Mock sample for your project: Visual Search Client API

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Visual Search Client

Version: 1.0

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Visual Search Client API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


Visual Search API lets you discover insights about an image such as visually similar images, shopping sources, and related searches. The API can also perform text recognition, identify entities (people, places, things), return other topical content for the user to explore, and more. For more information, see Visual Search Overview. NOTE: To comply with the new EU Copyright Directive in France, the Bing Visual Search API must omit some content from certain EU News sources for French users. The removed content may include thumbnail images and videos, video previews, and snippets which accompany search results from these sources. As a consequence, the Bing APIs may serve fewer results with thumbnail images and videos, video previews, and snippets to French users.

Other APIs by

Custom Search Client
The Bing Custom Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results customized to meet your custom search definition.

AutoSuggest Client
Autosuggest supplies search terms derived from a root text sent to the service. The terms Autosuggest supplies are related to the root text based on similarity and their frequency or ratings of usefulness in other searches. For examples that show how to use Autosuggest, see Search using AutoSuggest.

Computer Vision Client
The Computer Vision API provides state-of-the-art algorithms to process images and return information. For example, it can be used to determine if an image contains mature content, or it can be used to find all the faces in an image. It also has other features like estimating dominant and accent colors, categorizing the content of images, and describing an image with complete English sentences. Additionally, it can also intelligently generate images thumbnails for displaying large images effectively.

Custom Vision Training Client

Computer Vision Client
The Computer Vision API provides state-of-the-art algorithms to process images and return information. For example, it can be used to determine if an image contains mature content, or it can be used to find all the faces in an image. It also has other features like estimating dominant and accent colors, categorizing the content of images, and describing an image with complete English sentences. Additionally, it can also intelligently generate images thumbnails for displaying large images effectively.

Custom Vision Prediction Client

Custom Image Search Client
The Bing Custom Image Search API lets you send an image search query to Bing and get back image search results customized to meet your custom search definition.

Entity Search Client
The Entity Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results that include entities and places. Place results include restaurants, hotel, or other local businesses. For places, the query can specify the name of the local business or it can ask for a list (for example, restaurants near me). Entity results include persons, places, or things. Place in this context is tourist attractions, states, countries, etc.

Image Search Client
The Image Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back a list of relevant images. This section provides technical details about the query parameters and headers that you use to request images and the JSON response objects that contain them. For examples that show how to make requests, see Searching the Web for Images.

Video Search Client
The Video Search API lets you search on Bing for video that are relevant to the user's search query, for insights about a video or for videos that are trending based on search requests made by others. This section provides technical details about the query parameters and headers that you use to request videos and the JSON response objects that contain them. For examples that show how to make requests, see Searching the Web for Videos.

News Search Client
The News Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back a list of news that are relevant to the search query. This section provides technical details about the query parameters and headers that you use to request news and the JSON response objects that contain them. For examples that show how to make requests, see Searching the web for news.

Local Search Client
The Local Search client lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results that include local businesses such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, or other local businesses. The query can specify the name of the local business or it can ask for a list (for example, restaurants near me).

Other APIs in the same category

Computer Vision Client
The Computer Vision API provides state-of-the-art algorithms to process images and return information. For example, it can be used to determine if an image contains mature content, or it can be used to find all the faces in an image. It also has other features like estimating dominant and accent colors, categorizing the content of images, and describing an image with complete English sentences. Additionally, it can also intelligently generate images thumbnails for displaying large images effectively.

Postman API
The Postman API allows you to programmatically access data stored in Postman account with ease.
The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Postman to send requests.
You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your key from the integrations dashboard.
The API has an access rate limit applied to it.
The Postman API will only respond to secured communication done over HTTPS. HTTP requests will be sent a 301 redirect to corresponding HTTPS resources.
Response to every request is sent in JSON format. In case the API request results in an error, it is represented by an "error": {} key in the JSON response.
The request method (verb) determines the nature of action you intend to perform. A request made using the GET method implies that you want to fetch something from Postman, and POST implies you want to save something new to Postman.
The API calls will respond with appropriate HTTP status codes for all requests. Within Postman Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively.
Individual resources in your Postman Account is accessible using its unique id (uid). The uid is a simple concatenation of the resource owner's user-id and the resource-id. For example, a collection's uid is {{ownerid}}-{{collectionid}}.
An API Key is required to be sent as part of every request to the Postman API, in the form of an X-Api-Key request header.
> If you do not have an API Key, you can easily generate one by heading over to the Postman Integrations Dashboard.
An API Key tells our API server that the request it received came from you. Everything that you have access to in Postman is accessible with an API Key that is generated by you.
For ease of use inside Postman, you could store your API key in an environment variable called postmanapikey and this Collection will automatically use it to make API calls.
API Key related error response
If an API Key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive a 401 Unauthorised response code and the following JSON response:
For help regarding accessing the Postman API, feel free to discuss it in our Discourse Community. You can also drop in a line at [email protected].
In the event you receive a 503 response from our servers, it implies that we have hit an unexpected spike in API access traffic and would usually be operational within the next 5 minutes. If the outage persists, or your receive any other form of 5XX error, kindly let us know.
Terms of Use
For information on API terms of use and privacy, refer to our terms at and our privacy policy at
API Reference

Gitea API.
This documentation describes the Gitea API.

