Mock sample for your project: My Business Business Information API

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My Business Business Information API

Version: v1

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "My Business Business Information API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


The My Business Business Information API provides an interface for managing business information on Google.

Other APIs by

Google Forms API

Reads and writes Google Forms and responses.

Indexing API

Notifies Google when your web pages change.

Cloud Trace API

Sends application trace data to Cloud Trace for viewing. Trace data is collected for all App Engine applications by default. Trace data from other applications can be provided using this API. This library is used to interact with the Cloud Trace API directly. If you are looking to instrument your application for Cloud Trace, we recommend using OpenTelemetry.

Firebase Management API

The Firebase Management API enables programmatic setup and management of Firebase projects, including a project's Firebase resources and Firebase apps.
The Google Books API allows clients to access the Google Books repository.

Cloud Billing Budget API

The Cloud Billing Budget API stores Cloud Billing budgets, which define a budget plan and the rules to execute as spend is tracked against that plan.

Cloud Channel API

The Cloud Channel API enables Google Cloud partners to have a single unified resale platform and APIs across all of Google Cloud including GCP, Workspace, Maps and Chrome.

BigQuery Reservation API

A service to modify your BigQuery flat-rate reservations.

Dataflow API

Manages Google Cloud Dataflow projects on Google Cloud Platform.

Binary Authorization API

The management interface for Binary Authorization, a service that provides policy-based deployment validation and control for images deployed to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Anthos Service Mesh, Anthos Clusters, and Cloud Run.

Stackdriver Profiler API

Manages continuous profiling information.

Perspective Comment Analyzer API

The Perspective Comment Analyzer API provides information about the potential impact of a comment on a conversation (e.g. it can provide a score for the "toxicity" of a comment). Users can leverage the "SuggestCommentScore" method to submit corrections to improve Perspective over time. Users can set the "doNotStore" flag to ensure that all submitted comments are automatically deleted after scores are returned.

Other APIs in the same category

Indexing API

Notifies Google when your web pages change.

IAM Service Account Credentials API

Creates short-lived credentials for impersonating IAM service accounts. To enable this API, you must enable the IAM API (

My Business Business Calls API

The My Business Business Calls API manages business calls information of a location on Google and collect insights like the number of missed calls to their location. Additional information about Business calls can be found at If the Google Business Profile links to a Google Ads account and call history is turned on, calls that last longer than a specific time, and that can be attributed to an ad interaction, will show in the linked Google Ads account under the "Calls from Ads" conversion. If smart bidding and call conversions are used in the optimization strategy, there could be a change in ad spend. Learn more about smart bidding. To view and perform actions on a location's calls, you need to be a OWNER, COOWNER or MANAGER of the location.

PageSpeed Insights API

The PageSpeed Insights API lets you analyze the performance of your website with a simple API. It offers tailored suggestions for how you can optimize your site, and lets you easily integrate PageSpeed Insights analysis into your development tools and workflow.

Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API

Google Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API is used for creating and managing Memcached instances in GCP.

Manufacturer Center API

Public API for managing Manufacturer Center related data.

AI Platform Training & Prediction API

An API to enable creating and using machine learning models.

Google Sheets API

Reads and writes Google Sheets.

Network Connectivity API

This API enables connectivity with and between Google Cloud resources.

OS Config API

OS management tools that can be used for patch management, patch compliance, and configuration management on VM instances.

Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API

The Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API is used for managing a highly available, hardened service running Microsoft Active Directory (AD).