Mock sample for your project: SqlManagementClient API

Integrate with "SqlManagementClient API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample


Version: 2017-03-01-preview

Use this API in your project

Start working with "SqlManagementClient API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

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The Azure Serial Console allows you to access the serial console of a Virtual Machine or VM scale set instance

The Azure Storage Management API.

Security Center
API spec for Microsoft.Security (Azure Security Center) resource provider

Azure SQL Server API spec
The Azure SQL Server management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Azure SQL Server services to manage your databases. The API enables users update server connection policy.

Azure SQL Database Datamasking Policies and Rules
Provides create, read, update and delete functionality for Azure SQL Database datamasking policies and rules.

Virtual Network admin operation endpoints and objects.

The Compute Management Client.

Creates an Azure Data Lake Analytics account management client.

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Microsoft Customer Engagement Fabric

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Other APIs in the same category

The DNS Management Client.


The Amazon API Gateway Management API allows you to directly manage runtime aspects of your deployed APIs. To use it, you must explicitly set the SDK's endpoint to point to the endpoint of your deployed API. The endpoint will be of the form https://{api-id}.execute-api.{region}{stage}, or will be the endpoint corresponding to your API's custom domain and base path, if applicable.

EC2 Image Builder

EC2 Image Builder is a fully managed Amazon Web Services service that makes it easier to automate the creation, management, and deployment of customized, secure, and up-to-date "golden" server images that are pre-installed and pre-configured with software and settings to meet specific IT standards.

Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize is a machine learning service that makes it easy to add individualized recommendations to customers.

AWS Elemental MediaPackage

AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront This is the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about CloudFront API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about CloudFront features, see the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

AWS Comprehend Medical

Amazon Comprehend Medical extracts structured information from unstructured clinical text. Use these actions to gain insight in your documents.

Azure CDN WebApplicationFirewallManagement
APIs to manage web application firewall rules for Azure CDN


Use these API to manage Azure Relay resources through Azure Resource Manager. API
This is the public REST API for All of the integrations communicates with through this API. For additional help getting started with the API, visit the following help articles: Using the REST API Where is my API key? Where is my log ID? How to configure API key permissions

Amazon Cognito Sync

Amazon Cognito Sync Amazon Cognito Sync provides an AWS service and client library that enable cross-device syncing of application-related user data. High-level client libraries are available for both iOS and Android. You can use these libraries to persist data locally so that it's available even if the device is offline. Developer credentials don't need to be stored on the mobile device to access the service. You can use Amazon Cognito to obtain a normalized user ID and credentials. User data is persisted in a dataset that can store up to 1 MB of key-value pairs, and you can have up to 20 datasets per user identity. With Amazon Cognito Sync, the data stored for each identity is accessible only to credentials assigned to that identity. In order to use the Cognito Sync service, you need to make API calls using credentials retrieved with Amazon Cognito Identity service. If you want to use Cognito Sync in an Android or iOS application, you will probably want to make API calls via the AWS Mobile SDK. To learn more, see the Developer Guide for Android and the Developer Guide for iOS.