Mock sample for your project: The Blue Alliance API v3

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The Blue Alliance API v3

Version: 3.8.0

Use this API in your project

Start working with "The Blue Alliance API v3" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Information and statistics about FIRST Robotics Competition teams and events.
All endpoints require an Auth Key to be passed in the header X-TBA-Auth-Key. If you do not have an auth key yet, you can obtain one from your Account Page.
A User-Agent header may need to be set to prevent a 403 Unauthorized error.

Other APIs in the same category

Kerala State Board of Public Examinations, Kerala
APIs provided by Kerala State Board of Public Examinations, Kerala.

Transport Department, Andhra Pradesh
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Assam, Assam
APIs provided by Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Assam, Assam.

API v3 targets v2 functionality with a few minor additions. The API is accessible via and provides the following REST endpoints in JSON format.
How to use this API documentation
You may browse the API routes without authentication, but if you wish to send requests to the API and see response data, then you must authenticate.
Obtain a JWT token by POSTing to the /login route in the Authentication section with your API key and credentials.
Paste the JWT token from the response into the "JWT Token" field at the top of the page and click the 'Add Token' button.
You will now be able to use the remaining routes to send requests to the API and get a response.
Language Selection
Language selection is done via the Accept-Language header. At the moment, you may only pass one language abbreviation in the header at a time. Valid language abbreviations can be found at the /languages route..
Authentication to use the API is similar to the How-to section above. Users must POST to the /login route with their API key and credentials in the following format in order to obtain a JWT token.
Note that the username and key are ONLY required for the /user routes. The user's key is labled Account Identifier in the account section of the main site.
The token is then used in all subsequent requests by providing it in the Authorization header. The header will look like: Authorization: Bearer . Currently, the token expires after 24 hours. You can GET the /refresh_token route to extend that expiration date.
You may request a different version of the API by including an Accept header in your request with the following format: Accept:application/vnd.thetvdb.v$VERSION. This documentation automatically uses the version seen at the top and bottom of the page.

Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Tripura, Tripura
eDistrict Tripura ( is the online service delivery portal for TripuraState Govt. Certain documents issued by it (e.g. Income, Caste Certificates etc) can be pulled into citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

CPCT-MAPIT, Madhya Pradesh
Computer Proficiency Certification Exam ( is mandatory for data entry/IT Operator/Assistant Grade-3/steno/shorthand/typist and other similar Permanent/Contractual positions in the departments, corporations and agencies in MP. The CPCT Score Card of 2016 can be pulled into citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

Meark Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.
A single consolidated system of MEARK has been integrated with DigiLocker to produce Co-curricular activity Awards for Universities and Academic Institutions of India. Initially starting with all the Universities of Maharashtra.

Vehicle Enquiry API
Interface specification for the DVLA Vehicle Enquiry API

Department of IT and BT, Karnataka
eSigned certificates issued by Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science &Technology ( can be downloaded through DigiLocker.

Space Radiation API
Space has a hostile radiation environment that increases the risk of cancers in humans and malfunctions in spacecraft electronics. The types of space radiation of primary concern are:
Galactic Cosmic Rays from outside our solar system generated by
supernovae and other phenomena;
Solar Energetic Particles produced by the Sun during intense and
sporadic bursts of activity; and
Trapped Radiation: energetic particles confined by Earth's magnetic
field, usually comprising an inner belt of mostly high energy protons
and an outer belt dominated by lower energy electrons and plasma.
Understanding the space radiation environment for a particular mission profile is becoming increasingly important. Commercial off-the-shelf electronic components that aren't resilient to space radiation are now prevalent. Longer duration missions to cislunar space, Mars, and beyond are placing astronauts at greater risk of radiation exposure.
API requests must contain a key "API-Key" in the header (see code samples). Obtain a key from here.
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Amentum Pty Ltd is not responsible nor liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using the API.
Copyright Amentum Pty Ltd 2021.

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
NSDC ( promotes skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational institutions. Skill certificates provided under various NSDC programmes are made available to citizens in their DigiLocker accounts.

Antyodaya Saral Haryana, Haryana
APIs provided by Antyodaya Saral Haryana, Haryana.