Mock sample for your project: VisibleThread API

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VisibleThread API

Version: 1.0

Use this API in your project

Start working with "VisibleThread API" right away by using this ready-to-use mock sample. API mocking can greatly speed up your application development by removing all the tedious tasks or issues: API key provisioning, account creation, unplanned downtime, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


The VisibleThread b API provides services for analyzing/searching documents and web pages.
To use the service you need an API key.
Contact us at [email protected] to request an API key.
The services are split into Documents and Webscans.
Upload documents and dictionaries so you can :
Measure the readability of your document
search a document for all terms from a dictionary
retrieve all paragraphs from a document or only matching paragraphs
Analyze web pages so you can:
Measure the readability of your web content
Identify & highlight content issues e.g. long sentences, passive voice
The VisibleThread API allows you to programatially submit webpage urls to be scanned,
check on the results of a scan, and view a list of previous scans you have performed.
The VisibleThread API is a HTTP-based JSON API, accessible at
Each request to the service requires your API key to be successful.
Getting Started With Webscans
Enter your API key above and hit Explore.
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /webscans (title and some webUrls are required).
The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns immediately with a JSON response containing an "id" that represents your scan.
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /webscans/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the urls scanned and the summary statistics for each url.
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /webscans.
Retrieve detailed results for a url within a scan (readability, long sentence and passive language instances) by submitting
GET /webscans/{scanId}/webUrls/{urlId} (scanId and urlId are required)
Getting Started With Document scans:
Enter your API key above and hit Explore
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /documents (document required). The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns
immediately with a JSON response containins an "id" that represents your scan
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /documents/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the document readability results. It will contain detailed
analysis of each paragraph in the document
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /documents
Searching a document for keywords
The VisibleThread API allows you to upload a set of keywords or a 'dictionary'. You can then perform a search of a already uploaded document
using that dictionary
Steps (Assuming you have uploaded your document using the steps above):
Upload a csv file to use as a keyword dictionary by submitting a POST to /dictionaries (csv file required). This returns a JSON
response with the dictionary Id
Search a document with the dictionary by submitting a POST to /searches (document id and dictionary id required).
Get the resuhlts of the search by submitting **GET /searches/{docId}/{dictionaryId}" . This will return JSON response containing
detailed results of searching the document using the dictionary.
To view the list of all searches you have performed submit a GET /searches.
Below is a list of the available API endpoints, documentation & a form to try out each operation.

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SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications. The API is easy to use and the integration takes only a few lines of code.

Starwars Translations API

Funtranslations Starwars API gives access to the full set of starwars language translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe .
You can also subscribe to individual translators. Here are the details.
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe

Oxford Dictionaries

VisibleThread API
The VisibleThread b API provides services for analyzing/searching documents and web pages.
To use the service you need an API key.
Contact us at [email protected] to request an API key.
The services are split into Documents and Webscans.
Upload documents and dictionaries so you can :
Measure the readability of your document
search a document for all terms from a dictionary
retrieve all paragraphs from a document or only matching paragraphs
Analyze web pages so you can:
Measure the readability of your web content
Identify & highlight content issues e.g. long sentences, passive voice
The VisibleThread API allows you to programatially submit webpage urls to be scanned,
check on the results of a scan, and view a list of previous scans you have performed.
The VisibleThread API is a HTTP-based JSON API, accessible at
Each request to the service requires your API key to be successful.
Getting Started With Webscans
Enter your API key above and hit Explore.
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /webscans (title and some webUrls are required).
The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns immediately with a JSON response containing an "id" that represents your scan.
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /webscans/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the urls scanned and the summary statistics for each url.
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /webscans.
Retrieve detailed results for a url within a scan (readability, long sentence and passive language instances) by submitting
GET /webscans/{scanId}/webUrls/{urlId} (scanId and urlId are required)
Getting Started With Document scans:
Enter your API key above and hit Explore
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /documents (document required). The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns
immediately with a JSON response containins an "id" that represents your scan
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /documents/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the document readability results. It will contain detailed
analysis of each paragraph in the document
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /documents
Searching a document for keywords
The VisibleThread API allows you to upload a set of keywords or a 'dictionary'. You can then perform a search of a already uploaded document
using that dictionary
Steps (Assuming you have uploaded your document using the steps above):
Upload a csv file to use as a keyword dictionary by submitting a POST to /dictionaries (csv file required). This returns a JSON
response with the dictionary Id
Search a document with the dictionary by submitting a POST to /searches (document id and dictionary id required).
Get the resuhlts of the search by submitting **GET /searches/{docId}/{dictionaryId}" . This will return JSON response containing
detailed results of searching the document using the dictionary.
To view the list of all searches you have performed submit a GET /searches.
Below is a list of the available API endpoints, documentation & a form to try out each operation.

