Documentation

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GlobalWineScore API Documentation

Version: 8234aab51481d37a30757d925b7f4221a659427e

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "GlobalWineScore API Documentation" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


The GlobalWineScore API is designed as a RESTful API, providing several resources and methods depending on your usage plan.
For further information please refer to our plans.
The API uses token-based authentication.
In order to authenticate your requests, you need to include a specific header in each of your requests:
The word Token must be written. Your requests must also use the HTTPS protocol.
If you don't have a token yet, you need to apply for one here.
Your personal token can be found under the My account > API section of the GlobalWineScore website
The API provides several rendering formats which you can control using the Accept header or format query parameter.
JSON (default): no header or Accept: application/json
XML: Accept: application/xml
Rate limiting
For API requests, the rate limit allows for up to 10 requests per minute.
Error handling
Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.
When a request fails, the response body is still JSON, but always contains a detail field with a description of the error, which you can inspect for debugging.
For example, trying to access the API without proper authentication will return code 403 along with the message:
{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Found a bug ? send us an email at [email protected]
At the moment, GlobalWineScores may be sorted by date and score. Use "-"
to sort in descending order.
Continuous synchronization
If you need to synchronize your database with our API, you can query our API using ?ordering=-date to get the newest scores first, which means you won't have to crawl the whole catalog every time :-)
Quick search interface
If you need to search our catalog (e.g. to align it with yours), we're providing you with a handy interface accessible here:
You need to be logged in (email/password) to access this page, but other than that you can share it with anyone in your team and start searching right away !
The details about available endpoints can be found below.
You can click on each endpoint to find information about their parameters.

Other APIs in the same category

Karnataka Department of Transport, Karnataka
Driving License (DL) & Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) as issued by Transport Department, Government of Karnataka ( can be pulled by citizens into their DigiLocker accounts.

Motor Vehicle Department, Maharashtra
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Crediwatch's Covid APIs
An API collection for Covid 19 by Crediwatch

Bills API

API to get and search for information regarding Bills, their stages, associated amendments and publications.

Numbers API
All about Numbers. REST access with json/xml/jsonp result support. Below is the documentation for the Numbers API. You can try them out right here. Find more information and subscribe at

This is the api to access the ODWeather API information

The Socrata OpenDataNetwork (ODN) REST API exposes public data, often continuosly updated and enhanced, from many thousands of public
government and non profit agencies.
Much of this data originating from independent sources is fused together to create new, and often
powerful, entity level data. The API, in addition to search and autosuggest capabilities for finding datasets,
enables data based comparisons across geographical regions such as states, counties, metropolitan areas,
cities and zip codes using highly vetted data providers such as US Census, BEA, HUD and others. Comparison data
is preformatted for easy and efficient display on a chart, graph or interactive map.
The API also exposes data organized by narrative style questions a human might ask. The questions can
be rapidly found using an autosuggest style index, and then used to directly access all data needed to
thoroughly and authoritatively answer the question. Retrieved data includes time series (temporally aligned),
tabular, map heavy (includes spatial boundaries), and auto generated unstructured descriptive text.
The ODN API does not duplicate API endpoints or services provided by public sector agencies, but rather,
returns context relevant pre-populated REST URLs, when appropriate, so the caller can access data
directly from the source.
The open source API powers, an open source
site; the site highlights myriad uses and provides API badges with contextually relevant API example
REST endpoints and documentation pointers.
Finally, we continuously add new dat sources which appear automatically in the API, so if your favorite data
source is not available, check back soon. You can also join us HERE
and receive updates or let us know which data sources you are most interested in.
App Tokens
Registering for and including a Socrata application token
is required for the ODN API. They can be passed either using the app_token parameter
or the X-App-Token HTTP header.

Geographic API

The Geographic API extends the Semantic API, using a linked data approach to enhance location concepts used in The New York Times' controlled vocabulary and data resources which combine them with the GeoNames database, an authoritative and free to use database of global geographical places, names and features.

