Mock sample for your project: Otoroshi Admin API

Integrate with "Otoroshi Admin API" from maif.local in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Otoroshi Admin API


Version: 1.5.0-dev

Use this API in your project

Start working with "Otoroshi Admin API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Admin API of the Otoroshi reverse proxy

Other APIs in the same category

LGTM API specification
The REST API for LGTM provides data so that you can customize how you integrate LGTM analysis into your workflow. It includes the following resources:
/ (API root)—get version information or download the specification in OpenAPI format.
/projects (Projects)—list projects, get a summary of the current status for a project, or add new projects.
/analyses (Analyses)—get a summary of results, download all the alerts, or trigger analysis for a specific commit.
/codereviews (Code reviews)—trigger code review for a patch, and view the results.
/operations (Operations)—get information about long-running tasks, for example, analyses or code reviews that you've requested.
/snapshots (Snapshots)—download and upload databases representing a snapshot of a codebase.
/queryjobs (Query jobs)—submit queries to evaluate against existing projects, and download their results.
/system (System)—get information on the health or usage of the system.
For an overview and getting started topics, see API for LGTM.

Dataflow Kit Web Scraper

Render Javascript driven pages, while we internally manage Headless Chrome and proxies for you.
Build a custom web scraper with our Visual point-and-click toolkit.
Scrape the most popular Search engines result pages (SERP).
Convert web pages to PDF and capture screenshots.
Dataflow Kit API require you to sign up for an API key in order to use the API.
The API key can be found in the DFK Dashboard after free registration.
Pass a secret API Key to all API requests to the server as the api_key query parameter.

Interzoid Get Address Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar street address data, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the algorithmically generated similarity key rather than the data itself.

PowerTools Developer

Apptigent PowerTools Developer Edition is a powerful suite of API endpoints for custom applications running on any stack. Manipulate text, modify collections, format dates and times, convert currency, perform advanced mathematical calculations, shorten URL's, encode strings, convert text to speech, translate content into multiple languages, process images, and more. PowerTools is the ultimate developer toolkit.

Proxy API

Welcome to the Proxy API.
You can use this API to access all Proxy API endpoints.
Base URL
The base URL for all API requests is
Custom headers that are expected as part of the request. Note that RFC7230 states header names are case insensitive.
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Authorization | String | Yes | Bearer API KEY |
| x-apideck-app-id | String | Yes | The application id of your Unify application. Available at |
| x-apideck-consumer-id | String | Yes | The id of the customer stored inside Apideck Vault. This can be a user id, account id, device id or whatever entity that can have integration within your app. |
| x-apideck-downstream-url | String | Yes | Downstream URL to forward the request too |
| x-apideck-downstream-authorization | String | No | Downstream authorization header. This will skip the Vault token injection. |
| x-apideck-downstream-method | String | No | Downstream method. If not provided the upstream method will be inherited, depending on the verb/method of the request this will contain the request body you want to POST/PATCH/PUT. |
| x-apideck-service-id | String | No | Describe the service you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a customer has activated multiple integrations for the same Unified API. |
You can interact with the API through the authorization methods below.
To use API you have to sign up and get your own API key. Unify API accounts have sandbox mode and live mode API keys. To change modes just use the appropriate key to get a live or test object. You can find your API keys on the unify settings of your Apideck app. Your Apideck application_id can also be found on the same page.
Authenticate your API requests by including your test or live secret API key in the request header.
Bearer authorization header: Authorization: Bearer
Application id header: x-apideck-app-id:
You should use the public keys on the SDKs and the secret keys to authenticate API requests.
Do not share or include your secret API keys on client side code. Your API keys carry significant privileges. Please ensure to keep them 100% secure and be sure to not share your secret API keys in areas that are publicly accessible like GitHub.
Learn how to set the Authorization header inside Postman
Go to Unify to grab your API KEY
| Security Scheme Type | HTTP |
| ------------------------- | ------ |
| HTTP Authorization Scheme | bearer |
The ID of your Unify application
| Security Scheme Type | API Key |
| --------------------- | ---------------- |
| Header parameter name | x-apideck-app-id |
Static IP
Some of the APIs you want to use can require a static IP. Apideck's static IP feature allows you to the Proxy API with a fixed IP avoiding the need for you to set up your own infrastructure. This feature is currently available to all Apideck customers.
To use this feature, the API Vendor will need to whitelist the associated static IP addresses.
The provided static IP addresses are fixed to their specified region and shared by all customers who use this feature.
EU Central 1:
Other: upcoming
More info about our data security can be found at
The request timeout is set at 30 seconds.
Response Size
The Proxy API has no response size limit. For responses larger than 2MB, the Proxy API will redirect to a temporary URL. In this case the usual Apideck response headers will be returned in the redirect response. Most HTTP clients will handle this redirect automatically.
GET /proxy
< 301 Moved Permanently
< x-apideck-request-id: {{requestId}}
< Location: {{temporaryUrl}}
GET {{temporaryUrl}}

This API allows you to interact with the VictorOps platform in various ways. Your account may be limited
to a total number of API calls per month. Also, some of these API calls have rate limits.
NOTE: In this documentation when creating a sample curl request (clicking the TRY IT OUT! button), in some API
viewing interfaces, the '@' in an email address may be encoded. Please note that the REST endpoints will not
process the encoded version. Make sure that the encoded character '%40' is changed to its unencoded form before
submitting the curl request.

Web Search Client
The Web Search API lets you send a search query to Bing and get back search results that include links to webpages, images, and more.

PowerDNS Authoritative HTTP API

The reliable, secure, and simple IP geolocation API.

Interzoid Country Data Standardization API

This API provides a standard for country name for the purposes of standardizing country name data, improving query results, analytics, and data merging.

App Store Connect API

Ecosystem API

Ecosystem API