Mock sample for your project: Sandbox API

Integrate with "Sandbox API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Sandbox API

Version: v1

Use this API in your project

Start working with "Sandbox API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Sandbox API

Other APIs in the same category

Postman API
The Postman API allows you to programmatically access data stored in Postman account with ease.
The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Postman to send requests.
You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your key from the integrations dashboard.
The API has an access rate limit applied to it.
The Postman API will only respond to secured communication done over HTTPS. HTTP requests will be sent a 301 redirect to corresponding HTTPS resources.
Response to every request is sent in JSON format. In case the API request results in an error, it is represented by an "error": {} key in the JSON response.
The request method (verb) determines the nature of action you intend to perform. A request made using the GET method implies that you want to fetch something from Postman, and POST implies you want to save something new to Postman.
The API calls will respond with appropriate HTTP status codes for all requests. Within Postman Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively.
Individual resources in your Postman Account is accessible using its unique id (uid). The uid is a simple concatenation of the resource owner's user-id and the resource-id. For example, a collection's uid is {{ownerid}}-{{collectionid}}.
An API Key is required to be sent as part of every request to the Postman API, in the form of an X-Api-Key request header.
> If you do not have an API Key, you can easily generate one by heading over to the Postman Integrations Dashboard.
An API Key tells our API server that the request it received came from you. Everything that you have access to in Postman is accessible with an API Key that is generated by you.
For ease of use inside Postman, you could store your API key in an environment variable called postmanapikey and this Collection will automatically use it to make API calls.
API Key related error response
If an API Key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive a 401 Unauthorised response code and the following JSON response:
For help regarding accessing the Postman API, feel free to discuss it in our Discourse Community. You can also drop in a line at [email protected].
In the event you receive a 503 response from our servers, it implies that we have hit an unexpected spike in API access traffic and would usually be operational within the next 5 minutes. If the outage persists, or your receive any other form of 5XX error, kindly let us know.
Terms of Use
For information on API terms of use and privacy, refer to our terms at and our privacy policy at
API Reference

CodeScan API

Manage your Hosted CodeScan Service

JSON storage
JSON storage API

This API allows you to interact with the VictorOps platform in various ways. Your account may be limited
to a total number of API calls per month. Also, some of these API calls have rate limits.
NOTE: In this documentation when creating a sample curl request (clicking the TRY IT OUT! button), in some API
viewing interfaces, the '@' in an email address may be encoded. Please note that the REST endpoints will not
process the encoded version. Make sure that the encoded character '%40' is changed to its unencoded form before
submitting the curl request.

Wikipedia for Web APIs. Repository of API specs in OpenAPI 3.0 format.
Warning: If you want to be notified about changes in advance please join our Slack channel.
Client sample: [Demo] [Repo]

Swagger Generator
This is an online swagger codegen server. You can find out more at or on, #swagger.

ConfigCat Public Management API

If you prefer the swagger documentation, you can find it here: Swagger UI.
The purpose of this API is to access the ConfigCat platform programmatically.
You can Create, Read, Update and Delete any entities like Feature Flags, Configs, Environments or Products within ConfigCat.
The API is based on HTTP REST, uses resource-oriented URLs, status codes and supports JSON
and JSON+HAL format. Do not use this API for accessing and evaluating feature flag values. Use the SDKs instead.
OpenAPI Specification
The complete specification is publicly available here: swagger.json.
You can use it to generate client libraries in various languages with OpenAPI Generator or
Swagger Codegen to interact with this API.
This API uses the Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme.
Throttling and rate limits
All the rate limited API calls are returning information about the current rate limit period in the following HTTP headers:
| Header | Description |
| :- | :- |
| X-Rate-Limit-Remaining | The maximum number of requests remaining in the current rate limit period. |
| X-Rate-Limit-Reset | The time when the current rate limit period resets. |
When the rate limit is exceeded by a request, the API returns with a HTTP 429 - Too many requests status along with a Retry-After HTTP header.

Sandbox API

Sandbox API

DaniWeb Connect API

User Recommendation Engine and Chat Network

Interzoid Get Weather City API

This API provides current weather information for US Cities, including temperatures, wind speeds, wind direction, relative humidity, and visibility.

Interzoid Get City Match Similarity Key API

This API provides a similarity key used to match with other similar city name data, including for purposes of deduplication, fuzzy matching, or merging of datasets. A much higher match rate will be achieved by matching on the algorithmically generated similarity key rather than the data itself.

Airbyte Configuration API

Airbyte Configuration API
This API is a collection of HTTP RPC-style methods. While it is not a REST API, those familiar with REST should find the conventions of this API recognizable.
Here are some conventions that this API follows:
All endpoints are http POST methods.
All endpoints accept data via application/json request bodies. The API does not accept any data via query params.
The naming convention for endpoints is: localhost:8000/{VERSION}/{METHODFAMILY}/{METHODNAME} e.g. localhost:8000/v1/connections/create.
For all update methods, the whole object must be passed in, even the fields that did not change.
Change Management:
The major version of the API endpoint can be determined / specified in the URL localhost:8080/v1/connections/create
Minor version bumps will be invisible to the end user. The user cannot specify minor versions in requests.
All backwards incompatible changes will happen in major version bumps. We will not make backwards incompatible changes in minor version bumps. Examples of non-breaking changes (includes but not limited to...):
Adding fields to request or response bodies.
Adding new HTTP endpoints.