IdealSpot GeoData
Hyperlocal Demographics, Vehicle Traffic, Economic, Market Signals, and More. Use this API to request IdealSpot hyperlocal geospatial market insight and geometry data.
Detailed Description
Use this API as your local economy microscope by querying IdealSpot hyperlocal market insight and geometry data. We offer the most precise, extensive, and frequently-updated local market data in the US. Our data is available across the entire US and can be queried at geographic scales ranging from the micro (Census block) through the macro (nation).
Better data and analysis leads to a better understanding of local market opportunities and risks. Integrate with your commercial real estate and marketing applications, machine learning workflows, and other investment analytics.
Our goal is to offer the most complete snapshot of the geographically distributed consumer and retail economy. We start with the fundamentals of consumers and business establishments. To connect retailers with consumers, we provide mobility data like vehicle traffic and mobile device data. To describe consumer intent, we provide geolocated digital marketing data.
We believe that accurate capital allocation through reliable local market data is foundational to creating robust, healthy, and livable communities for all. We hope you and your clients find tremendous value in this service.
Query data and GeoJSON geometries at these scales for any US latitude and longitude:
Rings (0.5 km+)
Drive time (1-60 minutes)
Bike time (3-60 minutes)
Walk time (5-60 minutes)
Public transit time (5-60 minutes)
Administrative region (US, states, core-based statistical areas, counties, Census-designated places, Census tracts, zipcodes, Census block groups, opportunity zones)
| Data Feature | Description |
| ------- | ------------------------------|
| Demographics, Housing, Spending | Updated Quarterly. Current and historical market data including population, spending, and housing. Vendor (PopStats) is relied upon by Walgreens, Ulta Beauty, Blackstone, etc |
| Labor, Business Establishments, Economic Conditions | Updated Quarterly. Traditional market data including workforce, business establishment counts, and economic conditions like local GDP, unemployment rates. Vendor (PopStats) is relied upon by Walgreens, Ulta Beauty, Blackstone, etc |
| Consumer segmentation | Updated Annually. Demographics grouped into narrative-oriented segments. |
| Vehicle Traffic | Updated semi-annually. Gold standard in vehicle traffic data from INRIX. Counts by day of week, time of day and side of street. |
| Rings and Travel time polygons | Estimate in Real-time. Rings alongside drive time, walk time, bike time, and public transit time polygons. Request as GeoJSON geometries for mapping or use with data queries |
| Administrative region polygons | Updated Annually. GeoJSON administrative regions from US Census Bureau: block groups, tracts, counties, CBSAs, states, opportunity zones, USPS zipcodes |
| Internet Search Volumes | 30 day rolling averages for geolocated advertising potential across 450 business categories from major search engines |
| Social Media Interest | 30 day rolling average for geolocated advertising potential across 450 business categories from major social networks |
Coming Soon!
This API powers our local market research platform at The functionality exposed so far is only a portion of our current capabilities. We will be exposing additional API features in time so watch this space!
| Data Feature | Description |
| ------- | ------------------------------|
Mobile device visit counts, points of interest, brands | Fresh point of interest data across 3000+ brands, millions of POI, and historical foot traffic counts using mobile data for those points of interest
Origin/destination trips from mobile devices | Map origins and destinations of devices visiting an arbitrary catchment area
Competition search | Search all major point-of-interest aggregators in one query
Environment/climate | Expected weather patterns like temperature and precipitation
Filter search API | Query data for all counties in state, all tracts in MSA, etc
Road segment tiles | Plot road segments on maps in interactive applications
Developer Website
For more detail see

NamSor API v2

NamSor API v2 : enpoints to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages. By default, enpoints use 1 unit per name (ex. Gender), but Ethnicity classification uses 10 to 20 units per name depending on taxonomy. Use GET methods for small tests, but prefer POST methods for higher throughput (batch processing of up to 100 names at a time). Need something you can't find here? We have many more features coming soon. Let us know, we'll do our best to add it!

FunTranslations API

Funtranslations API gives access to the full set of translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe . Here are the individual API links:
Morse code API
Morse code conversion API on the cloud. Translate to and from Morse Code.Click here to subscribe
Braille API
Braille conversion API on the cloud. Translate to Braille and get Braille results suitable for many display types.Click here to subscribe
Starwars Translation API
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Pirate Speak Translation API
Ahoy, matey. Let's get those land lubbers speak our tounge too! Our evergreen pirate speak tranlsator API.Click here to subscribe
Valley Speak Translation API
Our throwback Valspeak translations API.Click here to subscribe
Minion Speak Translation API
Our evil master following minion speak translations API.Click here to subscribe
A full featured Facts API. REST access with json/xml/jsonp result support. On this day birth and death support, random fact, keyword search support etc. Below is the documentation for the Random Facts API calls. You can try them out right here. Click here to subscribe
Wordnik is the worlds biggest online English dictionary, by number of words
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The Digital Linguistics (DLx) REST API

Einstein Vision and Einstein Language

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