Mock sample for your project: Department of Agricultural Marketing, Karnataka API

Integrate with "Department of Agricultural Marketing, Karnataka API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Department of Agricultural Marketing, Karnataka

Version: 3.0.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Department of Agricultural Marketing, Karnataka API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


APIs provided by Department of Agricultural Marketing, Karnataka.

Other APIs by

Antyodaya Saral Haryana, Haryana
APIs provided by Antyodaya Saral Haryana, Haryana.

SBI General Insurance Company Ltd
Insurance Policies such as Car, Two Wheeler, Commercial Vehicle, Health and Travel issued by SBI General ( are now available for Customers to be fetched into their DigiLocker accounts

Tata AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited provides life insurance solutions to its consumers. Customers can access their policy details [Insurance Policy � Life] and premium receipts [Premium Receipt] that are available to be pulled by the policy holders into their DigiLocker account (only documents issued on or after 28-June-2019 are currently available)

Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd
Insurance policies issued by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited is available on DigiLocker at ( can be fetched by Citizens into their DigiLocker accounts

Kerala State Board of Public Examinations, Kerala
APIs provided by Kerala State Board of Public Examinations, Kerala.

Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan
Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Rajasthan is live on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull their disability digital certificate and save into their respective locker

Transport Department, Bihar
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Training certificates as issued by NIESBUD can be downloaded by Citizen in his/her DigiLocker account.

Transport Department, Lakshadweep
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Transport Department, Meghalaya
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

United India Insurance Company Limited
United India Insurance Co. Ltd. is a Public Sector General Insurance Company incorporated in 1938, having its presence all over India providing risk cover to 1.74 Crore policyholders. General Insurance Policies such as Motor, Health, Personal Accident, Travel, e.t.c issued by United India Insurance Co. Ltd. ( are available to be downloaded by citizens of India to their DigiLocker account.

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education
Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajasthan ( has made available Class X (2018-2019)& Class XII (2019) mark sheet available on DigiLocker, which can be pulled by students into their respective accounts

Other APIs in the same category

Annunciator content API

Get data from the annunciator system.

Gravity API
The gravitational field of the earth is non-uniform. The geoid is the shape the
ocean surface would take if only gravity and the rotation of the Earth
were considered. The geoid is the surface that defines zero elevation.
The geoid height is the difference between an ideal reference ellipsoid and the geoid.
The gravity anomaly is the difference between the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface and the value calculated assuming the reference ellipsoid.
The official Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 was developed and released to the public by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Our EGM2008 API provides on-demand access to the EGM2008 model, as implemented by the open-source GeographicLib Gravity library.
API requests must contain a key "API-Key" in the header (see code samples). Obtain a key from here.
Amentum Pty Ltd is not responsible nor liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using the API.
Copyright Amentum Pty Ltd 2021.

Jharsewa (eDistrict), Jharkhand
Jharkhand e-District is a comprehensive and web enabled service portal that acts as an electronic gateway into the Government's portfolio of services. Jharsewa provides Certificates like Birth, Death, Income, Caste and Residence Certificates in Digilocker.

Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya
Transfer Certificates issued by JNRM can be downloaded in citizen's DigiLocker account.

National e-Governance Division
NeGD ( conducts trainings in the area of egovernance. Certificates for certain training programmes by NeGD are made available in participants' DigiLocker accounts.

SBI General Insurance Company Ltd
Insurance Policies such as Car, Two Wheeler, Commercial Vehicle, Health and Travel issued by SBI General ( are now available for Customers to be fetched into their DigiLocker accounts

Training certificates as issued by NIESBUD can be downloaded by Citizen in his/her DigiLocker account.

Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, Karnataka
Ration Cards issued by Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, Karnataka ( are available for download on DigiLocker.

Transport Department, Andaman & Nicobar
Driving License (DL) and Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) of the State, as available on Parivahan Sewa ( of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, are available on DigiLocker. Citizens can pull these documents into their DigiLocker accounts.

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Marksheets and Degree Certificates of academic year 2017-18 issued by AKTU can be pulled by students into their DigiLocker accounts

Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Tripura, Tripura
eDistrict Tripura ( is the online service delivery portal for TripuraState Govt. Certain documents issued by it (e.g. Income, Caste Certificates etc) can be pulled into citizens' DigiLocker accounts.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research & Training Institute, Maharashtra
APIs provided by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research & Training Institute, Maharashtra.