Mock sample for your project: HDInsightJobManagementClient API

Integrate with "HDInsightJobManagementClient API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample


Version: 2018-11-01-preview

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "HDInsightJobManagementClient API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


The HDInsight Job Client.

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The Admin Subscriptions Management Client.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on User entity in Azure API Management deployment. The User entity in API Management represents the developers that call the APIs of the products to which they are subscribed.

Azure Data Migration Service Resource Provider
The Data Migration Service helps people migrate their data from on-premise database servers to Azure, or from older database software to newer software. The service manages one or more workers that are joined to a customer's virtual network, which is assumed to provide connectivity to their databases. To avoid frequent updates to the resource provider, data migration tasks are implemented by the resource provider in a generic way as task resources, each of which has a task type (which identifies the type of work to run), input, and output. The client is responsible for providing appropriate task type and inputs, which will be passed through unexamined to the machines that implement the functionality, and for understanding the output, which is passed back unexamined to the client.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations to retrieve Products by Tags in Azure API Management deployment.

Use these REST APIs for managing OAuth2 servers configuration in your Azure API Management deployment. OAuth 2.0 can be used to authorize developer accounts for Azure API Management. For more information refer to How to OAuth2.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) Endpoint API for running predictions and extracting user intentions and entities from utterances.

The Hybrid Compute Management Client.

The Container Service Client.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on entities like API, Product, and Subscription associated with your Azure API Management deployment.

Other APIs in the same category

Azure CDN WebApplicationFirewallManagement
APIs to manage web application firewall rules for Azure CDN

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on tenant entity associated with your Azure API Management deployment. Using this entity you can manage properties and configuration that apply to the entire API Management service instance.

AWS CodeStar connections

AWS CodeStar Connections This AWS CodeStar Connections API Reference provides descriptions and usage examples of the operations and data types for the AWS CodeStar Connections API. You can use the connections API to work with connections and installations. Connections are configurations that you use to connect AWS resources to external code repositories. Each connection is a resource that can be given to services such as CodePipeline to connect to a third-party repository such as Bitbucket. For example, you can add the connection in CodePipeline so that it triggers your pipeline when a code change is made to your third-party code repository. Each connection is named and associated with a unique ARN that is used to reference the connection. When you create a connection, the console initiates a third-party connection handshake. Installations are the apps that are used to conduct this handshake. For example, the installation for the Bitbucket provider type is the Bitbucket app. When you create a connection, you can choose an existing installation or create one. When you want to create a connection to an installed provider type such as GitHub Enterprise Server, you create a host for your connections. You can work with connections by calling: CreateConnection, which creates a uniquely named connection that can be referenced by services such as CodePipeline. DeleteConnection, which deletes the specified connection. GetConnection, which returns information about the connection, including the connection status. ListConnections, which lists the connections associated with your account. You can work with hosts by calling: CreateHost, which creates a host that represents the infrastructure where your provider is installed. DeleteHost, which deletes the specified host. GetHost, which returns information about the host, including the setup status. ListHosts, which lists the hosts associated with your account. You can work with tags in AWS CodeStar Connections by calling the following: ListTagsForResource, which gets information about AWS tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in AWS CodeStar Connections. TagResource, which adds or updates tags for a resource in AWS CodeStar Connections. UntagResource, which removes tags for a resource in AWS CodeStar Connections. For information about how to use AWS CodeStar Connections, see the Developer Tools User Guide.

Amazon AppStream

Amazon AppStream 2.0 This is the Amazon AppStream 2.0 API Reference. This documentation provides descriptions and syntax for each of the actions and data types in AppStream 2.0. AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed, secure application streaming service that lets you stream desktop applications to users without rewriting applications. AppStream 2.0 manages the AWS resources that are required to host and run your applications, scales automatically, and provides access to your users on demand. You can call the AppStream 2.0 API operations by using an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint). For more information, see Access AppStream 2.0 API Operations and CLI Commands Through an Interface VPC Endpoint in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide. To learn more about AppStream 2.0, see the following resources: Amazon AppStream 2.0 product page Amazon AppStream 2.0 documentation

AWS Signer

AWS Signer is a fully managed code signing service to help you ensure the trust and integrity of your code. AWS Signer supports the following applications: With code signing for AWS Lambda, you can sign AWS Lambda deployment packages. Integrated support is provided for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS CloudTrail. In order to sign code, you create a signing profile and then use Signer to sign Lambda zip files in S3. With code signing for IoT, you can sign code for any IoT device that is supported by AWS. IoT code signing is available for Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Device Management, and is integrated with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). In order to sign code, you import a third-party code signing certificate using ACM, and use that to sign updates in Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Device Management. For more information about AWS Signer, see the AWS Signer Developer Guide.

