Mock sample for your project: Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan API

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Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan

Version: 3.0.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Rajasthan is live on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull their disability digital certificate and save into their respective locker

Other APIs by

The following issued documents can be integrated with DigiLocker and get used by candidates for service delivery - 1.One Time Verification -OTV certificate οΏ½ issued to candidates qualified for appointment for posts in Govt. Sector to produce to the concerned dept. after scrutinizing their the relevant documents to prove their qualifications, age, etc.2. Admission Tickets for appearing Online, OMR Exams, Physical Test, Interview etc. 3.Departmental Test Certificates- is issued to employees in Govt. sector

Transport Department, Gujarat
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Mizoram Police, Mizoram
Identification cards, as issued by Mizoram Police to its personnels, can be downloaded by them in their DigiLocker accounts

Paramedical Council, Madhya Pradesh
Registration Certificate, Duplicate Registration Certificate, Good Standing Certificate, Registration Renewal, Tatkal Registration, Tatkal Registration Renewal and Upadhi/Certificate as issued by MP Paramedical Council ( from April 2017 onwards can be pulled into citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

eDistrict Odisha, Odisha
eDistrict Odisha ( is the online service delivery portal for Odisha State Govt. Certain documents issued by it (e.g. Income, Caste, Residence Certificates etc) are made available in citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur M.P., Madhya Pradesh
Migration certificate issued from 2018 onward can now be fetched by Citizens in their DigiLocker account.

Meghalaya Board of School Education, Tura, Meghalaya
Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) with Marksheets of Class Xth and Class XIIth (Arts , Science, Commerce and Vocational), is availablke on DigiLocker for the students of 2015-2019.

National Institute of Open Schooling
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is issuing marksheets, Provisional certificates, migration certificates through DigiLocker. These can be pulled by students into their DigiLocker accounts. Currently available - 2010 - 2020 [Class XII & Class Xth]

Karnataka State Board (Department of Pre University Education), Karnataka
Department of Pre University Education ( is providing certificates of II PUC (Class XII) March, July 2018 and March 2019 Examination marksheets.

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd. (BAGIC)
Insurance policies such as health, car, two wheeler, property etc. issued by BAGIC are available to be pulled by citizens.

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education
Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajasthan ( has made available Class X (2018-2019)& Class XII (2019) mark sheet available on DigiLocker, which can be pulled by students into their respective accounts

Chhattisgarh State Board of Secondary Education, Chhattisgarh
CBBSE ( is issuing marksheets through DigiLocker. These can be pulled by students into their DigiLocker accounts. Currently available -2001,2003 - 2017 Class X and 2001 - 2017 Class XII .

Other APIs in the same category

OSF APIv2 Documentation

BC Data Catalogue API

This API provides live access to the BC Data Catalogue. Further documentation on the API is available from Confirm the version of the API available from the catalogue by requesting
Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this OpenAPI specification in other API console viewers.

Canada Holidays API

This API that lists all 28 public holidays for all 13 provinces and territories in Canada, including federal holidays.

Europeana Search & Record API
This Swagger API console provides an overview of the Europeana Search & Record API. You can build and test anything from the simplest search to a complex query using facetList such as dates, geotags and permissions. For more help and information, head to our comprehensive online documentation.

U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) - Enforcement Case Search
Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) is a tool developed and maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for public use. ECHO provides integrated compliance and enforcement information for over 1 million regulated facilities nationwide.
CASE Rest Services provide multiple service endpoints, each with specific capabilities, to search and retrieve data on civil cases entered into the
Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) and criminal cases entered into the Summary of Criminal Prosecutions database.
See Enforcement Case Search Help ( for additional information on searching civil and criminal cases.
The getcases, getmap, getqid, and getdownload end points are meant to be used together, while the enhanced getcaseinfo end point is self contained..
The recommended use scenario for getcases, getqid, getmap, and getdownoad is:
1) Use getcases to validate passed query parameters, obtain summary statistics and to obtain a queryid (QID). QIDs are time sensitive and will be valid for approximately 30 minutes.
2) Use get_qid, with the returned QID, to paginate through arrays of case results.
3) Use get_map, with the returned QID, to zoom in/out and pan on the clustered and individual facility coordinates, related to the returned cases, that meet the QID query criteria.
4) Use get_download, with the returned QID, to generate a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of facility information that meets the QID query criteria.
In addition to the service endpoints listed above there are two detailed case report services, one for civil cases (getcasereport) and one for criminal cases (getcrcasereport).
See the Civil Enforcement Case Report Help ( and the Criminal Case Report Help ( for additional information
on then data returned from these two services.
Additional ECHO Resources: Web Services, About ECHO's Data, Data Downloads

Transport Department, Lakshadweep
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

