Mock sample for your project: Apicurio Registry API [v2]

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Apicurio Registry API [v2]


Version: 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Apicurio Registry API [v2]" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
Improve your integration tests by mocking third-party APIs and cover more edge cases: slow response time, random failures, etc.


Apicurio Registry is a datastore for standard event schemas and API designs. Apicurio Registry enables developers to manage and share the structure of their data using a REST interface. For example, client applications can dynamically push or pull the latest updates to or from the registry without needing to redeploy. Apicurio Registry also enables developers to create rules that govern how registry content can evolve over time. For example, this includes rules for content validation and version compatibility.
The Apicurio Registry REST API enables client applications to manage the artifacts in the registry. This API provides create, read, update, and delete operations for schema and API artifacts, rules, versions, and metadata.
The supported artifact types include:
Apache Avro schema
AsyncAPI specification
Google protocol buffers
GraphQL schema
JSON Schema
Kafka Connect schema
OpenAPI specification
Web Services Description Language
XML Schema Definition
Important: The Apicurio Registry REST API is available from https://MY-REGISTRY-URL/apis/registry/v2 by default. Therefore you must prefix all API operation paths with ../apis/registry/v2 in this case. For example: ../apis/registry/v2/ids/globalIds/{globalId}.

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