Mock sample for your project: Europeana Search & Record API

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Europeana Search & Record API

Version: version unknown

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Speed up your application development by using "Europeana Search & Record API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


This Swagger API console provides an overview of the Europeana Search & Record API. You can build and test anything from the simplest search to a complex query using facetList such as dates, geotags and permissions. For more help and information, head to our comprehensive online documentation.

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U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Clean Water Act (CWA) Rest Services

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
CWA Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on facilities regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and managed under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's ICIS-NPDES database.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

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U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - All Data

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
ECHO Rest Services provide multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on facilities regulated as Clean Air Act (CAA) stationary sources, Clean Water Act (CWA) dischargers, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste generators/handlers, and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) public water systems. Data of interest from other EPA sources, such as the Toxics Release Inventory, is also supplied for context.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

You can use the CORE API to access the
resources harvested and enriched by CORE. If you encounter any problems with the API, please report them to us.
The API is organised by resource type. The resources are articles,
journals and repositories and are represented using JSON data format. Furthermore,
each resource has a list of methods. The API also provides two global methods for accessing all resources at once.
Response format
Response for each query contains two fields: status and data.
In case of an error status, the data field is empty. The data field contains a single object
in case the request is for a specific identifier (e.g. CORE ID, CORE repository ID, etc.), or
contains a list of objects, for example for search queries. In case of batch requests, the response
is an array of objects, each of which contains its own status and data fields.
For search queries the response contains an additional field totalHits, which is the
total number of items which match the search criteria.
Search query syntax
Complex search queries can be used in all of the API search methods.
The query can be a simple string or it can be built using terms and operators described in Elasticsearch
The usable field names are title, description, fullText,
authors, publisher,,,
doi, oai, identifiers (which is a list of article identifiers including OAI, URL, etc.),
and year. Some example queries:
title:psychology and AND year:2014
identifiers:"" OR identifiers:""
Retrieving the latest Articles
You can retrieve the harvested items since specific dates using the following queries:
repositoryDocument.metadataUpdated:>2017-03-01 AND repositoryDocument.metadataUpdated:
Sort order
For search queries, the results are ordered by relevance score. For batch
requests, the results are retrieved in the order of the requests.
The API methods allow different parameters to be passed. Additionally, there is an API key parameter which is common to all API methods. For all API methods
the API key can be provided either as a query parameter or in the request header. If the API key
is not provided, the API will return HTTP 401 error. You can register for an API key here.
API methods

This REST-API enables you to query information about travel centers in Germany.

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
RCRA Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on hazardous waste handlers/facilities regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's RCRAInfo database.
The getfacilities, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getfacilityinfo end point is self contained.
The getfacilityinfo end point returns either an array of state, county or zip clusters with summary statistics per cluster or an array of facilities.
The recommended use scenario for getfacilities, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getfacilities to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of facility results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Safe Drinking Water Act

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
SDW Rest Services provides multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on public water systems regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The returned results reflect data drawn from EPA's Federal Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) database.
The getsystems, getqid, and get_download end points are meant to be used together.
The recommended use scenario for getsystems, getqid, and get_downoad is:
1) Use getsystems to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of water system results.
3) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of water system information that meets the QID query criteria.
Use the qcolumns parameter to customize your search results. Use the Metadata service endpoint for a list of available output objects, their Column Ids, and their definitions to help you build your customized output.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

COVID19 Stats
Free API documentation to get Real time corona virus stats

Motor Vehicle Department, Kerala
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

GlobalWineScore API Documentation
The GlobalWineScore API is designed as a RESTful API, providing several resources and methods depending on your usage plan.
For further information please refer to our plans.
The API uses token-based authentication.
In order to authenticate your requests, you need to include a specific header in each of your requests:
The word Token must be written. Your requests must also use the HTTPS protocol.
If you don't have a token yet, you need to apply for one here.
Your personal token can be found under the My account > API section of the GlobalWineScore website
The API provides several rendering formats which you can control using the Accept header or format query parameter.
JSON (default): no header or Accept: application/json
XML: Accept: application/xml
Rate limiting
For API requests, the rate limit allows for up to 10 requests per minute.
Error handling
Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.
When a request fails, the response body is still JSON, but always contains a detail field with a description of the error, which you can inspect for debugging.
For example, trying to access the API without proper authentication will return code 403 along with the message:
{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Found a bug ? send us an email at [email protected]
At the moment, GlobalWineScores may be sorted by date and score. Use "-"
to sort in descending order.
Continuous synchronization
If you need to synchronize your database with our API, you can query our API using ?ordering=-date to get the newest scores first, which means you won't have to crawl the whole catalog every time :-)
Quick search interface
If you need to search our catalog (e.g. to align it with yours), we're providing you with a handy interface accessible here:
You need to be logged in (email/password) to access this page, but other than that you can share it with anyone in your team and start searching right away !
The details about available endpoints can be found below.
You can click on each endpoint to find information about their parameters.

Transport Department, Mizoram
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.