Mock sample for your project: ADHybridHealthService API

Integrate with "ADHybridHealthService API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample


Version: 2014-01-01

Use this API in your project

Start working with "ADHybridHealthService API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


REST APIs for Azure Active Directory Connect Health

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Use these REST APIs for performing operations on who is going to receive notifications associated with your Azure API Management deployment.

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

Azure ML Commitment Plans Management Client
These APIs allow end users to operate on Azure Machine Learning Commitment Plans resources and their child Commitment Association resources. They support CRUD operations for commitment plans, get and list operations for commitment associations, moving commitment associations between commitment plans, and retrieving commitment plan usage history.

The Managed Labs Client.

Logical network operation endpoints and objects.

Azure Digital Twins Client for managing DigitalTwinsInstance

Azure Dedicated HSM Resource Provider
The Azure management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Azure Dedicated HSM RP.

The User Subscription Management Client.

QnAMaker Runtime Client
An API for QnAMaker runtime

AzureBridge Admin Client.

Logical subnet operation endpoints and objects.


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AWS Elemental MediaConvert

AWS Elemental MediaConvert

AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service

AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service This reference provides descriptions of the AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service API. AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service is used to determine the entitlement of a customer to a given product. An entitlement represents capacity in a product owned by the customer. For example, a customer might own some number of users or seats in an SaaS application or some amount of data capacity in a multi-tenant database. Getting Entitlement Records GetEntitlements - Gets the entitlements for a Marketplace product.

AWS MediaTailor

Use the AWS Elemental MediaTailor SDKs and CLI to configure scalable ad insertion and linear channels. With MediaTailor, you can assemble existing content into a linear stream and serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications. For information about using the service, including detailed information about the settings covered in this guide, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide. Through the SDKs and the CLI you manage AWS Elemental MediaTailor configurations and channels the same as you do through the console. For example, you specify ad insertion behavior and mapping information for the origin server and the ad decision server (ADS).

AWS Savings Plans

Savings Plans are a pricing model that offer significant savings on AWS usage (for example, on Amazon EC2 instances). You commit to a consistent amount of usage, in USD per hour, for a term of 1 or 3 years, and receive a lower price for that usage. For more information, see the AWS Savings Plans User Guide.

AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager With Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, you can manage the lifecycle of your Amazon Web Services resources. You create lifecycle policies, which are used to automate operations on the specified resources. Amazon DLM supports Amazon EBS volumes and snapshots. For information about using Amazon DLM with Amazon EBS, see Automating the Amazon EBS Snapshot Lifecycle in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Amazon Polly

Amazon Polly is a web service that makes it easy to synthesize speech from text. The Amazon Polly service provides API operations for synthesizing high-quality speech from plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), along with managing pronunciations lexicons that enable you to get the best results for your application domain.

AWS Budgets

The AWS Budgets API enables you to use AWS Budgets to plan your service usage, service costs, and instance reservations. The API reference provides descriptions, syntax, and usage examples for each of the actions and data types for AWS Budgets. Budgets provide you with a way to see the following information: How close your plan is to your budgeted amount or to the free tier limits Your usage-to-date, including how much you've used of your Reserved Instances (RIs) Your current estimated charges from AWS, and how much your predicted usage will accrue in charges by the end of the month How much of your budget has been used AWS updates your budget status several times a day. Budgets track your unblended costs, subscriptions, refunds, and RIs. You can create the following types of budgets: Cost budgets - Plan how much you want to spend on a service. Usage budgets - Plan how much you want to use one or more services. RI utilization budgets - Define a utilization threshold, and receive alerts when your RI usage falls below that threshold. This lets you see if your RIs are unused or under-utilized. RI coverage budgets - Define a coverage threshold, and receive alerts when the number of your instance hours that are covered by RIs fall below that threshold. This lets you see how much of your instance usage is covered by a reservation. Service Endpoint The AWS Budgets API provides the following endpoint: For information about costs that are associated with the AWS Budgets API, see AWS Cost Management Pricing.

ARM Databricks

Service Quotas

With Service Quotas, you can view and manage your quotas easily as your AWS workloads grow. Quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of resources that you can create in your AWS account. For more information, see the Service Quotas User Guide.

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight API Reference Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, serverless business intelligence service for the Amazon Web Services Cloud that makes it easy to extend data and insights to every user in your organization. This API reference contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage Amazon QuickSight.