Mock sample for your project: Movie Reviews API

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Movie Reviews API

Version: 2.0.0

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Speed up your application development by using "Movie Reviews API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


With the Movie Reviews API, you can search New York Times movie reviews by keyword and get lists of NYT Critics' Picks.

Other APIs by

Archive API

The Archive API provides lists of NYT articles by month going back to 1851. You can use it to build your own local database of NYT article metadata.

Article Search API

With the Article Search API, you can search New York Times articles from Sept. 18, 1851 to today, retrieving headlines, abstracts, lead paragraphs, links to associated multimedia and other article metadata.
Note: In URI examples and field names, italics indicate placeholders for variables or values. Brackets [ ] indicate optional items. Parentheses ( ) are not a convention — when URIs include parentheses, interpret them literally.

Books API

The Books API provides information about book reviews and The New York Times bestsellers lists.

Geographic API

The Geographic API extends the Semantic API, using a linked data approach to enhance location concepts used in The New York Times' controlled vocabulary and data resources which combine them with the GeoNames database, an authoritative and free to use database of global geographical places, names and features.

Community API

Get access to comments from registered users on New York Times articles. NOTE: This API is deprecated.

TimesTags API

With the TimesTags API, you can mine the riches of the New York Times tag set. The TimesTags service matches your query to the controlled vocabularies that fuel metadata. You supply a string of characters, and the service returns a ranked list of suggested terms.

Times Newswire API

With the Times Newswire API, you can get links and metadata for Times articles and blog posts as soon as they are published on The Times Newswire API provides an up-to-the-minute stream of published items.

Most Popular API

Get lists of NYT Articles based on shares, emails, and views.

Top Stories

The Top Stories API provides lists of articles and associated images by section.

Semantic API

The Semantic API complements the Articles API. With the Semantic API, you get access to the long list of people, places, organizations and other locations, entities and descriptors that make up the controlled vocabulary used as metadata by The New York Times (sometimes referred to as Times Tags and used for Times Topics pages).
The Semantic API uses concepts which are, by definition, terms in The New York Times controlled vocabulary. Like the way facets are used in the Articles API, concepts are a good way to uncover articles of interest in The New York Times archive, and at the same time, limit the scope and number of those articles. The Semantic API maps to external semantic data resources, in a fashion consistent with the idea of linked data. The Semantic API also provides combination and relationship information to other, similar concepts in The New York Times controlled vocabulary.

Other APIs in the same category

MetaPub collects, normalizes and distributes publicly available program, episode, and piece metadata through the public radio system. Backed by ContentDepot and its data model, MetaPub allows producers to supply metadata through various methods:
MetaPub Agents that collect producer metadata by "crawling" existing public feeds (e.g. C24, BBC) or the producer's production system (e.g. ATC, ME, TED Radio Hour).
Manually enter metadata in the ContentDepot Portal on each program and episode.
Publish/push the metadata to the MetaPub upload API and execute an ingest job.
MetaPub then distributes this data to stations through an electronic program guide (EPG model)
for display on various listener devices such as smart phones, tablets, web streams, HD radios, RDBS enabled FM radios, and more. The EPG format is based on the RadioDNS specifications.
RadioDNS and MetaPub
The RadioDNS Service and Programme Information Specification (TS 102 818 v3.1.1) defines three primary documents: Service Information, Program Information, and Group Information. These documents, along with the core RadioDNS Hybrid Lookup for Radio Services Specification (TS 103 270 v1.2.1) define a system where an end listener device can dynamically discover program metadata and fetch the metadata via Internet Protocol (IP) requests. MetaPub's use of RadioDNS differs slightly in that MetaPub (a.k.a PRSS) acts as the "service provider" while the stations and related middleware act as the end devices. While this is not the primary use case of RadioDNS, the flexibility in the specification, service definitions, and DNS resolution allows this model to be easily represented.
This documentation gives a high level overview of how the RadioDNS specifications will be used by MetaPub, however it is strongly recommended that the related RadioDNS specifications be read for implementation details, definitions, and required XML schemas.
ContentDepot Drive
ContentDepot Drive (CD Drive) provides a private, per customer file storage solution similar to other cloud storage solutions such as Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox. The CD Drive is used to stage content uploads such as metadata files, images, or segment audio before associating the content with specific programs or episodes.
CD Drive content can be referenced using a URI by some operations such as synchronizing metadata. There are two possible CD Drive URI formats supported: ID and hierarchical path. The ID reference takes the form . More information about URIs can be found at Wikipedia.
The API currently uses OAuth 2.0. Some operations require specific scopes to limit clients while the ContentDepot backend may also enforce existing user specific permissions.