AWS IoT Core Device Advisor

AWS IoT Core Device Advisor is a cloud-based, fully managed test capability for validating IoT devices during device software development. Device Advisor provides pre-built tests that you can use to validate IoT devices for reliable and secure connectivity with AWS IoT Core before deploying devices to production. By using Device Advisor, you can confirm that your devices can connect to AWS IoT Core, follow security best practices and, if applicable, receive software updates from IoT Device Management. You can also download signed qualification reports to submit to the AWS Partner Network to get your device qualified for the AWS Partner Device Catalog without the need to send your device in and wait for it to be tested.

AWS Config

Config Config provides a way to keep track of the configurations of all the Amazon Web Services resources associated with your Amazon Web Services account. You can use Config to get the current and historical configurations of each Amazon Web Services resource and also to get information about the relationship between the resources. An Amazon Web Services resource can be an Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, an Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume, an elastic network Interface (ENI), or a security group. For a complete list of resources currently supported by Config, see Supported Amazon Web Services resources. You can access and manage Config through the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface (Amazon Web Services CLI), the Config API, or the Amazon Web Services SDKs for Config. This reference guide contains documentation for the Config API and the Amazon Web Services CLI commands that you can use to manage Config. The Config API uses the Signature Version 4 protocol for signing requests. For more information about how to sign a request with this protocol, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process. For detailed information about Config features and their associated actions or commands, as well as how to work with Amazon Web Services Management Console, see What Is Config in the Config Developer Guide.

Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights

Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights is a service that helps you detect common problems with your applications. It enables you to pinpoint the source of issues in your applications (built with technologies such as Microsoft IIS, .NET, and Microsoft SQL Server), by providing key insights into detected problems. After you onboard your application, CloudWatch Application Insights identifies, recommends, and sets up metrics and logs. It continuously analyzes and correlates your metrics and logs for unusual behavior to surface actionable problems with your application. For example, if your application is slow and unresponsive and leading to HTTP 500 errors in your Application Load Balancer (ALB), Application Insights informs you that a memory pressure problem with your SQL Server database is occurring. It bases this analysis on impactful metrics and log errors.

Amazon CloudDirectory

Amazon Cloud Directory Amazon Cloud Directory is a component of the AWS Directory Service that simplifies the development and management of cloud-scale web, mobile, and IoT applications. This guide describes the Cloud Directory operations that you can call programmatically and includes detailed information on data types and errors. For information about Cloud Directory features, see AWS Directory Service and the Amazon Cloud Directory Developer Guide.

Amazon Cognito Sync

Amazon Cognito Sync Amazon Cognito Sync provides an AWS service and client library that enable cross-device syncing of application-related user data. High-level client libraries are available for both iOS and Android. You can use these libraries to persist data locally so that it's available even if the device is offline. Developer credentials don't need to be stored on the mobile device to access the service. You can use Amazon Cognito to obtain a normalized user ID and credentials. User data is persisted in a dataset that can store up to 1 MB of key-value pairs, and you can have up to 20 datasets per user identity. With Amazon Cognito Sync, the data stored for each identity is accessible only to credentials assigned to that identity. In order to use the Cognito Sync service, you need to make API calls using credentials retrieved with Amazon Cognito Identity service. If you want to use Cognito Sync in an Android or iOS application, you will probably want to make API calls via the AWS Mobile SDK. To learn more, see the Developer Guide for Android and the Developer Guide for iOS.

AWS Single Sign-On Admin

Amazon Web Services Single Sign On (SSO) is a cloud SSO service that makes it easy to centrally manage SSO access to multiple Amazon Web Services accounts and business applications. This guide provides information on SSO operations which could be used for access management of Amazon Web Services accounts. For information about Amazon Web Services SSO features, see the Amazon Web Services Single Sign-On User Guide. Many operations in the SSO APIs rely on identifiers for users and groups, known as principals. For more information about how to work with principals and principal IDs in Amazon Web Services SSO, see the Amazon Web Services SSO Identity Store API Reference.

Role based access control provides you a way to apply granular level policy administration down to individual resources or resource groups. These operations enable you to manage role assignments. A role assignment grants access to Azure Active Directory users.