Mock sample for your project: Ad Exchange Buyer API II

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Ad Exchange Buyer API II

Version: v2beta1

Use this API in your project

Start working with "Ad Exchange Buyer API II" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Accesses the latest features for managing Authorized Buyers accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.

Other APIs by

YouTube Reporting API

Schedules reporting jobs containing your YouTube Analytics data and downloads the resulting bulk data reports in the form of CSV files.

Eventarc API

Build event-driven applications on Google Cloud Platform.

API Discovery Service

Provides information about other Google APIs, such as what APIs are available, the resource, and method details for each API.

Abusive Experience Report API

Views Abusive Experience Report data, and gets a list of sites that have a significant number of abusive experiences.

Google Play EMM API

Manages the deployment of apps to Android Enterprise devices.

BigQuery Connection API

Allows users to manage BigQuery connections to external data sources.

Google Docs API

Reads and writes Google Docs documents.

Google Play Android Developer API

Lets Android application developers access their Google Play accounts. At a high level, the expected workflow is to "insert" an Edit, make changes as necessary, and then "commit" it.

Google Workspace Alert Center API

Manages alerts on issues affecting your domain. Note: The current version of this API (v1beta1) is available to all Google Workspace customers.

Data Labeling API

Public API for Google Cloud AI Data Labeling Service.

Google Civic Information API

Provides polling places, early vote locations, contest data, election officials, and government representatives for U.S. residential addresses.

Other APIs in the same category

Transcoder API

This API converts video files into formats suitable for consumer distribution.

Analytics Reporting API

Accesses Analytics report data.

Cloud Healthcare API

Manage, store, and access healthcare data in Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Build API

Creates and manages builds on Google Cloud Platform.

Search Ads 360 API

The Search Ads 360 API allows developers to automate uploading conversions and downloading reports from Search Ads 360.

Artifact Registry API

Store and manage build artifacts in a scalable and integrated service built on Google infrastructure.

Cloud Asset API

The cloud asset API manages the history and inventory of cloud resources.

Error Reporting API

Groups and counts similar errors from cloud services and applications, reports new errors, and provides access to error groups and their associated errors.

Campaign Manager 360 API

Build applications to efficiently manage large or complex trafficking, reporting, and attribution workflows for Campaign Manager 360.

DoubleClick Bid Manager API

DoubleClick Bid Manager API allows users to manage and create campaigns and reports.

Cloud Data Fusion API

Cloud Data Fusion is a fully-managed, cloud native, enterprise data integration service for quickly building and managing data pipelines. It provides a graphical interface to increase time efficiency and reduce complexity, and allows business users, developers, and data scientists to easily and reliably build scalable data integration solutions to cleanse, prepare, blend, transfer and transform data without having to wrestle with infrastructure.