Musixmatch API

Musixmatch lyrics API is a robust service that permits you to search and retrieve lyrics in the simplest possible way. It just works.
Include millions of licensed lyrics on your website or in your application legally.
The fastest, most powerful and legal way to display lyrics on your website or in your application.
Read musixmatch API Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy:
Before getting started, you must take a look at the API Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy. We’ve worked hard to make this service completely legal so that we are all protected from any foreseeable liability. Take the time to read this stuff.
Register for an API key:
All you need to do is register in order to get your API key, a mandatory parameter for most of our API calls. It’s your personal identifier and should be kept secret:
Integrate the musixmatch service with your web site or application
In the most common scenario you only need to implement two API calls:
The first call is to match your catalog to ours using the function and the second is to get the lyrics using the track.lyrics.get api. That’s it!
API Methods
What does the musiXmatch API do?
The musiXmatch API allows you to read objects from our huge 100% licensed lyrics database.
To make your life easier we are providing you with one or more examples to show you how it could work in the wild. You’ll find both the API request and API response in all the available output formats for each API call. Follow the links below for the details.
The current API version is 1.1, the root URL is located at
Supported input parameters can be found on the page Input Parameters. Use UTF-8 to encode arguments when calling API methods.
Every response includes a status_code. A list of all status codes can be consulted at Status Codes.
Music meta data
The musiXmatch api is built around lyrics, but there are many other data we provide through the api that can be used to improve every existent music service.
Inside the track object you can get the following extra information:
The track rating is a score 0-100 identifying how popular is a song in musixmatch.
You can use this information to sort search results, like the most popular songs of an artist, of a music genre, of a lyrics language.
The instrumental flag identifies songs with music only, no lyrics.
The explicit flag identifies songs with explicit lyrics or explicit title. We're able to identify explicit words and set the flag for the most common languages.
How many users have this song in their list of favourites.
Can be used to sort tracks by num favourite to identify more popular tracks within a set.
The music genere of the song.
Can be used to group songs by genre, as input for similarity alghorithms, artist genre identification, navigate songs by genere, etc.
The track title, as translated in different lanauages, can be used to display the right writing for a given user, example:
LIES (Bigbang) becomes 在光化門 in chinese
HALLELUJAH (Bigbang) becomes ハレルヤ in japanese
Inside the artist object you can get the following nice extra information:
An artist comment is a short snippet of text which can be mainly used for disambiguation.
The artist country is the born country of the artist/group
There are two perfect search result if you search by artist with the keyword "U2". Indeed there are two distinct music groups with this same name, one is the most known irish group of Bono Vox, the other is a less popular (world wide speaking) group from Japan.
Here's how you can made use of the artist comment in your search result page:
U2 (Irish rock band)
U2 (あきやまうに)
You can also show the artist country for even better disambiguation:
U2 (Irish rock band) from Ireland
U2 (あきやまうに) from Japan
When you create a world wide music related service you have to take into consideration to display the artist name in the user's local language. These translation are also used as aliases to improve the search results.
Let's use PSY for this example.
Western people know him as PSY but korean want to see the original name 싸이.
Using the name translations provided by our api you can show to every user the writing they expect to see.
Furthermore, when you search for "psy gangnam style" or "싸이 gangnam style" with our search/match api you will still be able to find the song.
The artist rating is a score 0-100 identifying how popular is an artist in musixmatch.
You can use this information to build charts, for suggestions, to sort search results. In the example above about U2, we use the artist rating to show the irish band before the japanese one in our serp.
We provide one or more main artist genre, this information can be used to calculate similar artist, suggestions, or the filter a search by artist genre.
Inside the album object you can get the following nice extra information:
The album rating is a score 0-100 identifying how popular is an album in musixmatch.
You can use this information to sort search results, like the most popular albums of an artist.
The album rating is a score 0-100 identifying how popular is an album in musixmatch.
You can use this information to sort search results, like the most popular albums of an artist.
For most of our albums we can provide extra information like for example:
Label: Universal-Island Records Ltd.
Copyright: (P) 2013 Rubyworks, under license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment.
The album official release date can be used to sort an artist's albums view starting by the most recent one.
Album can also be filtered or grouped by type: Single, Album, Compilation, Remix, Live. This can help to build an artist page with a more organized structure.
For most of the albums we provide two groups of music genres. Primary and secondary. This information can be used to help user navigate albums by genre.
An example could be:
Primary genere: POP
Secondary genre: K-POP or Mandopop

