Mock sample for your project: Orders API

Integrate with "Orders API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Orders API

Version: 3.0.1

Use this API in your project

Start working with "Orders API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Please make sure you use the correct version of the APIs for your use case. To find out the appropriate version, go to the API Docs drop down on the menu.

Other APIs by

Item API
Please make sure you use the correct version of the APIs for your use case. To find out the appropriate version, go to the API Docs drop down on the menu.

Price Management
The price is a fundamental building block for your listing on You can use the price management APIs to set up and manage the price for a given item

Inventory Management
Maintaining up-to-date inventory for your items on ensures a great experience for your customers and greater sales opportunities for you.

Other APIs in the same category


LetMC Api V2, Free (Tier 1)

Polls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them.

Zettle Product Library API

A product library is a representation of all the items that can be
displayed, put in a shopping cart and sold to a customer. Items may be
either producs or discounts.
A product is a synthetic construct, wrapping one or more variants (which is
the actual item being sold) Variants expresses different variations of
properties such as for example price, size or color. A discount will reduce
the total amount charged in a shopping cart. It can be used per item line,
or on the whole cart. It may reduce the affected amount by a percentage, or
by a fixed amount.
Together, the above types of entities makes up a complete library. The
library can be fetched as a whole through the library endpoint, where each
consecutive change applied to the library is available. Once the full
library is retrieved, only later events needs to be fetched to keep the
client up to date with the server
All path patterns "/organizations/{organizationUuid}/" can be replaced
with "/organizations/self/" for convenience as all endpoints are for
authorized users.

koomalooma Partner API

This is the koomalooma Partner API. koomalooma is the first Loyalty BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) for mobile and web companies. With koomalooma merchants issue points for actions their customers / users make on your mobile or web store, for example a purchase or a referral. koomalooma takes care of all the rest, from signing up users, keeping track of points and delivering rewards in over 80 countries. koomalooma offers an easy to integrate API and web backend to configure loyalty campaigns and track performance. You can find more at

agentOS Api V2, Customer Login Call Group

Metadata API
The Metadata API has operations that retrieve configuration details pertaining to the different eBay marketplaces. In addition to marketplace information, the API also has operations that get information that helps sellers list items on eBay.

Billbee API

Documentation of the Billbee REST API to connect a Billbee account to external aplications.
The Billbee API endpoint base url is
You have to enable the API in the settings of your Billbee account. In addition you need a Billbee API Key identifying the application you develop. To get an API key, send a mail to [email protected] and send us a short note about what you are building.
Authorization & security
Because you can access private data with the Billbee API, every request has to be sent over https and must
Contain a valid API Key identifying the application/developer. It has to be sent as the HTTP header X-Billbee-Api-Key
Contain a valid user login with billbee username and api password in form of a basic auth HTTP header
Each endpoint has a throttle of max 2 requests per second per combination of API Key and Billbee user.
When you exceed these 2 calls, the API will return a HTTP 429 status code

Axesso Api

Use this api to fetch information to Amazon products and more.

Catalog API
The Catalog API allows users to search for and locate an eBay catalog product that is a direct match for the product that they wish to sell. Listing against an eBay catalog product helps insure that all listings (based off of that catalog product) have complete and accurate information. In addition to helping to create high-quality listings, another benefit to the seller of using catalog information to create listings is that much of the details of the listing will be prefilled, including the listing title, the listing description, the item specifics, and a stock image for the product (if available). Sellers will not have to enter item specifics themselves, and the overall listing process is a lot faster and easier.

Deal API
Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. This API allows third-party developers to search for and retrieve details about eBay deals and events, as well as the items associated with those deals and events.

Just Eat UK
Just Eat API
Just Eat offers services for our various business partners and our consumer applications.
How you interact with the API depends on the services you wish to interact with.
All api calls and callbacks require HTTPS. Your service will need a valid SSL certificate and be accessible via the standard SSL port (port 443).
Making an API request
Some API calls require an API key, to authenticate the partner calling the API.