Mock sample for your project: FunTranslations Braille API

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FunTranslations Braille API

Version: 2.3

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "FunTranslations Braille API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


Braille conversion API on the cloud. Translate from English text to Braille and get Braille results suitable for many display types.Click here to subscribe

Other APIs by

FunTranslations API

Funtranslations API gives access to the full set of translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe . Here are the individual API links:
Morse code API
Morse code conversion API on the cloud. Translate to and from Morse Code.Click here to subscribe
Braille API
Braille conversion API on the cloud. Translate to Braille and get Braille results suitable for many display types.Click here to subscribe
Starwars Translation API
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Pirate Speak Translation API
Ahoy, matey. Let's get those land lubbers speak our tounge too! Our evergreen pirate speak tranlsator API.Click here to subscribe
Valley Speak Translation API
Our throwback Valspeak translations API.Click here to subscribe
Minion Speak Translation API
Our evil master following minion speak translations API.Click here to subscribe

Starwars Translations API

Funtranslations Starwars API gives access to the full set of starwars language translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe .
You can also subscribe to individual translators. Here are the details.
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe

Other APIs in the same category

API for converting HTML to PDF.



VisibleThread API
The VisibleThread b API provides services for analyzing/searching documents and web pages.
To use the service you need an API key.
Contact us at [email protected] to request an API key.
The services are split into Documents and Webscans.
Upload documents and dictionaries so you can :
Measure the readability of your document
search a document for all terms from a dictionary
retrieve all paragraphs from a document or only matching paragraphs
Analyze web pages so you can:
Measure the readability of your web content
Identify & highlight content issues e.g. long sentences, passive voice
The VisibleThread API allows you to programatially submit webpage urls to be scanned,
check on the results of a scan, and view a list of previous scans you have performed.
The VisibleThread API is a HTTP-based JSON API, accessible at
Each request to the service requires your API key to be successful.
Getting Started With Webscans
Enter your API key above and hit Explore.
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /webscans (title and some webUrls are required).
The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns immediately with a JSON response containing an "id" that represents your scan.
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /webscans/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the urls scanned and the summary statistics for each url.
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /webscans.
Retrieve detailed results for a url within a scan (readability, long sentence and passive language instances) by submitting
GET /webscans/{scanId}/webUrls/{urlId} (scanId and urlId are required)
Getting Started With Document scans:
Enter your API key above and hit Explore
Run a new scan by submitting a POST to /documents (document required). The scan runs asynchronously in the background but returns
immediately with a JSON response containins an "id" that represents your scan
Check on the status of a scan by submitting GET /documents/{scanId}, if the scan is still in progress it will return a HTTP 503. If
it is complete it will return a HTTP 200 with the appropriate JSON outlining the document readability results. It will contain detailed
analysis of each paragraph in the document
Retrieve all your previous scan results by submitting GET /documents
Searching a document for keywords
The VisibleThread API allows you to upload a set of keywords or a 'dictionary'. You can then perform a search of a already uploaded document
using that dictionary
Steps (Assuming you have uploaded your document using the steps above):
Upload a csv file to use as a keyword dictionary by submitting a POST to /dictionaries (csv file required). This returns a JSON
response with the dictionary Id
Search a document with the dictionary by submitting a POST to /searches (document id and dictionary id required).
Get the resuhlts of the search by submitting **GET /searches/{docId}/{dictionaryId}" . This will return JSON response containing
detailed results of searching the document using the dictionary.
To view the list of all searches you have performed submit a GET /searches.
Below is a list of the available API endpoints, documentation & a form to try out each operation.

Oxford Dictionaries

Geneea Natural Language Processing
For all calls, supply your API key. Sign up to obtain the key .
Our API supports both unencrypted (HTTP) and encrypted (HTTPS) protocols.
However, for security reasons, we strongly encourage using only the encrypted version.
The API key should be supplied as either a request parameter user_key or in Authorization header.
Authorization: user_key
API operations
All API operations can perform analysis on supplied raw text or on text extracted from a given URL.
Optionally, one can supply additional information which can make the result more precise. An example
of such information would be the language of text or a particular text extractor for URL resources.
The supported types of analyses are:
lemmatization ⟶
Finds out lemmata (basic forms) of all the words in the document.
correction ⟶
Performs correction (diacritization) on all the words in the document.
topic detection ⟶
Determines a topic of the document, e.g. finance or sports.
sentiment analysis ⟶
Determines a sentiment of the document, i.e. how positive or negative the document is.
named entity recognition ⟶
Finds named entities (like person, location, date etc.) mentioned the the document.
The supplied text is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding, this is especially important for non-english texts.
Returned values
The API calls always return objects in serialized JSON format in UTF-8 encoding.
If any error occurs, the HTTP response code will be in the range 4xx (client-side error) or
5xx (server-side error). In this situation, the body of the response will contain information
about the error in JSON format, with exception and message values.
URL limitations
All the requests are semantically GET. However, for longer texts, you may run into issues
with URL length limit. Therefore, it's possible to always issue a POST request with all
the parameters encoded as a JSON in the request body.
POST /s1/sentiment
Content-Type: application/json
{"text":"There is no harm in being sometimes wrong - especially if one is promptly found out."}
This is equivalent to GET /s1/sentiment?text=There%20is%20no%20harm...
Request limitations
The API has other limitations concerning the size of the HTTP requests. The maximum allowed size of any
POST request body is 512 KiB. For request with a URL resource, the maximum allowed number of
extracted characters from each such resource is 100,000.
Terms of Service
By using the API, you agree to our
Terms of Service Agreement.
More information
The Interpretor Public Documentation

Fake identity generation API

Generate random fake identities (name, address, email, phone , credit card info etc). Click here to subscribe

TAGGUN Receipt OCR Scanning API
Expects only running software, real reactions, and beautifully crafted APIs to serve your every desire to transcribe a piece of paper to digital form.

Starwars Translations API

Funtranslations Starwars API gives access to the full set of starwars language translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe .
You can also subscribe to individual translators. Here are the details.
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe

Fun Generators API
Below is the documentation for the API calls. You can try them out right here.

The powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) APIs let you convert scanned images of pages into recognized text.

Exude API Service
Exude API is an Open Source project, It is used for the primary ways for filtering the stopping, stemming words from the text data. This API is in a very basic level of development need to work on for later changes.

Handwrytten API
This is the Handwrytten API for sending cards written in the handwriting of your choice.
Using this api, you can send cards to users. You can also customize cards with logos, which
can be saved and then used like any other card in the system.
For a "sandbox" account, please contact [email protected]
To move from credit card per-transaction to monthly invoicing, also contact us.