HTTP verbs linked to a variable

Use global variables to save the state between requests

Use global variables to save the state between requests and simulate complex workflows and scenarios in your mock API.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the global variables to save the state between requests in Mockoon. Global variables are a powerful feature that allows you to store and reuse data across multiple requests, contrarily to local variables, scoped to a template. It can be useful when you simulate complex workflows like user authentication, shopping carts, or any other scenario where you save data between requests.

 Scope and support

Global variables are available everywhere templating helpers are supported: response body, rules, etc.

Once set, global variables are shared between all routes of an environment and available during all requests. Their values are reset when the environment is stopped or restarted.

 1. Set a global variable

To set a global variable, you can use the setGlobalVar templating helper. This helper takes two arguments: the variable name and its value. You can dynamically set the parameters using other helpers.

Some examples:

<!-- Setting a simple variable --> {{setGlobalVar 'varName' 'value'}} <!-- Getting the value from the request body --> {{setGlobalVar 'varName' (bodyRaw 'id')}} <!-- Getting the name and value from a query parameter and the request body --> {{setGlobalVar (queryParam 'param1') (bodyRaw 'id')}}

 2. Get a global variable

To get a global variable, you can use the getGlobalVar templating helper. This helper takes two arguments: the variable name and an optional path. Here too, you can dynamically set the parameters using other helpers and you can use the fetched data in other helpers.

Some examples:

<!-- Getting a variable --> {{getGlobalVar 'varname'}} <!-- Getting a variable content's properties using the JSONPath syntax --> {{getGlobalVar 'varName' '$.array.[*].property'}} <!-- Getting the name of the variable from the request body --> {{getGlobalVar (bodyRaw 'property')}} <!-- Using the variable content in an each helper (if the content is an array) --> {{#each (getGlobalVar 'varName')}}...{{/each}} <!-- Stringify the variable content --> {{{stringify (getGlobalVar 'varName')}}}

 3. Clear the global variables

To clear all the global variables, use the PURGE /mockoon-admin/global-vars or POST /mockoon-admin/global-vars/purge endpoints from the admin API.

 4. An example use case: user authentication

Let's see how to use global variables to simulate a simple user authentication workflow. We will create two routes: one to log in and one to get the user's profile. We will use a global variable to store a boolean value indicating if the user is authenticated.

 Create the login route

First, create a new route POST /login to simulate a user logging in. Set the route with the following settings:

  • Method: POST

  • Path: login

  • Response body:

    {{setGlobalVar 'isAuthenticated' true}} { "message": "Login successful" }

Overview of the login route with status 200 and "successful" bodyOverview of the login route with status 200 and "successful" body

 Create the profile route

Then, create a new GET /profile route to simulate retrieving a user profile. For this route, we will check if the user is authenticated before returning the profile using two responses and a rule.

First, create a new HTTP route and set the following settings:

  • Method: GET

  • Path: profile

  • Status: 401

  • Response body:

    { "message": "Unauthorized" }

This will be our default response when the user is not authenticated. You can set the status to 401 to indicate that the user is not authorized to access the resource.

Overview of the profile route with status 401 and "unauthorized" bodyOverview of the profile route with status 401 and "unauthorized" body

Then, add a new response by clicking on the "plus" button next to the response list:

Add a new response to the profile route

Set the following settings to the new response:

  • Status: 200 (it should be the default)

  • Response body, generating a fake user profile:

    { "name": "{{faker 'person.firstName'}} {{faker 'person.lastName'}}", "email": "{{faker ''}}", "address": "{{faker 'address.streetAddress'}}", "phone": "{{faker 'phone.number'}}" }

Overview of the profile route second response with status 200 and fake profileOverview of the profile route second response with status 200 and fake profile

 Add a rule to check if the user is authenticated

At this stage, we have two responses for the GET /profile route:

  • The first one with a status of 401 indicates that the user is not authenticated. It should be the default response marked with a blue flag in the response list.
  • The second one, with a status of 200 returns the user profile. It should be the second response in the list.

If you test the route now by making a GET call to /profile, you will always receive the 401 response because this is the default response, and there is no rule to check if the user is authenticated yet.

The responses listThe responses list

To enable the user to access the profile only if they are authenticated (i.e. the /login route was called, and the global variable isAuthenticated is true), we need to add a rule on the second response to check the value of the global variable isAuthenticated.

To add the rule, first click on the second response in the list to edit it and click on the "Rules" tab:

The response rules tabThe response rules tab

Finally, add a new rule to the route to check if the user is authenticated. Click on the "plus" button in the rules list and set the following settings:

  • Target "Global variable"
  • Variable name: isAuthenticated
  • Operator "equals"
  • Value: true

Overview of the new ruleOverview of the new rule

 Test the workflow

Now that we have set up the routes and the rule, you can test the workflow.

  1. Make a GET call to /profile. You should receive the 401 response with the "Unauthorized" message.
  2. Make a POST call to /login. You should receive the 200 response with the "Login successful" message.
  3. Make a GET call to /profile again. This time, you should receive the 200 response with the fake user profile.

Overview of the profile route with status 200 and fake profileOverview of the profile route with status 200 and fake profile

To reset the global variable isAuthenticated between tests, you can restart the mock API.

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