BC Route Planner REST API

Finds shortest/fastest route between a start point and one or more stop points on British Columbia's public road network. The BC Route planner webpage provides additional information. Here are some geocoded addresses to play with: 18 Douglas St,Victoria -123.36962,48.40892 1002 Johnson St, Victoria -123.355745,48.426206 543 Johnson St, Victoria, BC -123.36907,48.42770 14 Centennial Sq, Victoria, BC -123.36564,48.42863 1105 Royal Ave,New Westminster -122.92009,49.20063 808 Jackson Cres, New Westminster -122.90762,49.22558 10810 McDonald Rd, Chilliwack -121.93808,49.19859 3950 June Springs Rd, Kelowna -119.40751,49.83960 1201 Riondel Rd, Kootenay Bay -116.85402,49.74448 1201 Riondel Rd, Kootenay Bay -116.832759,49.730500 (parcelPoint) 2499 Walbran Pl, Courtenay -124.97295,49.71518 2013 Smoke Bluff Rd, Squamish -123.13946,49.70401 235 Kelvin Grove Way, Lions Bay -123.23524,49.45035 Please see our data collection notice.
Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this OpenAPI specification in other API console viewers.
Developer API keys are unique and can be acquired with a GitHub account. Production government applications may use organization API keys acquired by contacting DataBC.

Highways England API

Lumminary API
The Lumminary API was built to allow third parties to interact with Lumminary customers and gain access to their genetic data. The Lumminary API is fast, scalable and highly secure. All requests to the Lumminary API take place over SSL, which means all communication of Customer data is encrypted.
Before we dive in, some definitions. This is what we mean by:
|Third party|A third party (also referred to as "partner" or as "you") is a company which offers services and products using genetic data.|
|Lumminary clients|The Lumminary client (also referred to as "customer") is an individual who has created an account on the Lumminary platform.|
|Lumminary|This is us - our services including the Lumminary platform, the API, the DNA App Store, the DNA Vault, the "Connect with Lumminary" button, and the website in its totality. |
|CWL|This is the acronym for the "Connect with Lumminary" button.|
|dataset|This is the term we use when we refer to a customer's genetic data.|
|Lumminary API|This is a library/module that you can use to integrate your apps with the Lumminary platform.|
|Lumminary toolkit|This is a stand alone application which helps you integrate with Lumminary without writing any code or interacting with the Lumminary API.|
Let's dive in, now.
Install Lumminary API Client and Toolkit
Obtaining credentials
Query customers authorizations
Query customer genetic data
Submit reports
"Connect with Lumminary" button
API specs
In order to use Lumminary services, you'll need to install the Lumminary API Client or Toolkit. The Lumminary API Client and Toolkit are available in multiple programming languages, and we also provide a sandbox environment which you can use for integration and tests.
There are a couple of differences between the API Client and the Toolkit. Mainly, it's about the ease of use for integration. The Toolkit is basically a stand-alone application that facilitates the integration with the Lumminary API without the need to modify your already existing code.
You use the Lumminary API Client when you want to integrate it inside your own application. This means it gives you full flexibility regarding the integration into your own workflow.
You use the Lumminary Toolkit for an integration where the Toolkit is placed alongside your own application. You can use the Toolkit from the CLI - for example, to run a cronjob that processes incoming orders. The Toolkit uses the Lumminary API Client.
Install Lumminary API Client and/or Toolkit
We provide the Lumminary API Client and Toolkit in multiple programming languages - default are PHP (minimum version 7.0), Python2.7 and Python3. However, if you need them in another language (Java, Obj-C, JavaScript, C#, Perl, CURL), please contact us.
How to install the Lumminary API Client
PHP example:
The PHP Lumminary API Client is available at:
If you are already using Composer, you can import the project by adding the following to your composer.json
| Error Id | Error Message |
| 1 | Invalid Security Token |
| 2 | Invalid Access Scopes |
| 3 | Customer refuses your request (this happens when the customer cancels instead of granting access) |
Gateway is the hub that routes/orchestrates the interaction between consent managers and API bridges. There are 5 categories of APIs; discovery, link, consent flow, data flow and monitoring. To reflect the consumers of APIs, the above apis are also categorized under cm facing, hiu facing and hip facing