Mock sample for your project: Chrome Policy API

Integrate with "Chrome Policy API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Chrome Policy API

Version: v1

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Chrome Policy API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


The Chrome Policy API is a suite of services that allows Chrome administrators to control the policies applied to their managed Chrome OS devices and Chrome browsers.

Other APIs by

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Cloud IoT API

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Cloud Talent Solution API

Cloud Talent Solution provides the capability to create, read, update, and delete job postings, as well as search jobs based on keywords and filters.

Google Analytics API

Views and manages your Google Analytics data.

Ad Exchange Buyer API II

Accesses the latest features for managing Authorized Buyers accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.

Dataflow API

Manages Google Cloud Dataflow projects on Google Cloud Platform.

Library Agent API

A simple Google Example Library API.

Android Management API

The Android Management API provides remote enterprise management of Android devices and apps.

Cloud Pub/Sub API

Provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.

Google Play Game Services

The Google Play games service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.

Other APIs in the same category

Firebase Cloud Messaging Data API

Provides additional information about Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) message sends and deliveries.

Access Context Manager API

An API for setting attribute based access control to requests to GCP services.

Cloud Resource Manager API

Creates, reads, and updates metadata for Google Cloud Platform resource containers.

Cloud Speech-to-Text API

Converts audio to text by applying powerful neural network models.


Manages the API keys associated with developer projects.

Firebase App Check API

Firebase App Check works alongside other Firebase services to help protect your backend resources from abuse, such as billing fraud or phishing.

Google Vault API

Retention and eDiscovery for Google Workspace. To work with Vault resources, the account must have the required Vault privileges and access to the matter. To access a matter, the account must have created the matter, have the matter shared with them, or have the View All Matters privilege. For example, to download an export, an account needs the Manage Exports privilege and the matter shared with them.

Google OAuth2 API

Obtains end-user authorization grants for use with other Google APIs.

Domains RDAP API

Read-only public API that lets users search for information about domain names.

Library Agent API

A simple Google Example Library API.

Manufacturer Center API

Public API for managing Manufacturer Center related data.