Mockoon and Postman logos side by side

Comparison between Mockoon and Postman's API mocking services

Discover the differences between Postman and Mockoon API mocking services: cloud offer, features, and more

 What is Postman?

Postman is an online platform and desktop tool that enables developers to design and test APIs. Among its many features, Postman includes API mocking capabilities integrated into the application. Although not primarily an API mocking tool, it allows users to run cloud mock endpoints based on a collection of responses received during API testing.

Screenshot of Postman's interfaceScreenshot of Postman's interface

 What is Mockoon?

Mockoon is a set of open-source tools that allow developers to mock APIs quickly and easily. It offers an offline-first and privacy friendly desktop application to design and run mock APIs locally. A CLI and various libraries are also available to deploy your mock APIs anywhere: CI/CD pipelines, servers, etc.

Mockoon features include a powerful templating system to generate dynamic and realistic mock data, a rules system, a proxy mode to partially mock API endpoints, and many customization options: status codes, dynamic headers, TLS, file serving, etc.

Mockoon Cloud is also available for teams and organizations looking for a cloud-based solution. It enables teams to collaborate on API mocking projects and share mock APIs with others by deploying them to the cloud.

Screenshot of Mockoon's interfaceScreenshot of Mockoon's interface

 Offer comparison

Below is a comparison of the main characteristics of Postman and Mockoon respective offers:

Offline/Cloud basedCloud onlyOffline and Cloud
Tools providedOnline interface and desktop applicationDesktop application to design your mock
CLI, Docker image and GitHub Action to deploy anywhere
Free/paidFreemiumFree for the open-source tools, paid for the Cloud
BillingBilled per seatBilled per seat
Main cloud featuresAPI mocks deployment and team collaborationDeployments, team collaboration and AI assistant
Open-sourceSome tools are open-source but not the API mocking feature
Enterprise support

 Features comparison

While Postman and Mockoon offer similar API mocking capabilities, they have different approaches. Below is a comparison of the main features of Postman and Mockoon:

API mocking FeaturesPostmanMockoon
Self-host A CLI, Docker image and GitHub Action are available to deploy in headless environments
Proxy mode Documentation
OpenAPI support Documentation
RecordingMocks can be created from previously called endpoints Mockoon can create mock endpoints based on entering requests
CRUD operations Automated CRUD endpoints with fake databases
Response rulesSimple matching algorithm Advanced system of rules
Dynamic/realistic dataBasic fake data can be generated with dynamic variables Advanced templating system and AI assistant to generate realistic fake data
Callbacks/Webhooks Callbacks system
File serving Documentation
Custom headersAt endpoint's level At endpoint's and server's levels
Supports templating helpers for dynamically generated headers
Customizable status code
Route regex Documentation
GraphQL support
Slow network/server simulationAt server's level At server's and endpoint's levels

For more comparisons between Mockoon and other tools, check out our other articles:

Mockoon vs Beeceptor, Mockoon vs MockServer, Mockoon vs ReadyAPI, Mockoon vs Stoplight, Mockoon vs WireMock Cloud