Mock sample for your project: Zettle Product Library API

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Zettle Product Library API

Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Zettle Product Library API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


A product library is a representation of all the items that can be
displayed, put in a shopping cart and sold to a customer. Items may be
either producs or discounts.
A product is a synthetic construct, wrapping one or more variants (which is
the actual item being sold) Variants expresses different variations of
properties such as for example price, size or color. A discount will reduce
the total amount charged in a shopping cart. It can be used per item line,
or on the whole cart. It may reduce the affected amount by a percentage, or
by a fixed amount.
Together, the above types of entities makes up a complete library. The
library can be fetched as a whole through the library endpoint, where each
consecutive change applied to the library is available. Once the full
library is retrieved, only later events needs to be fetched to keep the
client up to date with the server
All path patterns "/organizations/{organizationUuid}/" can be replaced
with "/organizations/self/" for convenience as all endpoints are for
authorized users.

Other APIs in the same category

Beanstream Payments

Progress to Rate Limit API
The Analytics API retrieves call-limit data and the quotas that are set for the RESTful APIs and their associated resources. Responses from calls made to getRateLimits and getUerRateLimits include a list of the applicable resources and the "call limit", or quota, that is set for each resource. In addition to quota information, the response also includes the number of remaining calls available before the limit is reached, the time remaining before the quota resets, and the length of the "time window" to which the quota applies. The getRateLimits and getUserRateLimits methods retrieve call-limit information for either an application or user, respectively, and each method must be called with an appropriate OAuth token. That is, getRateLimites requires an access token generated with a client credentials grant and getUserRateLimites requires requires an access token generated with an authorization code grant. For more information, see OAuth tokens. Users can analyze the response data to see whether or not a limit might be reached, and from that determine if any action needs to be taken (such as programmatically throttling their request rate). For more on call limits, see Compatible Application Check.

Axesso Api

Use this api to fetch information to Amazon products and more.

Charity API
The Charity API allows third-party developers to search for and access details on supported charitable organizations.

Buy Marketing API
The Marketing API retrieves eBay products based on a metric, such as Best Selling, as well as products that were also bought and also viewed.

Hereafter is the documentation of the private API of Pims: Pointages Intelligents pour le Monde du Spectacle. This API is designed for 3rd-party softwares, editors and partners. Its main purpose is to give access the core data of a Pims customer (i.e. events, ticket counts and promotions).
The API uses basic access authentication, meaning you will need a username and password to get authorized.
As each customer in Pims has its own domain (e.g.,, each credentials will be valid for one domain/customer only. If you need dedicated credentials for one domain, please contact us. (In any case, we will need an explicit agreement from the customer before we create these credentials.)
To make your life easy, you can try all endpoints with the public credentials below, pointing to our demo domain:
Base path:
Username: demo
Password: q83792db2GCvgYVdKpU3yG3R
Response format
The API returns JSON and matches the HAL specification. The Content-Type of each response will be application/hal+json, unless an error occurs.
Please note that this documentation describes all responses “as if” they were plain JSON. The specificities of HAL are ignored on purpose, in order to remain compact and avoid repetition.
So when you read in the doc:
{"id" : 123,"property1" :"Lorem ipsum","object" : {"id" : 456,"property2" : 7.89
... you'll get in the Real World®:
{"id" : 123,"property2" :"Lorem ipsum","embedded" : {"object" : {"id" : 456,"property2" : 7.89,"links" : {"self" : {"href" :""
}"_links" : {"self" : {"href" :""
Errors return JSON too and tries to match the Problem Details for HTTP APIs specification. If it does not match this spec, that's either a bug or a compatibility issue. Please contact us to solve the problem.
The Content-Type of errors will be application/problem+json. The content will match the following JSON:
Filtering and sorting
Every textual filter (e.g. /events?label=U2) and/or sort (e.g. /events?sort=label) performed with the API uses UTF8UNICODECI collation, meaning it is:
Case insensitive: “Chloé” will be considered the same as “CHLOÉ”;
Diacritic insensitive: “Chloé” will be considered the same as “Chloe”.
When performing a sort, it will always be ascending by default. To make it descending, just use a minus sign (-) in front of the parameter value (e.g. /events?sort=-label).
In responses, some labels can be translated (e.g. promotion types, event input types, etc.). These translatable labels are clearly indicated in the documentation below.
By default, they will be displayed in English, but you can change this behaviour via the Accept-Language header. E.g., use fr as a value for French.
We provide a simple yet convenient SDK for the PHP language, see the Github page of the project.
And now?
Generaly, you will start by fetching one or more events. An event can be anything that occurs in one venue at one given date and time: a concert, a play, a match, a conference, etc. Additionnally, you can explore the series: a series is just a group of events (e.g. a tour or a festival).
Once you retrieved the events you were interested in, you can look for the sales ( ticket counts):
Get a quick overview with /events/:id/ticket-counts
Or get a full insight by calling these endpoints:
Eventually, you may also want to fetch the promotions. A promotion can be anything meant to leverage the sales: ads, marketing campaigns, buzz or news around the event, etc. A promotion can be linked to any combination of events and/or series.

Listing API
Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. Enables a seller adding an ad or item on a Partner's site to automatically create an eBay listing draft using the item details from the Partner's site.

Logistics API
Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. The Logistics API resources offer the following capabilities: shipping_quote – Consolidates into a list a set of live shipping rates, or quotes, from which you can select a rate to ship a package. shipment – Creates a "shipment" for the selected shipping rate. Call createShippingQuote to get a list of live shipping rates. The rates returned are all valid for a specific time window and all quoted prices are at eBay-negotiated rates. Select one of the live rates and using its associated rateId, create a "shipment" for the package by calling createFromShippingQuote. Creating a shipment completes an agreement, and the cost of the base service and any added shipping options are summed into the returned totalShippingCost value. This action also generates a shipping label that you can use to ship the package. The total cost of the shipment is incurred when the package is shipped using the supplied shipping label. Important! Sellers must set up a payment method via their eBay account before they can use the methods in this API to create a shipment and the associated shipping label.

Magento B2B
Magento Commerce is the leading provider of open omnichannel innovation.

Recommendation API
The Recommendation API returns information that sellers can use to optimize the configuration of their listings on eBay. Currently, the API contains a single method, findListingRecommendations. This method provides information that sellers can use to configure Promoted Listings ad campaigns to maximize the visibility of their items in the eBay marketplace.

Browse API
The Browse API has the following resources: itemsummary: Lets shoppers search for specific items by keyword, GTIN, category, charity, product, or item aspects and refine the results by using filters, such as aspects, compatibility, and fields values. (Experimental) searchbyimage: Lets shoppers search for specific items by image. You can refine the results by using URI parameters and filters. item: Lets you retrieve the details of a specific item or all the items in an item group, which is an item with variations such as color and size and check if a product is compatible with the specified item, such as if a specific car is compatible with a specific part. Provides a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as Finding, and the RESTful APIs, which use different formats for the item IDs. (Experimental) shoppingcart: Provides the ability for eBay members to see the contents of their eBay cart, and add, remove, and change the quantity of items in their eBay cart. Note: This resource is not available in the eBay API Explorer. The itemsummary, searchbyimage, and item resource calls require an Application access token. The shoppingcart resource calls require a User access token.

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