Mock sample for your project: Spinitron v2 API

Integrate with "Spinitron v2 API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Spinitron v2 API

Version: 1.0.0

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "Spinitron v2 API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and allow you to stop relying on an external API to get the job done. No more API keys to provision, accesses to configure or unplanned downtime, just work.
Enhance your development infrastructure by mocking third party APIs during integrating testing.


Tutorial demo using this API is at For web integration using iframes and/or JavaScript instead of an API, see
Your API key is found in the Spinitron web app. Log in to Spinitron and go to Automation & API in the Admin menu.
Authenticate by presenting your API key using either HTTP Bearer Authorization
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOURAPIKEY' ''
or in the query parameter access-token (less secure owing to webserver
log files)
curl ''
Limit per page of results is 20 by default and miximally 200.
Try it out below works to
generate example cURL requests but not to get responses from Spinitron. We
do not accept queries sent from web browsers. Copy-paste the cURL commands
and run them from your computer.
Cache the data you get from the API if you are using it in web or mobile integration. It's not ok to query the API on every page request you serve. The demo shows how easy it can be to implement a file cache.
An extension to this API with access to all stations for partner applications is available. Contact us.

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The API has been designed to give you easy access to setlist data in order to build fancy websites and
other applications. Before starting to use the API, be sure to ...
... understand how works (the FAQ and the
Guidelines are a good starting point), ... read this documentation carefully and ... apply for an API key (link for logged in users only) - if
you're no registered user yet, then register first (it's free).
If this documentation isn't enough or if you've got other things you'd like to tell us about the API, visit the
API Forum.
Note that the API is, according to the API terms of
service, only free for non-commercial projects. If you're interested in using the API for commercial purposes,
contact us.
About this Service
This service provides methods to get both setlists and components of setlists such as artists, cities, countries or
Supported Content Types
The REST service currently supports XML (default) and JSON content.
To receive a JSON response, set the Accept
header to application/json.
(Please note that this is an experimental feature and does not work for all cities!)
Most of the featured methods honor the Accept-Language
header. This header is used for
localizing cities and countries. The default language is English (en), but you can provide any of the languages
Spanish (es), French (fr), German (de), Portuguese (pt), Turkish (tr), Italian (it) or Polish (pl).
E.g. if you search a setlist for a concert that took place in Vienna and you pass "de" as header, you'll
get"Wien, Österreich" instead of"Vienna, Austria".
This also works if you use a different language than the country's native language.
E.g. for a concert in New York, you'll get"Nueva York, Estados Unidos" instead of"New
York, United States" if you pass "es" as language.
API Keys
API keys ( application form) must be included in the request with
the x-api-key header.
Version History
End of Service
December 31, 2017

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