GlobalWineScore API Documentation
The GlobalWineScore API is designed as a RESTful API, providing several resources and methods depending on your usage plan.
For further information please refer to our plans.
The API uses token-based authentication.
In order to authenticate your requests, you need to include a specific header in each of your requests:
The word Token must be written. Your requests must also use the HTTPS protocol.
If you don't have a token yet, you need to apply for one here.
Your personal token can be found under the My account > API section of the GlobalWineScore website
The API provides several rendering formats which you can control using the Accept header or format query parameter.
JSON (default): no header or Accept: application/json
XML: Accept: application/xml
Rate limiting
For API requests, the rate limit allows for up to 10 requests per minute.
Error handling
Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx status code indicates failure.
When a request fails, the response body is still JSON, but always contains a detail field with a description of the error, which you can inspect for debugging.
For example, trying to access the API without proper authentication will return code 403 along with the message:
{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Found a bug ? send us an email at [email protected]
At the moment, GlobalWineScores may be sorted by date and score. Use "-"
to sort in descending order.
Continuous synchronization
If you need to synchronize your database with our API, you can query our API using ?ordering=-date to get the newest scores first, which means you won't have to crawl the whole catalog every time :-)
Quick search interface
If you need to search our catalog (e.g. to align it with yours), we're providing you with a handy interface accessible here:
You need to be logged in (email/password) to access this page, but other than that you can share it with anyone in your team and start searching right away !
The details about available endpoints can be found below.
You can click on each endpoint to find information about their parameters.

Transport Department, Rajasthan
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

ESG Rating Data

Crediwatch's Covid APIs
An API collection for Covid 19 by Crediwatch

Geocoder REST API

This API represents address cleaning, correction, completion, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and proximity resources for intersection addresses, physical addresses and their occupants in British Columbia. Please read our data collection notice.
Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this OpenAPI specification in other API console viewers.
Developer API keys are unique and can be acquired with a GitHub account. Production government applications may use organization API keys acquired by contacting DataBC. API keys are further described in the Developer guide.
Notification: If you have applications or web pages that link to the BC Address Geocoder you must use the following URL.
Please note that the following URLs were deprecated in September 2018 More Details.

Climate FieldView Platform APIs
Last Modified: Thu Oct 29 12:30:46 PDT 2020
All endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS.
All API endpoints are located at (e.g.
The authorization token endpoint is located at
X-Http-Request-Id response header will be returned on every call,
successful or not. If you experience an issue with our api and need
to contact technical support, please supply the value of the X-Http-Request-Id
header along with an approximate time of when the request was made.
Request Limits
When you’re onboarded to Climate’s API platform, your x-api-key is assigned a custom usage plan. Usage plans are unique to each partner and have the following key attributes:
Throttling information
burstLimit: Maximum rate limit over a period ranging from 1 second to a few seconds
rateLimit: A steady-state rate limit
Quota information
Limit: The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given month
When the request rate threshold is exceeded, a 429 response code is returned. Optionally, the Retry-After header may be returned:
Following are examples of rate limit errors:
Rate limit exceeded:
HTTP/1.1 429
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 32
{"message":"Too Many Requests"}
Quota exhausted:
HTTP/1.1 429
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 29
{"message":"Limit Exceeded"}
Pagination is performed via headers. Any request which returns a "results"
array may be paginated. The following figure shows how query results are laid out with
X-Limit=4 and no filter applied.
If there are no results, a response code of 304 will be returned.
If the response is the last set of results, a response code of 200 or
206 will be returned.
If there are more results, a response code of 206 will be returned.
If X-Next-Token is provided in the request headers but the token has
expired, a response code of 409 will be returned. This is only applicable
for some endpoints; see specific endpoint documentation below.
The page size can be controlled with the X-Limit header. Valid values are
1-100 and defaults to 100.
If the results are paginated, a response header of X-Next-Token will be
returned. Use the associated value in the subsequent request (via the X-Next-Token
request header) to retrieve the next page. The following sequence diagram shows how to
use X-Next-Token to fetch all the records.
Chunked Uploads
Uploads larger than 5MiB (5242880 bytes) must be done in 5MiB chunks
(with the exception of the final chunk). Each chunk request MUST contain a
Content-Range header specifying the portion of the upload, and a Content-Type
header specifying binary content type (application/octet-stream). Range
uploads must be contiguous. The maximum upload size is capped at 500MiB (524288000 bytes).
Chunked Downloads
Downloads larger than 5MiB (5242880 bytes) must be done in 1-5MiB
chunks (with the exception of the final chunk, which may be less than 1MiB).
Each chunk request MUST contain a Range header specifying the requested portion of the download,
and an Accept header specifying binary and json content types (application/octet-stream,application/json)
or all content types (/).
If you need drivers to process agronomic data, download the ADAPT plugin below. We only support the plugin in the Windows environment, minimum is Windows 7 SP1.
For asPlanted, asHarvested and asApplied data:
ADAPT Plugin
Release notes can be found here.
Download and use of the ADAPT plugin means that you agree to the EULA for use of the ADAPT plugin.
Please review the EULA (last updated on June 6th, 2019) before download and use of the ADAPT plugin.
For more information, please refer to:
ADAPT Resources
ADAPT Overview
ADAPT Videos
Sample Test Data
Sample agronomic data:
asPlanted and asHarvested data
asApplied data set 1
asApplied data set 2
To upload the sample data to your account, please follow the instructions in this link.
Sample soil data:
Sample soil data