API v3 targets v2 functionality with a few minor additions. The API is accessible via and provides the following REST endpoints in JSON format.
How to use this API documentation
You may browse the API routes without authentication, but if you wish to send requests to the API and see response data, then you must authenticate.
Obtain a JWT token by POSTing to the /login route in the Authentication section with your API key and credentials.
Paste the JWT token from the response into the "JWT Token" field at the top of the page and click the 'Add Token' button.
You will now be able to use the remaining routes to send requests to the API and get a response.
Language Selection
Language selection is done via the Accept-Language header. At the moment, you may only pass one language abbreviation in the header at a time. Valid language abbreviations can be found at the /languages route..
Authentication to use the API is similar to the How-to section above. Users must POST to the /login route with their API key and credentials in the following format in order to obtain a JWT token.
Note that the username and key are ONLY required for the /user routes. The user's key is labled Account Identifier in the account section of the main site.
The token is then used in all subsequent requests by providing it in the Authorization header. The header will look like: Authorization: Bearer . Currently, the token expires after 24 hours. You can GET the /refresh_token route to extend that expiration date.
You may request a different version of the API by including an Accept header in your request with the following format: Accept:application/vnd.thetvdb.v$VERSION. This documentation automatically uses the version seen at the top and bottom of the page. API
The API has been designed to give you easy access to setlist data in order to build fancy websites and
other applications. Before starting to use the API, be sure to ...
... understand how works (the FAQ and the
Guidelines are a good starting point), ... read this documentation carefully and ... apply for an API key (link for logged in users only) - if
you're no registered user yet, then register first (it's free).
If this documentation isn't enough or if you've got other things you'd like to tell us about the API, visit the
API Forum.
Note that the API is, according to the API terms of
service, only free for non-commercial projects. If you're interested in using the API for commercial purposes,
contact us.
About this Service
This service provides methods to get both setlists and components of setlists such as artists, cities, countries or
Supported Content Types
The REST service currently supports XML (default) and JSON content.
To receive a JSON response, set the Accept
header to application/json.
(Please note that this is an experimental feature and does not work for all cities!)
Most of the featured methods honor the Accept-Language
header. This header is used for
localizing cities and countries. The default language is English (en), but you can provide any of the languages
Spanish (es), French (fr), German (de), Portuguese (pt), Turkish (tr), Italian (it) or Polish (pl).
E.g. if you search a setlist for a concert that took place in Vienna and you pass "de" as header, you'll
get"Wien, Österreich" instead of"Vienna, Austria".
This also works if you use a different language than the country's native language.
E.g. for a concert in New York, you'll get"Nueva York, Estados Unidos" instead of"New
York, United States" if you pass "es" as language.
API Keys
API keys ( application form) must be included in the request with
the x-api-key header.
Version History
End of Service
December 31, 2017

Geographic API

The Geographic API extends the Semantic API, using a linked data approach to enhance location concepts used in The New York Times' controlled vocabulary and data resources which combine them with the GeoNames database, an authoritative and free to use database of global geographical places, names and features.

Times Newswire API

With the Times Newswire API, you can get links and metadata for Times articles and blog posts as soon as they are published on The Times Newswire API provides an up-to-the-minute stream of published items.

Top Stories

The Top Stories API provides lists of articles and associated images by section. - Unofficial API Spec

Medium’s unofficial API documentation using OpenAPI specification.
Official API
Official API document can also be viewed for most up to date API spec at
Developer Blog - Welcome to the Medium API

Authorized Buyers Marketplace API

The Authorized Buyers Marketplace API lets buyers programmatically discover inventory; propose, retrieve and negotiate deals with publishers.

SYNQ Video
Sign up for a developer API key!

People API

Provides access to information about profiles and contacts.