Mock sample for your project: AWS Compute Optimizer API

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AWS Compute Optimizer

Version: 2019-11-01

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It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Compute Optimizer is a service that analyzes the configuration and utilization metrics of your Amazon Web Services compute resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, Lambda functions, and Amazon EBS volumes. It reports whether your resources are optimal, and generates optimization recommendations to reduce the cost and improve the performance of your workloads. Compute Optimizer also provides recent utilization metric data, in addition to projected utilization metric data for the recommendations, which you can use to evaluate which recommendation provides the best price-performance trade-off. The analysis of your usage patterns can help you decide when to move or resize your running resources, and still meet your performance and capacity requirements. For more information about Compute Optimizer, including the required permissions to use the service, see the Compute Optimizer User Guide.

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This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide. For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use. This is the AWS WAF Classic API Reference for using AWS WAF Classic with Amazon CloudFront. The AWS WAF Classic actions and data types listed in the reference are available for protecting Amazon CloudFront distributions. You can use these actions and data types via the endpoint This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the AWS WAF Classic API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF Classic features and an overview of how to use the AWS WAF Classic API, see the AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

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