Mock sample for your project: Api2Pdf - PDF Generation, Powered by AWS Lambda API

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Api2Pdf - PDF Generation, Powered by AWS Lambda

Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Api2Pdf - PDF Generation, Powered by AWS Lambda API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


Api2Pdf is a powerful PDF generation API with no rate limits or file size constraints. Api2Pdf runs on AWS Lambda, a serverless architecture powered by Amazon to scale to millions of requests while being up to 90% cheaper than alternatives. Supports wkhtmltopdf, Headless Chrome, LibreOffice, and PDF Merge. You can also generate barcodes with ZXING (Zebra Crossing).
SDKs & Client Libraries
We've made a number of open source libraries available for the API
Ruby: (Coming soon)
Create an account at to get an API key.
Authorize your API calls
GET requests, include apikey=YOUR-API-KEY as a query string parameter
POST requests, add Authorization to your header.
For more advanced usage and settings, see the API specification below.

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AppVeyor is a hosted continuous integration service which runs on Microsoft
Windows. The AppVeyor REST API provides a RESTful way to interact with the
AppVeyor service. This includes managing projects, builds, deployments,
and the teams that build them.
Additional help and discussion of the AppVeyor REST API is available at
This Swagger definition is an unofficial description of the AppVeyor
REST API maintained at
Please report any issues or suggestions for this Swagger definition at
API Conventions
Fields which are missing from update operations (PUT requests) are
typically reset to their default values. So although most fields are not
technically required, they should usually be specified in practice.

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This API is a collection of HTTP RPC-style methods. While it is not a REST API, those familiar with REST should find the conventions of this API recognizable.
Here are some conventions that this API follows:
All endpoints are http POST methods.
All endpoints accept data via application/json request bodies. The API does not accept any data via query params.
The naming convention for endpoints is: localhost:8000/{VERSION}/{METHODFAMILY}/{METHODNAME} e.g. localhost:8000/v1/connections/create.
For all update methods, the whole object must be passed in, even the fields that did not change.
Change Management:
The major version of the API endpoint can be determined / specified in the URL localhost:8080/v1/connections/create
Minor version bumps will be invisible to the end user. The user cannot specify minor versions in requests.
All backwards incompatible changes will happen in major version bumps. We will not make backwards incompatible changes in minor version bumps. Examples of non-breaking changes (includes but not limited to...):
Adding fields to request or response bodies.
Adding new HTTP endpoints.

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