Mock sample for your project: Cloud Natural Language API

Integrate with "Cloud Natural Language API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Cloud Natural Language API

Version: v1beta2

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Cloud Natural Language API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


Provides natural language understanding technologies, such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, entity sentiment analysis, and other text annotations, to developers.

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Custom Search API

Searches over a website or collection of websites

Cloud Composer API

Manages Apache Airflow environments on Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Tasks API

Manages the execution of large numbers of distributed requests.

Google Play Game Services

The Google Play games service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.

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Cloud Shell API

Allows users to start, configure, and connect to interactive shell sessions running in the cloud.

Other APIs in the same category

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Android Device Provisioning Partner API

Automates Android zero-touch enrollment for device resellers, customers, and EMMs.

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Cloud Bigtable Admin API

Administer your Cloud Bigtable tables and instances.

People API

Provides access to information about profiles and contacts.

Cloud Healthcare API

Manage, store, and access healthcare data in Google Cloud Platform.

Firebase Management API

The Firebase Management API enables programmatic setup and management of Firebase projects, including a project's Firebase resources and Firebase apps.

Cloud Speech-to-Text API

Converts audio to text by applying powerful neural network models.

Cloud Source Repositories API

Accesses source code repositories hosted by Google.

Abusive Experience Report API

Views Abusive Experience Report data, and gets a list of sites that have a significant number of abusive experiences.

Certificate Authority API

The Certificate Authority Service API is a highly-available, scalable service that enables you to simplify and automate the management of private certificate authorities (CAs) while staying in control of your private keys.

Kubernetes Engine API

Builds and manages container-based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology.