Mock sample for your project: The SMS Works API

Integrate with "The SMS Works API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

The SMS Works API

Version: 1.5.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "The SMS Works API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


The SMS Works provides a low-cost, reliable SMS API for developers. Pay only for delivered texts, all failed messages are refunded.

Other APIs in the same category

Twilio - Numbers

This is the public Twilio REST API.

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The general-purpose API

Twilio - Monitor

This is the public Twilio REST API.

Twilio - Taskrouter

This is the public Twilio REST API.


Use our API for systems integration or to build your own use cases. Sample scenarios include but are not limited to: 2-way integration: Triggering of Signls and updates in the third party systems when alert state changes occur Retrieving alarms for logging purposes Calendar integrations: Creation and management of on-call duties Punch users in and out based on external calendars etc. AUTHENTICATION Using the API requires an API key, which you can generate in the SIGNL4 portal under 'Developers'. This key must then be specified in a special header in every HTTP request. This header is called X-S4-Api-Key. The base URL of the API is Copyright © Derdack GmbH

Twilio - Pricing

This is the public Twilio REST API.

The SMS Works API
The SMS Works provides a low-cost, reliable SMS API for developers. Pay only for delivered texts, all failed messages are refunded.

API iSendPro

[1] Liste des fonctionnalités :
envoi de SMS Ă  un ou plusieurs destinataires,
lookup HLR,
récupération des récapitulatifs de campagne,
gestion des répertoires,
ajout en liste noire.
comptage du nombre de caractères des SMS
[2] Pour utiliser cette API vous devez:
Créer un compte iSendPro sur
Créditer votre compte
Remarque: obtention d'un crédit de test possible sous conditions
Noter votre clé de compte (keyid)
Elle vous sera indispensable Ă  l'utilisation de l'API
Vous pouvez la trouver dans le rubrique mon "compte", sous-rubrique "mon API"
Configurer le contrĂ´le IP
Le contrĂ´le IP est configurable dans le rubrique mon "compte", sous-rubrique "mon API"
Il s'agit d'un système de liste blanche, vous devez entrer les IP utilisées pour appeler l'API
Vous pouvez également désactiver totalement le contrôle IP

Twilio - Autopilot

This is the public Twilio REST API.

Twilio - Lookups

This is the public Twilio REST API.

Twilio - Flex

This is the public Twilio REST API.
D7 SMS allows you to reach your customers via SMS over D7's own connectivity to global mobile networks. D7 provides reliable and cost-effective SMS services to businesses across all industries and aims to connect all countries and territories via direct connections.