Mock sample for your project: HERE Tracking API

Integrate with "HERE Tracking API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

HERE Tracking

Version: 2.1.58

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "HERE Tracking API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


HERE Tracking is a cloud product designed to address location tracking problems for a wide range of Location IoT industry verticals.
HERE Tracking also includes end-user mobile and web applications that can be used to demonstrate the product.

Other APIs by

HERE Network Positioning API v2
Positioning API accepts requests with radio network measurements and replies with corresponding location estimate. For more details and examples, see Developer's Guide. Cellular measurements are given in terms defined in 3GPP and 3GGP2 specifications, see the corresponsing documentation at
Breaking changes from v1:
JSON fields
altaccuracy, baselat, baselng, cellparams, pilotpower, pnoffset, powrx, rxlevel,
have been deprecated and replaced with
altAccuracy, baseLat, baseLng, cellParams, pilotPower, pnOffset, rss, rxLevel
Dependent parameters combined as a subobject.
CDMA, GSM, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA and LTE local identification parameters for serving cell moved under localId property.
GSM neighbor global ID: lac and cid for neighbor cell moved under globalIdentity property.

Other APIs in the same category


Routing consists of the following service:
Calculate Route
Calculates a route between an origin and a destination, passing through waypoints (if specified). Additional routing parameters like traffic, avoidance conditions, departure/arrival time etc. can be taken into account.
Calculate Reachable Range
Calculates a set of locations that can be reached from the origin point, subject to the available fuel or energy budget that is specified in the request.

IP geolocation API

Abstract IP geolocation API allows developers to retrieve the region, country and city behind any IP worldwide. The API covers the geolocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in 180+ countries worldwide. Extra information can be retrieved like the currency, flag or language associated to an IP.

Furkot Trips

Furkot provides Rest API to access user trip data.
Using Furkot API an application can list user trips and display stops for a specific trip.
Furkot API uses OAuth2 protocol to authorize applications to access data on behalf of users.

TrapStreet API
The TrapStreet API finds trap streets in Google Maps, Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap data.

The Maps API web services suite offers the following APIs:
The Maps Raster API renders map data that is divided into gridded sections called tiles. Tiles are square images (png or jpg format) in various sizes which are available at 19 different zoom levels, ranging from 0 to 20. For zoom level 0, the entire earth is displayed on one single tile, while at zoom level 20, the world is divided into 2 40 tiles.
Similar to Maps Raster API, the Maps Vector API serves data on different zoom level ranging from 0 to 22. For zoom level 0, the entire earth is displayed on one single tile, while at zoom level 22, the world is divided into 2 44 tiles.
The Maps Vector Service delivers geographic map data packaged in a vector representation of squared sections called vector tiles. Each tile includes pre-defined collections of map features (points, lines, road shapes, water polygons, building footprints, ect.) delivered in one of the specified vector formats. Format of the tile is formally described using protobuf schema.

TransitFeeds API

API to view feed information and download feeds from

IdealPostcodes API
Open API spec for Ideal Postcodes API (

Access the most exhaustive, accurate and up-to-date collection of global and hyper-local geocoded events and activities across a wide range of categories and genres

VA Facilities
This RESTful API provides information about physical VA facilities. Information available includes
geographic location, address, phone, hours of operation, and available services.
VA operates several different types of facilities, the types represented in this API include:
Health Facilities (vha)
Benefits Facilities (vba)
Cemeteries (nca)
Vet Centers (vc)
To read an FAQ on how wait times are calculated, click the "For more information" link on this page.
Getting Started
Base URLs
The base URLs for the VA Facilities API in the various environments are:
API requests are authorized through a symmetric API token, provided in an HTTP header with name apikey.
Response Formats
Clients may request several response formats by setting the Accept header.
application/json - The default JSON response format complies with JSON API. This media type is not available for bulk requests using the /facilities/all endpoint. It will return 406 Not Acceptable.
application/geo+json - GeoJSON-compliant format, representing each facility as a feature with a point geometry.
application/vnd.geo+json - Deprecated. Prefer application/geo+json.
text/csv - Available for the bulk download operation only. Some structured fields are omitted from the CSV response.
Response Elements
Some data elements within the response are only present for facilities of a given type:
The patient satisfaction scores contained in the satisfaction element are only applicable
to VA health facilities.
The patient wait time values contained in the wait_times element are only applicable to
VA health facilities.
The list of available services in the services element is only applicable to VA health and
benefits facilities.
The operational hours special instructions contained in the operationalhoursspecial_instructions element is only applicable to VA health and Vet Center facilities.
Facility ID Formats and Constraints
A facility ID has the format prefix_stationNumber. The prefix is one of nca, vc, vba, or vha. Cemeteries may be national (VA) or non-national; non-national cemeteries have the station number prefixed with an s. There are no other constraints on the format. Examples:
Health: vha_402GA
Benefits: vba_539GB
National cemetery: nca_063
Non-national cemetery: nca_s1082
Vet center: vc_0872MVC
Mobile Facilities
The mobile health facilities move regularly within a region. If a facility comes back from this API with "mobile": "true", the latitude/longitude and address could be inaccurate. To get the exact current location, please call the number listed.
activestatus field is deprecated and replaced with operatingstatus.
application/vnd.geo+json media type is deprecated and replaced by application/geo+json
Raw VA Facilities Open API Spec
GeoJSON Format

Flight Offers Search
Before using this API, we recommend you read our Authorization Guide for more information on how to generate an access token.
Please also be aware that our test environment is based on a subset of the production, if you are not returning any results try with big cities/airports like LON (London) or NYC (New-York).

IP2Proxy Proxy Detection
IP2Proxy allows instant detection of anonymous proxy, VPN, TOR exit nodes, search engine robots (SES), data center ranges (PX2-PX10), residential proxies (PX10) and VPN provider name (PX11) by IP address. It also returns the threat type of the proxy (PX9 or higher). Visit for further information.

Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool API
Welcome to the Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool API. You can use this API to download daily surface data within the Daymet database in a csv or json format for a single point. This API allows users to query a single geographic point by latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. A routine is executed that translates the (lon, lat) coordinates into projected Daymet (x,y) Lambert Conformal Coordinates. These coordinates are used to access the Daymet database of daily interpolated surface weather variables. Daily data from the nearest 1 km x 1 km Daymet grid cell are extracted from the database.
If you would like to learn how to automate the download of multiple locations for the Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool, click here.