Mock sample for your project: API

Integrate with " API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using " API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Other APIs in the same category

The Miataru API is very simple and straight forward. Generally you're posting (HTTP POST) a JSON formatted request to a service method locations and you get back a JSON formatted answer. Please take into consideration that this has the request-for-comment status and that it can change while there's work done on client and server applications. Versioning therefore is done by prepending the version number - /v1/ for version 1 - to the method call.
Search API is a RESTful API that allows developers to run a single line fuzzy search for addresses and POIs. Search API returns the latitude/longitude of a specific address, cross street, geographic feature, or point of interest (POI).

Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool API
Welcome to the Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool API. You can use this API to download daily surface data within the Daymet database in a csv or json format for a single point. This API allows users to query a single geographic point by latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. A routine is executed that translates the (lon, lat) coordinates into projected Daymet (x,y) Lambert Conformal Coordinates. These coordinates are used to access the Daymet database of daily interpolated surface weather variables. Daily data from the nearest 1 km x 1 km Daymet grid cell are extracted from the database.
If you would like to learn how to automate the download of multiple locations for the Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool, click here.

Georg API

Checks API

NOTE: This is a preview of the API and it is not considered stable since refinements are still being made.
Welcome to the Truora Check RESTful API reference. You may also want to check out our Validations API docs or our Signals API docs.
Truora Check API allows performing full background checks on people, vehicles and companies. There are three main types of background checks:
Personal background check: Verifies national IDs in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every national ID, returns information on: personal identity, criminal records, international background check, and professional background.
Vehicle background check: Verifies the vehicle documents and the owner identity in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every vehicle and owner type, returns information on: personal identity, driving records, criminal records, and vehicle information.
Company background check: Verifies the tax ID or a company name in multiple databases of public and legal entities in the LATAM region. For every company, returns the associated: business status, legal and criminal records, and media reports.
API Key V1 is live!
API key version 1 is now live. Users with version 0 API keys are not immediately required to upgrade to V1 but should plan to do so at their earliest convenience. The changes for integration with API keys v1 are as follows:
The field `user_authorized` is now required to perform person checks. This field indicates the API user has authorization to perform the check in compliance with data protection law.
The field `homonym_scores` is no longer included in our person check response as its results are already included in the body of the check and keeping them duplicated is generating unnecessary confusion.
API composition
Check endpoints: Provide an easy way to create and search for a background check. They also allow inserting groups of checks into reports. Each check contains scores, datasets and databases.
If your favorite language was not on the next list, You can use our OpenAPI 3 spec to generate it using the Open API Generator.
To download the SDK click on the desired programming language:
C# .Net Core
You can see the full list of supported platforms here:

Gravity API
The gravitational field of the earth is non-uniform. The geoid is the shape the
ocean surface would take if only gravity and the rotation of the Earth
were considered. The geoid is the surface that defines zero elevation.
The geoid height is the difference between an ideal reference ellipsoid and the geoid.
The gravity anomaly is the difference between the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface and the value calculated assuming the reference ellipsoid.
The official Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 was developed and released to the public by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Our EGM2008 API provides on-demand access to the EGM2008 model, as implemented by the open-source GeographicLib Gravity library.
API requests must contain a key "API-Key" in the header (see code samples). Obtain a key from here.
Amentum Pty Ltd is not responsible nor liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using the API.
Copyright Amentum Pty Ltd 2021.

IdealPostcodes API
Open API spec for Ideal Postcodes API (

IP2Proxy Proxy Detection
IP2Proxy allows instant detection of anonymous proxy, VPN, TOR exit nodes, search engine robots (SES), data center ranges (PX2-PX10), residential proxies (PX10) and VPN provider name (PX11) by IP address. It also returns the threat type of the proxy (PX9 or higher). Visit for further information.

Visual Crossing Weather API

Weather Forecast and Historical Weather Observation Data via an convenient, restful API.

TransitFeeds API

API to view feed information and download feeds from

Enode API
Download OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
Download Postman Collection
The Enode API is designed to make smart charging applications easy to develop. We provide an abstraction layer that reduces the complexity when extracting vehicle data and sending commands to vehicles from a variety of manufacturers.
The API has a RESTful architecture and utilizes OAuth2 authorization.
We are always available to handle any issues or just answer your questions. Feel free to reach out on [email protected]
Registration for API access
In order to use the API you will need a clientid and clientsecret. Please contact us if you are interested in using our API in production, and we will provide these credentials.
Vehicle / hardware access via the Enode API is granted to your application by the User in a standard OAuth Authorization Code flow.
> The authorization scheme documented here is the recommended approach for most situations. However, it is also possible to user other OAuth flows, non-confidential clients, and temporary users. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your use-case or the integration of your existing infrastructure.
Preparation: Configure your OAuth client
Because Enode API implements the OAuth 2.0 spec completely and without modifications, you can avoid rolling your own OAuth client implementation and instead use a well-supported and battle-tested implementation. This is strongly recommended. Information on available OAuth clients for many languages is available here
To configure your chosen OAuth client, you will need these details:
Your client_id
Your client_secret
Authorization URL:
Token URL:

IP geolocation API

Abstract IP geolocation API allows developers to retrieve the region, country and city behind any IP worldwide. The API covers the geolocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in 180+ countries worldwide. Extra information can be retrieved like the currency, flag or language associated to an IP.