Mock sample for your project: Diagnostics API Client

Integrate with "Diagnostics API Client" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Diagnostics API Client

Version: 2019-08-01

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Diagnostics API Client" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


Other APIs by

The Azure SQL Database management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure SQL Database services to manage your databases. The API enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete databases, servers, and other entities.

Azure Enterprise Knowledge Graph Service
Azure Enterprise Knowledge Graph Service is a platform for creating knowledge graphs at scale.

The Microsoft Azure management API provides create, read, update, and delete functionality for Azure MySQL resources including servers, databases, firewall rules, VNET rules, log files and configurations with new business model.

Marketplace RP Service


Azure Migrate Hub
Migrate your workloads to Azure.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on tenant entity associated with your Azure API Management deployment. Using this entity you can manage properties and configuration that apply to the entire API Management service instance.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on API entity and their Operations associated with your Azure API Management deployment.


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Client that can be used to query an index and upload, merge, or delete documents.

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AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation Defines the public endpoint for the AWS Lake Formation service.

Deployment Admin Client.

AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions AWS Step Functions is a service that lets you coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. You can use Step Functions to build applications from individual components, each of which performs a discrete function, or task, allowing you to scale and change applications quickly. Step Functions provides a console that helps visualize the components of your application as a series of steps. Step Functions automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries steps when there are errors, so your application executes predictably and in the right order every time. Step Functions logs the state of each step, so you can quickly diagnose and debug any issues. Step Functions manages operations and underlying infrastructure to ensure your application is available at any scale. You can run tasks on AWS, your own servers, or any system that has access to AWS. You can access and use Step Functions using the console, the AWS SDKs, or an HTTP API. For more information about Step Functions, see the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide .

Azure Addons Resource Provider
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Amazon SimpleDB

Amazon SimpleDB is a web service providing the core database functions of data indexing and querying in the cloud. By offloading the time and effort associated with building and operating a web-scale database, SimpleDB provides developers the freedom to focus on application development. A traditional, clustered relational database requires a sizable upfront capital outlay, is complex to design, and often requires extensive and repetitive database administration. Amazon SimpleDB is dramatically simpler, requiring no schema, automatically indexing your data and providing a simple API for storage and access. This approach eliminates the administrative burden of data modeling, index maintenance, and performance tuning. Developers gain access to this functionality within Amazon's proven computing environment, are able to scale instantly, and pay only for what they use. Visit for more information.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on OpenId Connect Provider entity associated with your Azure API Management deployment. API Management allows you to access APIs secured with token from OpenID Connect Provider to be accessed from the Developer Console.

Azure Application Insights workbook template type.

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on Tag entity in your Azure API Management deployment. Tags can be assigned to APIs, Operations and Products.

Azure Application Insights client for selecting pricing plans and options.

Platform API

The REST API specification for Ably.

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. DynamoDB lets you offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling a distributed database, so that you don't have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling. With DynamoDB, you can create database tables that can store and retrieve any amount of data, and serve any level of request traffic. You can scale up or scale down your tables' throughput capacity without downtime or performance degradation, and use the AWS Management Console to monitor resource utilization and performance metrics. DynamoDB automatically spreads the data and traffic for your tables over a sufficient number of servers to handle your throughput and storage requirements, while maintaining consistent and fast performance. All of your data is stored on solid state disks (SSDs) and automatically replicated across multiple Availability Zones in an AWS region, providing built-in high availability and data durability.

AWS Savings Plans

Savings Plans are a pricing model that offer significant savings on AWS usage (for example, on Amazon EC2 instances). You commit to a consistent amount of usage, in USD per hour, for a term of 1 or 3 years, and receive a lower price for that usage. For more information, see the AWS Savings Plans User Guide.