Mock sample for your project: API docs |

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API docs |

Version: v1

Use this API in your project

Speed up your application development by using "API docs |" ready-to-use mock sample. Mocking this API will allow you to start working in no time. No more accounts to create, API keys to provision, accesses to configure, unplanned downtime, just work.
It also improves your integration tests' quality and reliability by accounting for random failures, slow response time, etc.


Dig into our logoraisr API reference documentation. We also offer an OpenAPI specification to allow easy integration into your systems. You can download the json file by clicking on the download button. OpenAPI 2.0 Validation Status

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SearchLy API v1

The SearchLy API provides similarity searching based on song lyrics.
The API allows for the /similarity/bysong operation, which allows clients to search the similarity for an existing song in the database. Also, the API has an additional /similarity/bycontent endpoint which allows clients to search similarity given a free String input through a JSON request body. Additional /song/search operation is available for searching songs given a query String.
The API endpoint for the SearchLy API v1 is as follows:
This project was built in order to create an API for searching similarities based on song lyrics. There are a lot of songs in the industry and most of them are talking about the same topic. What I wanted to prove with SearchLy was to estimate how similar are two songs between them based on the meaning of their lyrics.
SearchLy is using a database of 100k songs from AZLyrics, using this scraper, which is being updated periodically. Then, using word2vec and NMSLIB, it was possible to create an index where you can search similarities using the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm.
> Note: I am currently using a micro-instance from DigitalOcean where the API is deployed, so you should expect a bad performance. However, if this API becomes popular I will deploy it in a bigger instance.

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ART19 Content API Documentation
The ART19 Content API conforms to the JSON:API specification.
API requests MUST use the HTTP Accept header:
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
API requests MUST be authenticated using the HTTP Authorization header:
Authorization: Token token="your-token", credential="your-credential"
General Notes
Some query parameters use unencoded [ and ] characters simply for readability. Defaults, examples, and
possible values are additionally rendered in double quotes for readability. In practice, query parameters should
not have quotes around the values (e.g., foo=bar is valid, not foo="bar"), and both query parameter keys
and values must be percent-encoded, per the requirements in RFC 3986 § 3.4.
Rate Limiting
In order to provide a fair distribution of available resources, all API calls are subject to rate limits.
If you exceed the number of API calls per minute granted to your credential, a 429 Too Many Requests
error response will be returned.
In that case, a Retry-After header MAY be included in the response, describing the number of seconds
after which a request can be retried.
If you run into a high number of 429 errors, please reach out to ART19 Support to adjust your rate limit.
In the following example the request can be retried after waiting for 21 seconds:
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: text/html
Retry-After: 21
Requests to collection endpoints SHOULD provide pagination parameters.
Some endpoints REQUIRE pagination parameters to be provided.
Whenever pagination is provided, it MUST be valid.
Failing to provide pagination when it is required or providing wrong or incomplete pagination
always results in a 400 Bad Request error response.
The page numbering starts with 1 and the maximum page size (if not otherwise documented
on an endpoint) is 100. Pagination MUST NOT be specified if requesting a list of IDs (using an ids[] parameter).
Providing invalid values for page number or page size, as well as providing only a page number or only a page size,
is considered an error. Pagination is provided like this:
Responses conform to the JSON:API specification's pagination section
by including pagination links. Your requested page size will be carried into the pagination links.
Requests to collection endpoints usually accept a sort parameter. Please refer to the
JSON:API Specification's sorting section for further details.
Relationship Linking
Currently, resources return all of their relationships, in no particular order, pursuant to how relationships
should be returned according to the JSON:API specification. Consumers of this API
MUST NOT make assumptions about the order of these collections. Even though this data is not currently paginated, consumers MUST support
paginating relationships per the JSON:API specification if this data is important for their application.

Abusive Experience Report API

Views Abusive Experience Report data, and gets a list of sites that have a significant number of abusive experiences.