Mock sample for your project: Content API for Shopping

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Content API for Shopping

Version: v2

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Content API for Shopping" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Manage your product listings and accounts for Google Shopping

Other APIs by

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Provisions and manages developers' App Engine applications.

Library Agent API

A simple Google Example Library API.

Network Security API

Proximity Beacon API

Registers, manages, indexes, and searches beacons.

Google Sheets API

Reads and writes Google Sheets.

Google Site Verification API

Verifies ownership of websites or domains with Google.

Container Analysis API

An implementation of the Grafeas API, which stores, and enables querying and retrieval of critical metadata about all of your software artifacts.

BeyondCorp API

Beyondcorp Enterprise provides identity and context aware access controls for enterprise resources and enables zero-trust access. Using the Beyondcorp Enterprise APIs, enterprises can set up multi-cloud and on-prem connectivity solutions.
An API to manage the running of batch jobs on Google Cloud Platform.

Ad Exchange Buyer API

Accesses your bidding-account information, submits creatives for validation, finds available direct deals, and retrieves performance reports.

My Business Account Management API

The My Business Account Management API provides an interface for managing access to a location on Google.

Apigee API

Use the Apigee API to programmatically develop and manage APIs with a set of RESTful operations. Develop and secure API proxies, deploy and undeploy API proxy revisions, monitor APIs, configure environments, manage users, and more. Note: This product is available as a free trial for a time period of 60 days.

Other APIs in the same category

My Business Q&A API

The My Business Q&A API allows questions and answers to be posted for specific listings.

Google Cloud Deploy API

Policy Simulator API

Policy Simulator is a collection of endpoints for creating, running, and viewing a Replay. A Replay is a type of simulation that lets you see how your members' access to resources might change if you changed your IAM policy. During a Replay, Policy Simulator re-evaluates, or replays, past access attempts under both the current policy and your proposed policy, and compares those results to determine how your members' access might change under the proposed policy.

Doc Converter

This api converts file formats of OpenXml and OpenOffice documents formats to vector files (e.g., svg)

Backup for GKE API

Backup for GKE is a managed Kubernetes workload backup and restore service for GKE clusters.

Network Connectivity API

This API enables connectivity with and between Google Cloud resources.

Redeal Analytics API
Access analytics for Redeal
An API to manage the running of batch jobs on Google Cloud Platform.

YouTube Analytics API

Retrieves your YouTube Analytics data.

My Business Business Calls API

The My Business Business Calls API manages business calls information of a location on Google and collect insights like the number of missed calls to their location. Additional information about Business calls can be found at If the Google Business Profile links to a Google Ads account and call history is turned on, calls that last longer than a specific time, and that can be attributed to an ad interaction, will show in the linked Google Ads account under the "Calls from Ads" conversion. If smart bidding and call conversions are used in the optimization strategy, there could be a change in ad spend. Learn more about smart bidding. To view and perform actions on a location's calls, you need to be a OWNER, COOWNER or MANAGER of the location.

Firebase App Check API

Firebase App Check works alongside other Firebase services to help protect your backend resources from abuse, such as billing fraud or phishing.

Indexing API

Notifies Google when your web pages change.