Mock sample for your project: Poemist API

Integrate with "Poemist API" from in no time with Mockoon's ready to use mock sample

Poemist API

Version: 1.0

Use this API in your project

Integrate third-party APIs faster by using "Poemist API" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will help you accelerate your development lifecycles and improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.
It also helps reduce your dependency on third-party APIs: no more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, etc.


Other APIs in the same category

A full featured Facts API. REST access with json/xml/jsonp result support. On this day birth and death support, random fact, keyword search support etc. Below is the documentation for the Random Facts API calls. You can try them out right here. Click here to subscribe

Exude API Service
Exude API is an Open Source project, It is used for the primary ways for filtering the stopping, stemming words from the text data. This API is in a very basic level of development need to work on for later changes.

Text Analytics & Sentiment Analysis API |

The current api version is v3.4 The api methods listed below can be called directly from this page to test the output. You might set the api_key to pre-authenticate all requests on this page (this will work if your secret is blank). API endpoint URL: http://{apiName} {method} The api can be consumed directly or using our SDK. Our Excel Add-In and Google Sheets Add-on are also using this api to process the data.

Starwars Translations API

Funtranslations Starwars API gives access to the full set of starwars language translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe .
You can also subscribe to individual translators. Here are the details.
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe

Fun Generators API

Fungenerators API gives access to the full set of generators available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe . Here are the individual API links:
Generate QR Code images for text, url, email , business cards etc. You can decode QR Code images and get the contents as well. The best and complete QR Code API on the cloud. Click here to subscribe

Fun Generators API
Below is the documentation for the API calls. You can try them out right here.

Taunt as a service

Fungenerators taunt generation API generates random taunts / insults, relevant to the given category. Many categories are supported and new ones are added very frequently. Click here to subscribe

NamSor API v2

NamSor API v2 : enpoints to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages. By default, enpoints use 1 unit per name (ex. Gender), but Ethnicity classification uses 10 to 20 units per name depending on taxonomy. Use GET methods for small tests, but prefer POST methods for higher throughput (batch processing of up to 100 names at a time). Need something you can't find here? We have many more features coming soon. Let us know, we'll do our best to add it!
An API Rest to get random words

Shakespeare API

Shakespeare API. Generate random Shakespeare quotes, names, insults, lorem ipsum etc. Translate normal English to Shakespeare English. Click here to subscribe

Handwrytten API
This is the Handwrytten API for sending cards written in the handwriting of your choice.
Using this api, you can send cards to users. You can also customize cards with logos, which
can be saved and then used like any other card in the system.
For a "sandbox" account, please contact [email protected]
To move from credit card per-transaction to monthly invoicing, also contact us.

FunTranslations API

Funtranslations API gives access to the full set of translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. Click here to get details and subscribe . Here are the individual API links:
Morse code API
Morse code conversion API on the cloud. Translate to and from Morse Code.Click here to subscribe
Braille API
Braille conversion API on the cloud. Translate to Braille and get Braille results suitable for many display types.Click here to subscribe
Starwars Translation API
Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.Click here to subscribe
Sith Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Cheunh Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Huttese Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Mandalorian Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Gungan Translator API. Click here to subscribe
Pirate Speak Translation API
Ahoy, matey. Let's get those land lubbers speak our tounge too! Our evergreen pirate speak tranlsator API.Click here to subscribe
Valley Speak Translation API
Our throwback Valspeak translations API.Click here to subscribe
Minion Speak Translation API
Our evil master following minion speak translations API.Click here to subscribe