Mock sample for your project: Axesso Api API

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Axesso Api

Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Axesso Api API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Use this api to fetch information to Amazon products and more.

Other APIs in the same category

Progress to Rate Limit API
The Analytics API retrieves call-limit data and the quotas that are set for the RESTful APIs and their associated resources. Responses from calls made to getRateLimits and getUerRateLimits include a list of the applicable resources and the "call limit", or quota, that is set for each resource. In addition to quota information, the response also includes the number of remaining calls available before the limit is reached, the time remaining before the quota resets, and the length of the "time window" to which the quota applies. The getRateLimits and getUserRateLimits methods retrieve call-limit information for either an application or user, respectively, and each method must be called with an appropriate OAuth token. That is, getRateLimites requires an access token generated with a client credentials grant and getUserRateLimites requires requires an access token generated with an authorization code grant. For more information, see OAuth tokens. Users can analyze the response data to see whether or not a limit might be reached, and from that determine if any action needs to be taken (such as programmatically throttling their request rate). For more on call limits, see Compatible Application Check.

Orders API
Please make sure you use the correct version of the APIs for your use case. To find out the appropriate version, go to the API Docs drop down on the menu.

Metadata API
The Metadata API has operations that retrieve configuration details pertaining to the different eBay marketplaces. In addition to marketplace information, the API also has operations that get information that helps sellers list items on eBay.

Negotiation API
The Negotiations API gives sellers the ability to proactively send discount offers to buyers who have shown an "interest" in their listings. By sending buyers discount offers on listings where they have shown an interest, sellers can increase the velocity of their sales. There are various ways for a buyer to show interest in a listing. For example, if a buyer adds the listing to their Watch list, or if they add the listing to their shopping cart and later abandon the cart, they are deemed to have shown an interest in the listing. In the offers that sellers send, they can discount their listings by either a percentage off the listing price, or they can set a new discounted price that is lower than the original listing price. For details about how seller offers work, see Sending offers to buyers.

agentOS API V3, Maintenance Call Group

Qualpay Payment Gateway API
This document describes the Qualpay Payment Gateway API.

Velo Payments APIs
Terms and Definitions
Throughout this document and the Velo platform the following terms are used:
Payor. An entity (typically a corporation) which wishes to pay funds to one or more payees via a payout.
Payee. The recipient of funds paid out by a payor.
Payment. A single transfer of funds from a payor to a payee.
Payout. A batch of Payments, typically used by a payor to logically group payments (e.g. by business day). Technically there need be no relationship between the payments in a payout - a single payout can contain payments to multiple payees and/or multiple payments to a single payee.
Sandbox. An integration environment provided by Velo Payments which offers a similar API experience to the production environment, but all funding and payment events are simulated, along with many other services such as OFAC sanctions list checking.
The Velo Payments API allows a payor to perform a number of operations. The following is a list of the main capabilities in a natural order of execution:
Authenticate with the Velo platform
Maintain a collection of payees
Query the payor’s current balance of funds within the platform and perform additional funding
Issue payments to payees
Query the platform for a history of those payments
This document describes the main concepts and APIs required to get up and running with the Velo Payments platform. It is not an exhaustive API reference. For that, please see the separate Velo Payments API Reference.
API Considerations
The Velo Payments API is REST based and uses the JSON format for requests and responses.
Most calls are secured using OAuth 2 security and require a valid authentication access token for successful operation. See the Authentication section for details.
Where a dynamic value is required in the examples below, the {token} format is used, suggesting that the caller needs to supply the appropriate value of the token in question (without including the { or } characters).
Where curl examples are given, the –d @filename.json approach is used, indicating that the request body should be placed into a file named filename.json in the current directory. Each of the curl examples in this document should be considered a single line on the command-line, regardless of how they appear in print.
Authenticating with the Velo Platform
Once Velo backoffice staff have added your organization as a payor within the Velo platform sandbox, they will create you a payor Id, an API key and an API secret and share these with you in a secure manner.
You will need to use these values to authenticate with the Velo platform in order to gain access to the APIs. The steps to take are explained in the following:
create a string comprising the API key (e.g. 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8) and API secret (e.g. c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529) with a colon between them. E.g. 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8:c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529
base64 encode this string. E.g.: NDRhOTUzN2QtZDU1ZC00YjQ3LTgwODItMTQwNjFjMmJjZGQ4OmMzOTZiMjZiLTEzN2EtNDRmZC04N2Y1LTM0NjMxZjhmZDUyOQ==
create an HTTP Authorization header with the value set to e.g. Basic NDRhOTUzN2QtZDU1ZC00YjQ3LTgwODItMTQwNjFjMmJjZGQ4OmMzOTZiMjZiLTEzN2EtNDRmZC04N2Y1LTM0NjMxZjhmZDUyOQ==
perform the Velo authentication REST call using the HTTP header created above e.g. via curl:
If you make other Velo API calls which require authorization but the Authorization header is missing or invalid then you will get a 401 HTTP status response.

Jumpseller API
Endpoint Structure
All URLs are in the format:
Jumpseller API wrapper provides a public Ruby abstraction over our API;
Apps Page showcases external integrations with Jumpseller done by technical experts;
Imgbb API provides an easy way to upload and temporaly host for images and files.

LetMC Api V2, Basic (Tier 2)

Compliance API
Service for providing information to sellers about their listings being non-compliant, or at risk for becoming non-compliant, against eBay listing policies.

LetMC Api V3, reporting

Zettle Product Library API

A product library is a representation of all the items that can be
displayed, put in a shopping cart and sold to a customer. Items may be
either producs or discounts.
A product is a synthetic construct, wrapping one or more variants (which is
the actual item being sold) Variants expresses different variations of
properties such as for example price, size or color. A discount will reduce
the total amount charged in a shopping cart. It can be used per item line,
or on the whole cart. It may reduce the affected amount by a percentage, or
by a fixed amount.
Together, the above types of entities makes up a complete library. The
library can be fetched as a whole through the library endpoint, where each
consecutive change applied to the library is available. Once the full
library is retrieved, only later events needs to be fetched to keep the
client up to date with the server
All path patterns "/organizations/{organizationUuid}/" can be replaced
with "/organizations/self/" for convenience as all endpoints are for
authorized users.