Mock sample for your project: CustomerInsightsManagementClient API

Integrate with "CustomerInsightsManagementClient API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample


Version: 2017-04-26

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Speed up your application development by using "CustomerInsightsManagementClient API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


The Azure Customer Insights management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Azure Customer Insights service to manage your resources. The API has entities that capture the relationship between an end user and the Azure Customer Insights service.

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The Microsoft Azure Network management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Microsoft Azure Networks service to manage your network resources. The API has entities that capture the relationship between an end user and the Microsoft Azure Networks service.

The Compute Management Client.

Azure ML Commitment Plans Management Client
These APIs allow end users to operate on Azure Machine Learning Commitment Plans resources and their child Commitment Association resources. They support CRUD operations for commitment plans, get and list operations for commitment associations, moving commitment associations between commitment plans, and retrieving commitment plan usage history.

Azure Data Migration Service Resource Provider
The Data Migration Service helps people migrate their data from on-premise database servers to Azure, or from older database software to newer software. The service manages one or more workers that are joined to a customer's virtual network, which is assumed to provide connectivity to their databases. To avoid frequent updates to the resource provider, data migration tasks are implemented by the resource provider in a generic way as task resources, each of which has a task type (which identifies the type of work to run), input, and output. The client is responsible for providing appropriate task type and inputs, which will be passed through unexamined to the machines that implement the functionality, and for understanding the output, which is passed back unexamined to the client.

These are the Network Experiment APIs.

The SAP HANA on Azure Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The DevTest Labs Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

Azure ML Web Services Management Client
These APIs allow end users to operate on Azure Machine Learning Web Services resources. They support the following operations: Create or update a web service Get a web service Patch a web service Delete a web service Get All Web Services in a Resource Group Get All Web Services in a Subscription Get Web Services Keys

Microsoft.Intune Resource provider Api features in the swagger-2.0 specification

Role based access control provides you a way to apply granular level policy administration down to individual resources or resource groups. These operations enable you to manage role definitions and role assignments. A role definition describes the set of actions that can be performed on resources. A role assignment grants access to Azure Active Directory users.

Other APIs in the same category

IoT IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the Amazon Web Services cloud. You can discover your custom IoT-Data endpoint to communicate with, configure rules for data processing and integration with other services, organize resources associated with each device (Registry), configure logging, and create and manage policies and credentials to authenticate devices. The service endpoints that expose this API are listed in Amazon Web Services IoT Core Endpoints and Quotas. You must use the endpoint for the region that has the resources you want to access. The service name used by Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 to sign the request is: execute-api. For more information about how IoT works, see the Developer Guide. For information about how to use the credentials provider for IoT, see Authorizing Direct Calls to Amazon Web Services Services.

Amazon Macie 2

Amazon Macie is a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS. Macie automates the discovery of sensitive data, such as PII and intellectual property, to provide you with insight into the data that your organization stores in AWS. Macie also provides an inventory of your Amazon S3 buckets, which it continually monitors for you. If Macie detects sensitive data or potential data access issues, it generates detailed findings for you to review and act upon as necessary.

Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector Amazon Inspector enables you to analyze the behavior of your AWS resources and to identify potential security issues. For more information, see Amazon Inspector User Guide.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

AWS IoT Wireless

AWS IoT Wireless API documentation

AWS IoT Fleet Hub

With Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management you can build stand-alone web applications for monitoring the health of your device fleets. Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management is in public preview and is subject to change.

AWS IoT Data Plane

IoT data IoT data enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the Amazon Web Services cloud. It implements a broker for applications and things to publish messages over HTTP (Publish) and retrieve, update, and delete shadows. A shadow is a persistent representation of your things and their state in the Amazon Web Services cloud. Find the endpoint address for actions in IoT data by running this CLI command: aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS The service name used by Amazon Web ServicesSignature Version 4 to sign requests is: iotdevicegateway.

AWSMarketplace Metering

AWS Marketplace Metering Service This reference provides descriptions of the low-level AWS Marketplace Metering Service API. AWS Marketplace sellers can use this API to submit usage data for custom usage dimensions. For information on the permissions you need to use this API, see AWS Marketing metering and entitlement API permissions in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide. Submitting Metering Records MeterUsage - Submits the metering record for a Marketplace product. MeterUsage is called from an EC2 instance or a container running on EKS or ECS. BatchMeterUsage - Submits the metering record for a set of customers. BatchMeterUsage is called from a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. Accepting New Customers ResolveCustomer - Called by a SaaS application during the registration process. When a buyer visits your website during the registration process, the buyer submits a Registration Token through the browser. The Registration Token is resolved through this API to obtain a CustomerIdentifier and Product Code. Entitlement and Metering for Paid Container Products Paid container software products sold through AWS Marketplace must integrate with the AWS Marketplace Metering Service and call the RegisterUsage operation for software entitlement and metering. Free and BYOL products for Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS aren't required to call RegisterUsage, but you can do so if you want to receive usage data in your seller reports. For more information on using the RegisterUsage operation, see Container-Based Products. BatchMeterUsage API calls are captured by AWS CloudTrail. You can use Cloudtrail to verify that the SaaS metering records that you sent are accurate by searching for records with the eventName of BatchMeterUsage. You can also use CloudTrail to audit records over time. For more information, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide .

AWS IoT Secure Tunneling

AWS IoT Secure Tunneling AWS IoT Secure Tunnling enables you to create remote connections to devices deployed in the field. For more information about how AWS IoT Secure Tunneling works, see AWS IoT Secure Tunneling.

AWS Lambda

Lambda Overview This is the Lambda API Reference. The Lambda Developer Guide provides additional information. For the service overview, see What is Lambda, and for information about how the service works, see Lambda: How it Works in the Lambda Developer Guide.

AWS IoT Things Graph

AWS IoT Things Graph AWS IoT Things Graph provides an integrated set of tools that enable developers to connect devices and services that use different standards, such as units of measure and communication protocols. AWS IoT Things Graph makes it possible to build IoT applications with little to no code by connecting devices and services and defining how they interact at an abstract level. For more information about how AWS IoT Things Graph works, see the User Guide.

AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane

AWS IoT Jobs is a service that allows you to define a set of jobs — remote operations that are sent to and executed on one or more devices connected to AWS IoT. For example, you can define a job that instructs a set of devices to download and install application or firmware updates, reboot, rotate certificates, or perform remote troubleshooting operations. To create a job, you make a job document which is a description of the remote operations to be performed, and you specify a list of targets that should perform the operations. The targets can be individual things, thing groups or both. AWS IoT Jobs sends a message to inform the targets that a job is available. The target starts the execution of the job by downloading the job document, performing the operations it specifies, and reporting its progress to AWS IoT. The Jobs service provides commands to track the progress of a job on a specific target and for all the targets of the job