Interzoid Get Country Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar country name data, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the algorithmically generated similarity key rather than the data itself.

APIMATIC API Transformer

Transform API Descriptions from/to various formats
Extpose — in‑store performance analytics and optimization tool for Chrome extensions.

Blazemeter API Explorer
Live API Documentation Screenshot Comparisons API
What's in this version:
Compare two screenshots for layout differences
Compare a full screenshot test of browsers to a single baseline browser for layout differences.
Compare a screenshot test version to another test version - good for regression tests.
Get links to the Comparison UI for visual representation of layout differences



Interzoid Get Full Name Parsed Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar full name data when data fields are parsed into first name and last name components, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the similarity key rather than the data itself. This API is for full name data where first and last name are in separate fields. Use the Full Name Similarity Key API for first and last name data that are in the same field.

Interzoid Get Full Name Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar full name data, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the similarity key rather than the data itself. This API is for full name data where first and last name are in the same field. Use the Full Name Parsed Similarity Key API for first and last name data that are in separate fields.

Proxy API

Welcome to the Proxy API.
You can use this API to access all Proxy API endpoints.
Base URL
The base URL for all API requests is
Custom headers that are expected as part of the request. Note that RFC7230 states header names are case insensitive.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Authorization | String | Yes | Bearer API KEY |
| x-apideck-app-id | String | Yes | The application id of your Unify application. Available at |
| x-apideck-consumer-id | String | Yes | The id of the customer stored inside Apideck Vault. This can be a user id, account id, device id or whatever entity that can have integration within your app. |
| x-apideck-downstream-url | String | Yes | Downstream URL to forward the request too |
| x-apideck-downstream-authorization | String | No | Downstream authorization header. This will skip the Vault token injection. |
| x-apideck-downstream-method | String | No | Downstream method. If not provided the upstream method will be inherited, depending on the verb/method of the request this will contain the request body you want to POST/PATCH/PUT. |
| x-apideck-service-id | String | No | Describe the service you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a customer has activated multiple integrations for the same Unified API. |
You can interact with the API through the authorization methods below.
To use API you have to sign up and get your own API key. Unify API accounts have sandbox mode and live mode API keys. To change modes just use the appropriate key to get a live or test object. You can find your API keys on the unify settings of your Apideck app. Your Apideck application_id can also be found on the same page.
Authenticate your API requests by including your test or live secret API key in the request header.
Bearer authorization header: Authorization: Bearer
Application id header: x-apideck-app-id:
You should use the public keys on the SDKs and the secret keys to authenticate API requests.
Do not share or include your secret API keys on client side code. Your API keys carry significant privileges. Please ensure to keep them 100% secure and be sure to not share your secret API keys in areas that are publicly accessible like GitHub.
Learn how to set the Authorization header inside Postman
Go to Unify to grab your API KEY
| Security Scheme Type | HTTP |
| ------------------------- | ------ |
| HTTP Authorization Scheme | bearer |
The ID of your Unify application
| Security Scheme Type | API Key |
| --------------------- | ---------------- |
| Header parameter name | x-apideck-app-id |
Static IP
Some of the APIs you want to use can require a static IP. Apideck's static IP feature allows you to the Proxy API with a fixed IP avoiding the need for you to set up your own infrastructure. This feature is currently available to all Apideck customers.
To use this feature, the API Vendor will need to whitelist the associated static IP addresses.
The provided static IP addresses are fixed to their specified region and shared by all customers who use this feature.
EU Central 1:
Other: upcoming
More info about our data security can be found at
The request timeout is set at 30 seconds.
Response Size
The Proxy API has no response size limit. For responses larger than 2MB, the Proxy API will redirect to a temporary URL. In this case the usual Apideck response headers will be returned in the redirect response. Most HTTP clients will handle this redirect automatically.
GET /proxy
< 301 Moved Permanently
< x-apideck-request-id: {{requestId}}
< Location: {{temporaryUrl}}
GET {{temporaryUrl}}