Mock sample for your project: Flight Offers Search API

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Flight Offers Search

Version: 2.2.0

Use this API in your project

Start working with "Flight Offers Search API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Before using this API, we recommend you read our Authorization Guide for more information on how to generate an access token.
Please also be aware that our test environment is based on a subset of the production, if you are not returning any results try with big cities/airports like LON (London) or NYC (New-York).

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This is the documentation for the Weatherbit Weather API. The base URL for the API is or Below is the Swagger UI documentation for the API. All API requests require the key parameter. An Example for a 5 day forecast for London, UK would be See our Weather API description page for additional documentation.

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GraphHopper Directions API

With the GraphHopper Directions API you can integrate A-to-B route planning, turn-by-turn navigation,
route optimization, isochrone calculations and other tools in your application.
The GraphHopper Directions API consists of the following RESTful web services:
Routing API,
Route Optimization API,
Isochrone API,
Map Matching API,
Matrix API,
Geocoding API and
Cluster API.
Explore our APIs
Get started
Sign up for GraphHopper
Create an API key
Each API part has its own documentation. Jump to the desired API part and learn about the API through the given examples and tutorials.
In addition, for each API there are specific sample requests that you can send via Insomnia or Postman to see what the requests and responses look like.
To explore our APIs with Insomnia, follow these steps:
Open Insomnia and Import our workspace.
Specify your API key in your workspace: Manage Environments -> "api_key": your API key
Start exploring
To explore our APIs with Postman, follow these steps:
Import our request collections as well as our environment file.
Specify your API key in your environment: "api_key": your API key
Start exploring
API Client Libraries
To speed up development and make coding easier, we offer the following client libraries:
JavaScript client - try the live examples
Others like C#, Ruby, PHP, Python, ... automatically created for the Route Optimization API
Bandwidth reduction
If you create your own client, make sure it supports http/2 and gzipped responses for best speed.
If you use the Matrix, the Route Optimization API or the Cluster API and want to solve large problems, we recommend you to reduce bandwidth
by compressing your POST request
and specifying the header as follows: Content-Encoding: gzip. This will also avoid the HTTP 413 error "Request Entity Too Large".
Contact Us
If you have problems or questions, please read the following information:
Public forum
Contact us
GraphHopper Status Page
To stay informed about the latest developments, you can
follow us on twitter,
read our blog,
watch our documentation repository,
sign up for our newsletter or
our forum.
Select the channel you like the most.
Map Data and Routing Profiles
Currently, our main data source is OpenStreetMap. We also integrated other network data providers.
This chapter gives an overview about the options you have.
Geographical Coverage
OpenStreetMap covers the whole world. If you want to see for yourself if we can provide data suitable for your region,
please visit GraphHopper Maps.
You can edit and modify OpenStreetMap data if you find that important information is missing, e.g. a weight limit for a bridge.
Here is a beginner's guide that shows how to add data. If you have edited data, we usually consider your data after 1 week at the latest.
Supported Vehicle Profiles
The Routing, Matrix and Route Optimization APIs support the following vehicle profiles:
Name | Description | Restrictions | Icon
car | Car mode | car access | car image
small_truck| Small truck like a Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Transit or Iveco Daily | height=2.7m, width=2+0.4m, length=5.5m, weight=2080+1400 kg | small truck image
truck | Truck like a MAN or Mercedes-Benz Actros | height=3.7m, width=2.6+0.5m, length=12m, weight=13000 + 13000 kg, hgv=yes, 3 Axes | truck image
scooter | Moped mode | Fast inner city, often used for food delivery, is able to ignore certain bollards, maximum speed of roughly 50km/h | scooter image
foot | Pedestrian or walking without dangerous SAC-scales | foot access | foot image
hike | Pedestrian or walking with priority for more beautiful hiking tours and potentially a bit longer than foot. Walking duration is influenced by elevation differences. | foot access | hike image
bike | Trekking bike avoiding hills | bike access | bike image
mtb | Mountainbike | bike access | Mountainbike image
racingbike| Bike preferring roads | bike access | racingbike image
Please note:
all motor vehicles (car, smalltruck, truck and scooter) support turn restrictions via turncosts=true
the free package supports only the vehicle profiles car, bike or foot
up to 2 different vehicle profiles can be used in a single optimization request. The number of vehicles is unaffected and depends on your subscription.
we offer custom vehicle profiles with different properties, different speed profiles or different access options. To find out more about custom profiles, please contact us.
a sophisticated motorcycle profile is available up on request. It is powered by the Kurviger Routing API and favors curves and slopes while avoiding cities and highways.
If you want to include traffic, you can purchase the TomTom Add-on.
This Add-on only uses TomTom's road network and historical traffic information.
Live traffic is not yet considered. If you are interested to learn how we consider traffic information, we recommend that you read this article.
Please note the following:
Currently we only offer this for our Route Optimization API.
In addition to our terms, you need to accept TomTom's End User License Aggreement.
We do not use TomTom's web services. We only use their data with our software.
Contact us for more details.
Geographical Coverage
We offer
Europe including Russia
North, Central and South America
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Supported Vehicle Profiles
Name | Description | Restrictions | Icon
car | Car mode | car access | car image
small_truck| Small truck like a Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Transit or Iveco Daily | height=2.7m, width=2+0.4m, length=5.5m, weight=2080+1400 kg | small truck image

Georg API

Gisgraphy webservices
Since 2006, Gisgraphy is a free, open source framework that offers the possibility to do geolocalisation and geocoding via Java APIs or REST webservices. Because geocoding is nothing without data, it provides an easy to use importer that will automatically download and import the necessary (free) data to your local database (OpenStreetMap, Geonames and Quattroshapes: more than 100 million entries). You can also add your own data with the Web interface or the importer connectors provided. Gisgraphy is production ready, and has been designed to be scalable(load balanced), performant and used in other languages than just java : results can be output in XML, JSON, PHP, Python, Ruby, YAML, GeoRSS, and Atom. One of the most popular GPS tracking System (OpenGTS) also includes a Gisgraphy client...Gisgraphy is a framework. As a result it's flexible and powerful enough to be used in a lot of different use cases. read more
if you use the premium servers, you can use the api key to test the webservices

Mtaa API Documentation

Mtaa A simple REST API to access Tanzania's location information,With mtaa API you can easily query and integrate all the location in tanzania from region level to streets from your programming language of your your choice

Enode API
Download OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
Download Postman Collection
The Enode API is designed to make smart charging applications easy to develop. We provide an abstraction layer that reduces the complexity when extracting vehicle data and sending commands to vehicles from a variety of manufacturers.
The API has a RESTful architecture and utilizes OAuth2 authorization.
We are always available to handle any issues or just answer your questions. Feel free to reach out on [email protected]
Registration for API access
In order to use the API you will need a clientid and clientsecret. Please contact us if you are interested in using our API in production, and we will provide these credentials.
Vehicle / hardware access via the Enode API is granted to your application by the User in a standard OAuth Authorization Code flow.
> The authorization scheme documented here is the recommended approach for most situations. However, it is also possible to user other OAuth flows, non-confidential clients, and temporary users. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your use-case or the integration of your existing infrastructure.
Preparation: Configure your OAuth client
Because Enode API implements the OAuth 2.0 spec completely and without modifications, you can avoid rolling your own OAuth client implementation and instead use a well-supported and battle-tested implementation. This is strongly recommended. Information on available OAuth clients for many languages is available here
To configure your chosen OAuth client, you will need these details:
Your client_id
Your client_secret
Authorization URL:
Token URL:

Gravity API
The gravitational field of the earth is non-uniform. The geoid is the shape the
ocean surface would take if only gravity and the rotation of the Earth
were considered. The geoid is the surface that defines zero elevation.
The geoid height is the difference between an ideal reference ellipsoid and the geoid.
The gravity anomaly is the difference between the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface and the value calculated assuming the reference ellipsoid.
The official Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 was developed and released to the public by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Our EGM2008 API provides on-demand access to the EGM2008 model, as implemented by the open-source GeographicLib Gravity library.
API requests must contain a key "API-Key" in the header (see code samples). Obtain a key from here.
Amentum Pty Ltd is not responsible nor liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using the API.
Copyright Amentum Pty Ltd 2021.

VA Facilities
This RESTful API provides information about physical VA facilities. Information available includes
geographic location, address, phone, hours of operation, and available services.
VA operates several different types of facilities, the types represented in this API include:
Health Facilities (vha)
Benefits Facilities (vba)
Cemeteries (nca)
Vet Centers (vc)
To read an FAQ on how wait times are calculated, click the "For more information" link on this page.
Getting Started
Base URLs
The base URLs for the VA Facilities API in the various environments are:
API requests are authorized through a symmetric API token, provided in an HTTP header with name apikey.
Response Formats
Clients may request several response formats by setting the Accept header.
application/json - The default JSON response format complies with JSON API. This media type is not available for bulk requests using the /facilities/all endpoint. It will return 406 Not Acceptable.
application/geo+json - GeoJSON-compliant format, representing each facility as a feature with a point geometry.
application/vnd.geo+json - Deprecated. Prefer application/geo+json.
text/csv - Available for the bulk download operation only. Some structured fields are omitted from the CSV response.
Response Elements
Some data elements within the response are only present for facilities of a given type:
The patient satisfaction scores contained in the satisfaction element are only applicable
to VA health facilities.
The patient wait time values contained in the wait_times element are only applicable to
VA health facilities.
The list of available services in the services element is only applicable to VA health and
benefits facilities.
The operational hours special instructions contained in the operationalhoursspecial_instructions element is only applicable to VA health and Vet Center facilities.
Facility ID Formats and Constraints
A facility ID has the format prefix_stationNumber. The prefix is one of nca, vc, vba, or vha. Cemeteries may be national (VA) or non-national; non-national cemeteries have the station number prefixed with an s. There are no other constraints on the format. Examples:
Health: vha_402GA
Benefits: vba_539GB
National cemetery: nca_063
Non-national cemetery: nca_s1082
Vet center: vc_0872MVC
Mobile Facilities
The mobile health facilities move regularly within a region. If a facility comes back from this API with "mobile": "true", the latitude/longitude and address could be inaccurate. To get the exact current location, please call the number listed.
activestatus field is deprecated and replaced with operatingstatus.
application/vnd.geo+json media type is deprecated and replaced by application/geo+json
Raw VA Facilities Open API Spec
GeoJSON Format

Atmosphere API
Instantly access empirical models of atmospheric density and composition that are recommended by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) for satellite drag calculations.
API requests must contain a key "API-Key" in the header (see code samples). Obtain a key from here.
Help us improve the quality of our web APIs by completing our 2 minute survey here.
Amentum Pty Ltd is not responsible nor liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of using the API.
Copyright Amentum Pty Ltd 2021.